New Core 2 Duo pricing?


RIP [H] Brother - June 1, 2022
Aug 9, 2005
I haven't seen any numbers until now. I ran across a wiki here that presents April 22 pricing for the old and new chips:

No guarantee on accuracy, of course.


Core 2 Duo E6000 Series List Prices On April 22, 2007 (per unit, for 1,000 units) Model Clock Speed L2 Cache Quantity FSB Rating Price
Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86 GHz 2 MiB 266 MHz QDR US$163
Core 2 Duo E6320 1.86 GHz 4 MiB 266 MHz QDR US$163
Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13 GHz 2 MiB 266 MHz QDR US$183
Core 2 Duo E6420 2.13 GHz 4 MiB 266 MHz QDR US$183
Core 2 Duo E6600 2.40 GHz 4 MiB 266 MHz QDR US$224
Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66 GHz 4 MiB 266 MHz QDR US$316

Core 2 Duo E6x50 Series List Prices in Q3 2007 (per unit, for 1,000 units) Model Clock Speed L2 Cache Quantity FSB Rating Price
Core 2 Duo E6540 2.33 GHz 4 MiB 333 MHz QDR US$163
Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33 GHz 4 MiB 333 MHz QDR US$163
Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66 GHz 4 MiB 333 MHz QDR US$183
Core 2 Duo E6850 3.00 GHz 4 MiB 333 MHz QDR US$266
yeah, these price drops have been known about for a while. I can't wait to get my hands on a Q6600 for $266.
Unless someone here is buying a 1000 units, those prices mean nothing...
There is a link to the per unit pricing around here somewhere..I don't feel like looking for it though :)
Unless someone here is buying a 1000 units, those prices mean nothing...
There is a link to the per unit pricing around here somewhere..I don't feel like looking for it though :)

I know that Newegg is usually pricing there stuff below these values. For example, the E6600 unit price / 1k is $316, but on Newegg it selling for $311. So after the 22nd (maybe a few weeks) I would expect to see the $224 E6600 selling for $215-$220.
Actually, they are quite useful, since street prices tend to be right around these same numbers historically.

Unless someone here is buying a 1000 units, those prices mean nothing...
There is a link to the per unit pricing around here somewhere..I don't feel like looking for it though :)
Unless someone here is buying a 1000 units, those prices mean nothing...
There is a link to the per unit pricing around here somewhere..I don't feel like looking for it though :)

Erm. Well considering vendors, the people you buy from, usually buy them in lots of 1000 that price is pretty accurate.
Erm. Well considering vendors, the people you buy from, usually buy them in lots of 1000 that price is pretty accurate.

Are you telling me that vendors buy them in lots of 1000, and then sell them for the same price?? Wow, sounds like a real good business plan.
Yep. There's other stuff involved, but for us that's typically the end result.

Are you telling me that vendors buy them in lots of 1000, and then sell them for the same price?? Wow, sounds like a real good business plan.
Are you telling me that vendors buy them in lots of 1000, and then sell them for the same price?? Wow, sounds like a real good business plan.

No, they make deals with their suppliers to buy X amount of a product over a certain period of time for a cheaper price.

So Newegg may make a deal with Intel to buy 5,000 Core 2 Duo E6600 processor packages in a three month time period and only pay $275/unit. If they don't meet that agreement then they'll have to pay the full unit price of the remaining chips to be bought and also pay a certain percentage of the difference for chips already purchased. Of course that just an example and the deals and terms would much more complicated than that.
I am always surprised there are still people who don't know those prices, they have circulated since like January...
No, they make deals with their suppliers to buy X amount of a product over a certain period of time for a cheaper price.

So Newegg may make a deal with Intel to buy 5,000 Core 2 Duo E6600 processor packages in a three month time period and only pay $275/unit. If they don't meet that agreement then they'll have to pay the full unit price of the remaining chips to be bought and also pay a certain percentage of the difference for chips already purchased. Of course that just an example and the deals and terms would much more complicated than that.

I think you missed my sarcasm..:)
What about the 4300? Will they drop at or below $100 or will their price stay steady?
What about the 4300? Will they drop at or below $100 or will their price stay steady?

I dont know why the OP posted an incomplete pricing chart, but here it is anyways. The E4300 will be $113. It wont be below $100, at least for a while.

Model Cores Clock Bus Cache TDP Now April H2
C2E QX6800 4 2,93GHz 1066MHz 2x4MB 130W - - $999
C2E QX6700 4 2,66GHz 1066MHz 2x4MB 130W $999 ? -
C2Q Q6700 4 2,66GHz 1066MHz 2x4MB 105W - - $530
C2Q Q6600 4 2,4GHz 1066MHz 2x4MB 105W $851 $530 $266
C2D E6850 2 3,0GHz 1333MHz 4MB 65W - - $266
C2E X6800 2 2,93GHz 1066MHz 4MB 75W $999 ? -
C2D E6750 2 2,66GHz 1333MHz 4MB 65W - - $183
C2D E6700 2 2,66GHz 1066MHz 4MB 65W $530 $316 ?
C2D E6600 2 2,4GHz 1066MHz 4MB 65W $316 $224 ?
C2D E6550 2 2,33GHz 1333MHz 4MB 65W - - $163
C2D E6420 2 2,13GHz 1066MHz 4MB 65W - $183 ?
C2D E6400 2 2,13GHz 1066MHz 2MB 65W $244 ? ?
C2D E6320 2 1,86GHz 1066MHz 4MB 65W - $163 ?
C2D E6300 2 1,86GHz 1066MHz 2MB 65W $183 ? ?
C2D E4400 2 2,0GHz 800MHz 2MB 65W - $133 ?
C2D E4300 2 1,8GHz 800MHz 2MB 65W $163 $113 ?
Pentium E2160 2 1,8GHz 800MHz 1MB 65W - - $84
Pentium E2140 2 1,6GHz 800MHz 1MB 65W - - $74
Celeron 440 1 2,0GHz 800MHz 512KB 65W - - $59
Celeron 430 1 1,8GHz 800MHz 512KB 65W - - $49
price cuts are the 22nd... does that mean the 22nd we should see places like the egg and things selling them for the cut prices?
price cuts are the 22nd... does that mean the 22nd we should see places like the egg and things selling them for the cut prices?

No... It means that is the day intel cuts its prices to its distributors. It may take a week or two after before you actually start seeing price cuts at online vendors. Although, I may be wrong, and some stores may just decide to cut them right off the bat. Its hard to say.
Let's keep this conversation on the prices, shall we? :)

good modding! stomp out the match before it starts a brushfire. kudos to you

why is the Q6600 the same price as the E6600? I suppose theres a significan drop in clock speed on the Q?
good modding! stomp out the match before it starts a brushfire. kudos to you

why is the Q6600 the same price as the E6600? I suppose theres a significan drop in clock speed on the Q?

Umm its not? Youre looking at the Q2 price for the E6600 compared to the Q3 price of the Q6600.... Huge diff bro. The Q2 price of the E6600 is $244 and the Q2 price of the Q6600 is $530....
WOW! Theres virtually no point in waiting for price drops on the E6300 since its only going to drop 20 bucks...... I heard from my friend at school that researched for himself that the E6300 was going to be around $110-120 but i guess that chart would be more accurate i might just shoot for my new system now.
Well there's not point getting a 6300 when you can get a 6420 in a week for the same price...
Core 2 Duo E6x50 Series List Prices in Q3 2007 (per unit, for 1,000 units) Model Clock Speed L2 Cache Quantity FSB Rating Price
Core 2 Duo E6540 2.33 GHz 4 MiB 1333 MHz QDR US$163
Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33 GHz 4 MiB 1333 MHz QDR US$163

Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66 GHz 4 MiB 1333 MHz QDR US$183
Core 2 Duo E6850 3.00 GHz 4 MiB 1333 MHz QDR US$266[/SIZE][/FONT]

Whats the difference between the two above ? why the redundancy here ?
Well there's not point getting a 6300 when you can get a 6420 in a week for the same price...

Wait the 6420 is coming out in a week? I thought the Q3 of 2007 meant the third quarter lol or w/e i duno im dumb right now lol Well then ill shoot for that! Woot faster proc for cheap. LGA775 socket type right? And i hope the MSI SLI-FI supports these new procs.
No Alice, those Q3 prices are still coming out in Q3... The Q2 prices, however, should take effect April 22nd.
Umm its not? Youre looking at the Q2 price for the E6600 compared to the Q3 price of the Q6600.... Huge diff bro. The Q2 price of the E6600 is $244 and the Q2 price of the Q6600 is $530....

I thought that e6600 drops to $224 on April 22 :(
I can't wait till the Q6600 is in the two hundred dollar range. I will either get that or a E6850, depending on what will work best on my d975xbx bad axe.
I wonder how much vendors will charge us after the price drop occurs for their overstock CPUs which they had paid more originally (before the price drop). Do they drop the price on these CPUs as well and Intel reimburses them? If not and they have to drop the price, they will lose money for sure.
No... It means that is the day intel cuts its prices to its distributors. It may take a week or two after before you actually start seeing price cuts at online vendors. Although, I may be wrong, and some stores may just decide to cut them right off the bat. Its hard to say.
i think the price cuts would be effective pretty soon after the price cuts occur at online vendors. on the day of the amd price cuts, online vendors were selling them at the expected price cut prices that very same day.
i think the price cuts would be effective pretty soon after the price cuts occur at online vendors. on the day of the amd price cuts, online vendors were selling them at the expected price cut prices that very same day.

I have an entire system built sans cpu as of this last weekend. I was hoping to order a cpu from newegg on saturday at midnight from newegg. After reading everyone's posts about when the price cuts actually occur, I might be waiting a least another week. :mad: