New headphones, need advice


Oct 21, 2006
Hi all,

I am looking for advice on new headphones. My main use will be gaming and movie watching, but there will be some music listening too. I have read lots, but, I am in Ireland and most of the headphones been discussed here on the forum are not available where I am. So I can't really test out any of them. I am going to buy from ebay and get them delivered to here.

Oh, I forgot, sometimes they would be used in computer, sometimes connected to a marantz Sr8001 receiver. the computer has an x-fi fatility with the front panel, but, I will be upgrading soon (I think) to the new Asus HDMI (xonar HDAV1.3) soundcard if the reviews are good.

Here are the models that I think I am most interested in, I would prefer not to buy an amp.

STAX SR-303 with STAX SRD-7 Electrostatic Amplifier

Denon AH-D2000

AKG K701

Audio Technica ATH-A900Ti Pro (but there are lots of different models, like the 900, the 950 etc. which one???)

Creative’s Aurvana Live

Stax easily.

Check out head-fi for more info but yes. Stax are simply better than any headphone I have ever heard.

Second would be the 701 with a good dac and amp, third the A900 b/c it sounds great and plays good out of any source like a sound card. The Denon is ok too.

Where are you seeing the STAX in the same price range as the other cans?!?

I've been running with an ATH-A700 unamped for awhile now, sounds amazing to me still. But, I have just ordered a Denon AH-D2000 from I plan on picking up an amp next month, probably a Little Dot I+.
Reading a lot in the other forums, seems like the stax are complete overkill when you are mostly gaming. I am leaning towards the Audio Technia ones, but am still undecided if I will even upgrade.

I am looking at these on ebay.
Overkill? lol

Anything can be overkill. Stax brings games to life. If that is overkill to you then go ahead with the ATs. Either way, you get good sound so no worries.
Overkill? lol

Anything can be overkill. Stax brings games to life. If that is overkill to you then go ahead with the ATs. Either way, you get good sound so no worries.

how are the Stax when it comes to bass? Will it be able to handle artillery strikes? :eek:
how are the Stax when it comes to bass? Will it be able to handle artillery strikes? :eek:

IIRC the frequency response can go much lower than many headphones. It helps being able to excite the entire membrane simultaneously.

The 303s, for example, are rated down to 7Hz. (Rated, note - no idea how this translates in practice).
their bass can be extraordinary. however, you will need a decent stereo amp for them too.

worth it imo. nothing came close to getting me into the game like stax did.