New CPU issue


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2004
Hi all,

Today I started putting some parts together for a HTPC and have ran into some troubleshooting issues.

I bought most of my parts here on the forums and was going to pair an Abit IP35-E mobo with a E5200 processor. However, when I first tried the build I could not get it to work and later found out the E5200 does not work on IP35 BIOS rev.17 or earlier. I did not have an extra 775 processor lying around so I bought an old P4 to use just long enough to flash the BIOS. I set up the computer earlier today with the P4 and had no problems at all. I flashed the BIOS as planned and installed the E5200. This is where I start having issues. The computer POST's fine and I get to the Windows Vista loading screen. However, after the loading screen disappears, I get a blue screen that says something about a memory dump. The computer then reboots, and I am taken to a POST screen saying the CPU is nonworking or having problems. Out of curiosity, I went into the BIOS and noticed that the CPU temp is reading 98 Celsius. I checked the heatsink and it appears to be seated properly. I am not super computer savy since this is my first build and I am not sure what to attempt from here. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Parts list:

Mobo: Abit IP35-E
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz / E5200
RAM: OCZ Platinum 2GB 800MHz
Power Supply: Corsair 400W
HD: Western Digital 500GB
GPU: ATI Radeon 3650
Heatsink: ASUS Silent Square EVO
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Please list out all of the parts you bought for the HTPC.

Also try the P4 in the mobo again and see if the issues still occurs.
Is is possible to apply too much thermal paste between the CPU and heatsink, so much that it actually decreases cooling performance? I realize now that both CPU's are getting hotter than they should.
Is is possible to apply too much thermal paste between the CPU and heatsink, so much that it actually decreases cooling performance? I realize now that both CPU's are getting hotter than they should.

it is possible however you would really need to go overboard for it to cause a problem. what are you using for heatsink retention? presuming you are using pushpins, one (or more!) pins might not be locked in. this would cause uneven presure so its of laying flat, its just touching one edge.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Well, I tried re-seating the heatsink and cleared the CMOS and that did not work. I put in the E5200 again, and noticed that as soon as I boot the computer and go into the BIOS it reads 98C. With the P4, it reads 25C in the BIOS. Could that make this a motherboard problem>
I finally figured out what the problem was. According to online sources, the BIOSes ABIT released that support 45nm processors for this mobo have problems reading the temps of these processors. I had to disable overheating shutdown in the BIOS to boot into Windows. CoreTemp shows a temp of 31 so I think it will be ok. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
I finally figured out what the problem was. According to online sources, the BIOSes ABIT released that support 45nm processors for this mobo have problems reading the temps of these processors. I had to disable overheating shutdown in the BIOS to boot into Windows. CoreTemp shows a temp of 31 so I think it will be ok. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Glad you got to the bottom of it! Sounds like a treacherous road to travel, now, though. :(
I had this same exact issue. I tried EVERYTHING (to include ripping an AMD sticker off the case). No amount of online (google, anandtech, toms, etc) searching could give me the answers.

Thank goodness for fellow [H]'ers. Jeez... wouldn't not have thought to turn off this setting as it just didn't seem like it would've mattered.