New Fallout 3 DLC : Point Lookout

I hope it has some references to Call of Cthulhu game Bethesda published. The screenshots gives me the CoC-vibe.
The change of scenery will be nice, but the whole inbreed axe slaughtering thing doesn't do anything for me.

I'm kind of blah about it tbh.
Thanks for providing a link to No Mutants Allowed, I forgot about that site. People there have been bitching about Fallout 3 since before launch and they're still at it, fun stuff. I understand the whole Bethesda are money mongers and ruined my game thing, but they're STILL at it.
Did they fix the game crashing yet when youre out in wastelands? My game ran perfect in vault 101 but as soon as I get out to the wastelands to do some exploring and go to megaton the game freezes/locksup, this sucks, I patched it to 1.5 and everything, have a core i7 rig with 285gtx, used evga precision 1.7.1 to crank up the fans to 100% when i play it, disabled alchemy wrapper for the game. This is the only game I cant get to work with my i7 build, as soon as i enter wasteland it locks up whether i am exploring, or shooting, using vats, its random at times, anyone has experienced anything like this?
Did they fix the game crashing yet when youre out in wastelands? My game ran perfect in vault 101 but as soon as I get out to the wastelands to do some exploring and go to megaton the game freezes/locksup, this sucks, I patched it to 1.5 and everything, have a core i7 rig with 285gtx, used evga precision 1.7.1 to crank up the fans to 100% when i play it, disabled alchemy wrapper for the game. This is the only game I cant get to work with my i7 build, as soon as i enter wasteland it locks up whether i am exploring, or shooting, using vats, its random at times, anyone has experienced anything like this?

All sorts of people with all kinds of different configurations have crashing and other problems with this game. It's just par for the course. Nothing is wrong with your system or or your OS or anything else on your end.

For the sake of stability: Turn off AA entirely.

^^ Do any and all of these things in this post as logically applicable to your setup if you haven't done so already.
I personally have never had any crashes while playing Fallout 3 , I have ran alot of mods at once and have never had a problem. I guess I'm lucky.

Its nice to see Bethesda coming up with some new Ideas and content. I thought that Broken Steel was to be the last DLC.

Now we wait for New Vegas.
they have another one coming out known as mothership xeta itll interesting blasting aliens
Looks amazing nonetheless
Can't wait, all the other dlc has been awesome so far. Really looking forward to picking this up. :D
Kind of a stupid question but how do the DLCs work? I launched FO3, signed into GFWL, went to Downloads, bought points to purchase both The Pitt and Broken Steel, downloaded both of them and now I have no idea where they are. I know I'm supposed to pick up a distress call via Pipboy in-game but neither one showed up and I can't find the files I downloaded anywhere on my comp.
Kind of a stupid question but how do the DLCs work? I launched FO3, signed into GFWL, went to Downloads, bought points to purchase both The Pitt and Broken Steel, downloaded both of them and now I have no idea where they are. I know I'm supposed to pick up a distress call via Pipboy in-game but neither one showed up and I can't find the files I downloaded anywhere on my comp.

The files are buried pretty deep into your hard-drive, dont worry they are there, I had this problem too. I dont have WL installed right now so I cant give you a specific path.

try c/programfiles/gamesforwindows/windowslive or something to that extent.
Man, I wish they'd release some sort of "GOTY" version that includes all of these DLCs. FO3 is still full price on Steam, I'd rather get the DLC with it at that price. :/
Man, I wish they'd release some sort of "GOTY" version that includes all of these DLCs. FO3 is still full price on Steam, I'd rather get the DLC with it at that price. :/

I believe that they've said they eventually will release an "ultimate" version with all the DLC packs, including Point Lookout and another future DLC.
I don't see why people love to bitch and bitch and bitch about Bethesda's downloadable game content so much. One thing you CAN'T say about Fallout 3 is that the main campaign is too short. So then what's the problem with realeasing expansion packs? Seriously. With the exception of Operation Anchorage, which sucks donkey balls, all of the DLC Bethesda has released for Fallout 3 has been very good, and worth the money. I justdon't see the problem with this, and especially with not buying it if you're not interested. But seriously, stop pretending that game devs make games because they love you. Bethesda are trying to make money, and they're providing a great product for your money. There's nothing wrong with that.
This October Bethesda is planning on releasing the GOTY edition which will include all downloadable content. Mothership Zeta will probably be the last downloadable pack. Bethesda has said multiple times that they want to release Elder Scrolls 5 by the end of 2010 so I'm still waiting news of the game. Seing how hushed they were about Fallout 3 I won't be suprised if it's announced a few months before release.
I don't see why people love to bitch and bitch and bitch about Bethesda's downloadable game content so much. One thing you CAN'T say about Fallout 3 is that the main campaign is too short. So then what's the problem with realeasing expansion packs? Seriously. With the exception of Operation Anchorage, which sucks donkey balls, all of the DLC Bethesda has released for Fallout 3 has been very good, and worth the money. I justdon't see the problem with this, and especially with not buying it if you're not interested. But seriously, stop pretending that game devs make games because they love you. Bethesda are trying to make money, and they're providing a great product for your money. There's nothing wrong with that.

I wish more games would get their lives extended the way Fallout 3 has. I commend Bethesda for that, at least.

I had read in the last issue of PC Gamer that the reason they decided to crank out more DLCs after Broken Steel, starting with this Point Lookout one, is because of how "surprisingly successful" the sales on the DLCs have been.

So there ya have it.
I don't see why people love to bitch and bitch and bitch about Bethesda's downloadable game content so much. One thing you CAN'T say about Fallout 3 is that the main campaign is too short. So then what's the problem with realeasing expansion packs? Seriously. With the exception of Operation Anchorage, which sucks donkey balls, all of the DLC Bethesda has released for Fallout 3 has been very good, and worth the money. I justdon't see the problem with this, and especially with not buying it if you're not interested. But seriously, stop pretending that game devs make games because they love you. Bethesda are trying to make money, and they're providing a great product for your money. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't see anyone complaining.

You don't agree that Bethesda gets the most money they can out of their games (especially with the start of DLC)? I don't see where anyone was stating that the DLC isn't worth the money, just observations as to how Bethesda makes sure their games keep making money.
I don't see why people love to bitch and bitch and bitch about Bethesda's downloadable game content so much. One thing you CAN'T say about Fallout 3 is that the main campaign is too short. So then what's the problem with realeasing expansion packs? Seriously. With the exception of Operation Anchorage, which sucks donkey balls, all of the DLC Bethesda has released for Fallout 3 has been very good, and worth the money. I justdon't see the problem with this, and especially with not buying it if you're not interested. But seriously, stop pretending that game devs make games because they love you. Bethesda are trying to make money, and they're providing a great product for your money. There's nothing wrong with that.

The problem is that the gameplay duration on both Fallout 1 & 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer.

Add 50-100 pcs. of DLC content to Fallout3 and you are on par with the same amount of "story" as either Fallout or Fallout 2....but at what cost?
i hope they release a patch that fixes previous DLCs bugs :)
i hope they release a patch that fixes previous DLCs bugs :)

We all do but no one is holding their breath on it. Every time they take a step forward on some patch or something, they take two steps backwards in some other area.

Heck, Morrowind and Oblivion still have issues to this day that will never get fully solved.
Is all this down loadable content places that appear on the map and you can travel to?
I've given up on Bethesda making any good DLC that actually exceeds a few measly hours.
Is all this down loadable content places that appear on the map and you can travel to?

Yep. Operation Anchorage is actually a sim within an old US military installation though, so you travel to the facility.

On a side note, I thought that Operation Anchorage was pretty decent (loved the over-the-top '50s style gung-ho) and I really liked The Pitt. Fighting off trogs @ lvl 11 on Hard difficulty with 5 rounds left in your dinky .32 pistol and an Auto Axe was quite a rush :) Haven't done Broken Steel yet, but am looking foward to it.
I agree, not worth the 39 bucks Ive payed for 2 or 3 more hours of game play. Ill pass on the rest.
Yep. Operation Anchorage is actually a sim within an old US military installation though, so you travel to the facility.

On a side note, I thought that Operation Anchorage was pretty decent (loved the over-the-top '50s style gung-ho) and I really liked The Pitt. Fighting off trogs @ lvl 11 on Hard difficulty with 5 rounds left in your dinky .32 pistol and an Auto Axe was quite a rush :) Haven't done Broken Steel yet, but am looking foward to it.

So it's like the virtual reality in the vault from the main story line?

anyways I wish i kept fallout 3, I did not know all these expansions were coming.
I purchased the game this year for 29.99 when it was also with free shipping at XXXXXXX. I have had problems with crashing later on in the game but I will follow the advice from the link posted above to see if i can fix my issues.
Yep. Operation Anchorage is actually a sim within an old US military installation though, so you travel to the facility.

On a side note, I thought that Operation Anchorage was pretty decent (loved the over-the-top '50s style gung-ho) and I really liked The Pitt. Fighting off trogs @ lvl 11 on Hard difficulty with 5 rounds left in your dinky .32 pistol and an Auto Axe was quite a rush :) Haven't done Broken Steel yet, but am looking foward to it.

I liked Operation Anchorage too. Although in that expansion I do think it wasn't worth the $10 but more like $5. The other ones were pretty good in size of content. I'm looking forward to this one.
<mr burns>Excellent!</mr burns>

The previous DLCs have been awesome and this surely promises lots of fun. Still Mothership Zeta has the oddest of premises, that I'm really anxious to play.
It's really funny reading the complaints. Some of the complainers talk about the number of hours in a DLC, that costs ~$10, while "other" companies take years to release an "episode", with the same or less hours to play, that costs half what a full game costs (~$25-$30) and are still praised for it. Go figure...:rolleyes: