New Madden Wii shots, pretty big improvement

Looks ok at a first glance, but there are some pretty nasty clipping and shadow problems in that screenshot, and the player models seem a bit blocky in places.
Looks pretty good judging from the other screenshots. The grass clipping does seem to be an issue though.
I played it at digital life in nyc about 2 weeks ago (IIRC!), it looked like complete ass (well not horrible, but horrible compared to vids Ive seen of twilight princess and red steel). However the units EA were demoing were Dev units (green faceplate). So I would assume they brushed up the graphics some. Even GC titles handed the wii madden 07's ass to it graphics wise. It was FUN as hell playing it though.
sabrewolf732 said:
I played it at digital life in nyc about 2 weeks ago (IIRC!), it looked like complete ass (well not horrible, but horrible compared to vids Ive seen of twilight princess and red steel). However the units EA were demoing were Dev units (green faceplate). So I would assume they brushed up the graphics some. Even GC titles handed the wii madden 07's ass to it graphics wise. It was FUN as hell playing it though.

After reading how the gameplay works on this one, I don't care if it looks like Dreamcast Madden 2001, I'm getting it. 'nuff said.
DragonMasterAlex said:
After reading how the gameplay works on this one, I don't care if it looks like Dreamcast Madden 2001, I'm getting it. 'nuff said.

EA never supported Dreamcast, so thankfully it was never polluted with a Madden title. I get your point though.
desultadox said:
EA never supported Dreamcast, so thankfully it was never polluted with a Madden title. I get your point though.

Ooh, you're right. I must be thinking of one of the other football titles, LOL :D
DragonMasterAlex said:
Ooh, you're right. I must be thinking of one of the other football titles, LOL :D

NFL2K... a franchise that was far better than Madden. Good thing EA destroyed the competition. :mad:

That being said, the controls make this game look fun but I'm not sure if I can support EA anymore. Thinking about NFL2K makes me angry.
Erasmus354 said:
Looks ok at a first glance, but there are some pretty nasty clipping and shadow problems in that screenshot, and the player models seem a bit blocky in places.

Actually that is extremely realistic, that lineman on the dolphins just has a really fat, square body and no left foot.
I actually think they look "better" than the attack of the shiny plastic men images that I've seen of the "high def" consoles.
the fish o-lineman in the first shot doesn't have a left foot. I've heard of guy's playing through injuries, but that's ridiculous.
Hmm, those images look much, much better than I was expecting the game to look based upon earlier screenshots. I wonder if others have a point in that those may not actually be screenshots from the Wii version? Oh well, won't be buying it regardless. I'm not a fan of EA because of several things they've done in the past.
dj_2004 said:
Looks pretty good judging from the other screenshots. The grass clipping does seem to be an issue though.

yes because the thing you will be concentrating on in the middle of a fast-paced game will of course be the grass :rolleyes:

Don't know about you but the only time I was looking (or most times eating) at the grass was after a tackle in rugby, all other times my eyes were firmly switching between the line, the ball+player and the defensive line
eeyrjmr said:
yes because the thing you will be concentrating on in the middle of a fast-paced game will of course be the grass :rolleyes:

Don't know about you but the only time I was looking (or most times eating) at the grass was after a tackle in rugby, all other times my eyes were firmly switching between the line, the ball+player and the defensive line
Yes, lets accept half-assed games. I'm sorry, but I expect games nowadays to not have clipping issues where you lose a whole foot. But hey, not like I'm buying a console anytime soon anyways.

And Bad_Boy seems correct. Unless those IGN shots are extremely terrible/old then they don't even compare to the pics shown in the OP's link. Anyone with first-hand experience?
Man.. the dolphins have slipped a bit. In that first piccy the quarterback clearly has a dislocated elbow and the other guy has no foot. :eek:
Psychotext said:
Man.. the dolphins have slipped a bit. In that first piccy the quarterback clearly has a dislocated elbow and the other guy has no foot. :eek:
They need the NFL to stop picking on Ricky for liking the Ganja :eek:
Archaea said:
I'm not playing this game until the remove the vastly overdrawn penises from this pic.

This is sick, I mean they are even shadowed. Number 8 looks like a 'big johnson' commercial, and I can't tell if the overweight lineman has a codpiece protector in there or if that's his leg???

To be on topic, if this is a Wii launch game (I beleive it is), then it will be in 16:9 widescreen. All Wii launch games have been verified to be released in widescreen.
those aren't Wii shots. The link is from a German forum that is from a French website. Yet Gamespot has original screenshots still intacked. Don't you think a more credible site would have the latest shots ;) these are clearly 360/PS3 shots.

Madden 07 Wii @ Gamespot
Come on guys, lets use logic here. Just look at the resolution of the images, 960 x 540, double that and what do you get? 1920x1080, now which console(s) out there support that resolution? I'll give you a hint, neither of them rhymes with key. If anyhting these are PS3 shots, seeing as it would be kind of redundant to release new shots of a game thats already been out a couple months..

Edit: on second read I realized 3 does rhyme with key, and I guess 360 could too if you had an accent.