New computer build problems


Jul 21, 2011
I just built a new media PC and i'm having a problem that I can't seem to fix.

The hardware:

Apex MI-008 case
Gigabyte GA-H61N-USB3 LGA1155 mITX motherboard, F8 Bios
Intel Pentium G2030 LGA1155 CPU
Corsair P3 64GB SSD
GSkill Ripjaws F3-12800CL9D 2x4GB Ram

The mobo says that the CPU and RAM are both on the supported list

The problem:

When I finished my build I powered on the pc, the CPU fan spins up and all the led indicators on the mobo light up. After about 10-15 seconds the computer will shut off, then 5 seconds later it will start up again and continue this loop. There are no beeps and nothing displayed on my monitor. I took everything apart and re-built it step by step to ensure that I didn't miss a connection or screw something up. Power on, same problem.

I did some reading and it seems that this mobo can have problems with Ivy Bridge CPU's unless it is running the latest, F8 version of the Bios. The recommendation is to try using a Sandy Bridge CPU to see if it boots and to possibly update the Bios. I swap in my 2500k CPU that I have for another build, power on the machine and everything works fine. I check the Bios and it is running the latest F8 Bios.

Now I'm stumped, so I take everything apart and swap back in the G2030 CPU, put it all back together, power it on and run into the original problem again. Unfortunately this mobo does not have a connection for a speaker, and it doesn't have an LED screen showing an error code. I have tried only using 1 stick of RAM, and I have swapped the sticks and tried them in different slots, to no avail.

I'm hoping someone out there has run into something similar before or has a suggestion on my next course of action. Because everything worked with the 2500k CPU that leads me to believe that the mobo/ram/SSD work fine, but i'm wondering if there could be a problem with the G2030 CPU.

Thanks in advance.
Well you need to contact Gigabyte. Clearly, despite GB stating that it supports that CPU with the F8 BIOS, it's not.
Sorry I should have mentioned thatI have reached out to Gigabyte on this, while I'm waiting to hear from them I thought I would try another route. Thanks
Try that Intel Pentium G2030 in another system to see if the same issue still occurs.

Also, try to see if there are any more up-to-date BIOses available for that mobo and upgrade to it.
Unfotunately I don't have another mobo capable of handling the CPU
Swapped back to the 2500k and reflashed the bios to F8 just incase there was something wrong with them........still having the same problem with the G2030 CPU
Quick update on this while I wait to hear back from Gigabyte. I had to finish my friends build with the 2500k so I found an i3 2100 sandy bridge cpu that the mobo website says should work with the original Bios. I rebuilt everything using the 2100 cpu and I ended up getting the same problem I originally had, except this time rather than happening every 15 seconds it was happening every 5 seconds.
Really sounds like a bad motherboard at this point. Does the i3 2100 work in another system?
The i3 worked in my friends system yesterday. I'm having a hard time understanding why everything worked with the 2500k, but won't work with the G2030 and the 2100
I'd be looking for a way to verify its the mobo.
Borrow your friends mobo and use all your other hardware exactly as before.
Clone your windows install and use the clone to boot it and test.
I had issues with a build where WIN would lock up, ended up being a bad stick of RAM.. the stick was working fine in my last build.. dunno what happened to it, but its not going back in any machine.

I would use one stick at a time see if that stabilizes your issue. Enable POST in your BIOS, look for errors.

Could try to Reinstall OS.

What PSU is in it?