new black editions quad,tri,dual


Dec 17, 2001
ganked from amdzone

AMD has announced three new black editions. They include a new Phenom X4 9950 that is 125W instead of 140W. They also will include new triple and dual core black editions.

* AMD Phenom™ X4 9950 Black Edition processors will transition to 125W (same TDP as 9850 Black Edition). This is our highest performance quad core and when paired with the AMD 790GX Chipset, has been getting rave reviews for its over-clocking capabilities!
* AMD will introduce the AMD Phenom X3 8750 Black Edition processor – the first ever unlocked triple core processor!
* AMD will also introduce the new AMD Athlon™ X2 6500 Black Edition (product details & positioning available on September 1, with price announcement). The highest performance dual core we have ever offered – at a great price and it is also unlocked!

i am looking forward to what the 6500 will be exactly my guess is a 2mb cache and 3.4 giglehurts =)

[EDIT] this jacked for xbit phenom dual is shipping as well

AMD has started shipping AMD Phenom X2 GE-6400 (1.90GHz, 1MB of L2 cache [512KB per core], 2MB L3 cache), GE-6500 (2.10GHz, 1MB of L2 cache [512KB per core], 2MB L3 cache) and GE-6600 (2.30GHz, 1MB of L2 cache [512KB per core], 2MB L3 cache) microprocessors to channel customers.

Edit #1 checked with a source i have phenom x2 are not shipping yet...

EDIT #2 Hmm maybe kuma is coming
Is that X2 based on K10 or K8? I'd assume K8 with those clockspeeds.

i would gather so as well THE Athlon is reserved for the k8 if that was a k10 it would be named Phenom X2 to note the difference these are the last 65nm chips to drop before the 45nm chips arrive in q4
Probably is this...
Is that X2 based on K10 or K8? I'd assume K8 with those clockspeeds.
thats his guess on speeds but he is wrong. that X2 will be K10.

It is very surprise that AMD's Phenom Dual-Core-Processor is suddenly listed. In an european Price Search, you find since one day the products AMD Phenom X2 GE-6600 (2.3 GHz), 6500 (2.1 GHz) and 6400 (1.9 GHz) - together with the final specs.
The processors have got two cores, built in 65 nm, 2x 512 KiB L2-Cache, 2 MiB L3-Cache and a nice TDP of 45 W. However, no online-shop has got one of these products - so the price remains an unknown.
Nice to see the TDP drop on the 9950, although 125w is still pretty high relative to Intel's quads. I'm holding out for 45nm phenoms.

Would be interesting if the X26500 was a phenom dual core, but it's more likely K8 like TheBlueChanell says.
Nice to see the TDP drop on the 9950, although 125w is still pretty high relative to Intel's quads. I'm holding out for 45nm phenoms.

Would be interesting if the X26500 was a phenom dual core, but it's more likely K8 like TheBlueChanell says.
then why would it be called 6500 with a speed of only 2.1? :confused:
Because AMD model numbers don't necessarily have
anything at all to do with speed... ;)

The cores of the 9850 don't add up to 9850 either... :p

(See post #4)
um what? the 6500 model would indicate that its "performance" would be better than 6400 just like 9950 is better than 9850 and so on. if the 6500 is clocked at just 2.1 then theres no way it is K8 based. besides all the sites say its Phenom based so there you go.
um what? the 6500 model would indicate that its "performance" would be better than 6400 just like 9950 is better than 9850 and so on. if the 6500 is clocked at just 2.1 then theres no way it is K8 based. besides all the sites say its Phenom based so there you go.

6400 is AM2 90nm...

Phenom is AM2+ 65nm...

So there you go... Not even the same catagory... ;)

BTW, the GE-6400 Phenom is 1.9GHz so the GE-6500 at 2.1GHz is
definately faster than the 6400 x2 Phenom...
6400 is AM2 90nm...

Phenom is AM2+ 65nm...

So there you go... Not even the same catagory... ;)
I know that. I said if they were naming the chip a 6500 then it would/should be faster than 6400. If you look at the clock speeds for 6500 you would know that at 2.1 it is going to be K10 based and the sites even say that it is a Phenom. You are confusing the crap out of me. lol
If only those 6400+ 6500+ etc numbers were the equivalent of intel conroe core 2 duo speeds. Every amds fanboys wet dream.
That's because you're comparing an AM2 90nm
model number to an AM2+ 65nm model number...

AMD doesn't always base there model numbers on
the CPU speed... ;)
but they based it of performance so again the 6500 should in theory be stronger than a 6400.
but they based it of performance so again the 6500 should in theory be stronger than a 6400.

And a 6500 Phenom IS more performance than a 6400 Phenom...

It's NOT more performance than a 6400+ 90nm Windsor...

You comparing apples and oranges... :confused:
Please note the name difference it is two completely different chips pheonom is k10 and Athlon is k8 note amd has been releasing new 65nm k8 based x2's this will be the end of the line for the 65nm k8. the kuma phenom duals are trickling out but at those speeds they are a FAILURE i believe amd is just setting the stage for a top to bottom 45nm roll out dual,tri and quad
And a 6500 Phenom IS more performance than a 6400 Phenom...

It's NOT more performance than a 6400+ 90nm Windsor...

You comparing apples and oranges... :confused:
I see that. I wonder why they even call them 6000 series for Phenom dual cores in first place. shouldnt they be 7000 series for Phenom X2 since Phenom X4 is 9000series and Phenom X3 is 8000 series? I guess that would be too simple
I see that. I wonder why they even call them 6000 series for Phenom dual cores in first place since 6000 series is already the Athlon 64 X2. shouldnt they be 7000 series for Phenom X2 since Phenom X4 is 9000series and Phenom X3 is 8000 series? I guess that would be too simple

see my comment above yours the Athlon x2 6500 bE is a k8 core and the eol of the 65nm k8 the Phenom X2 6xxx GE is the kuma k10 lets try to not get these mixed up remember Phenom is k10 and Athlon is k8
Exactly, maxius...

They are clearing out stock and getting the last
profits from the yield by selling off defective quads
(dies with 2 bad cores) to make room for the 45nm's...
Exactly, maxius...

They are clearing out stock and getting the last
profits from the yield by selling off defective quads
(dies with 2 bad cores) to make room for the 45nm's...

i wouldn't be surprised if those x2 phenoms are old b2 quads with the tlb bug rendered mute cause they nuked 2 cores heh we shall see when we see the cache sizes of the x2 phenoms also it gives them something to compare how good the 45nm chips will be may have a rough time with intel's next gen coming but eh right now value moves the market and amd has it
...may have a rough time with intel's next gen coming but eh right now value moves the market and amd has it

Besides, if you're a Chevy man you don't care what
Ford has to offer... You're just excited about the new
Chevy's... :p
well if your Chevy is slower than you better not make eye contact at the stoplight. lol

Yeah but it doesnt matter if the speed limit is 55. I can run a game at 50fps and you can run it at 75, so what... it doesn't matter it still looks and plays the exact same.... and the chevy is cheaper
Yeah but it doesnt matter if the speed limit is 55. I can run a game at 50fps and you can run it at 75, so what... it doesn't matter it still looks and plays the exact same.... and the chevy is cheaper
horrible analogy. I also hope thats not the actual excuse you use to buy an inferior product.
horrible analogy. I also hope thats not the actual excuse you use to buy an inferior product.

I dont see what you mean. Are you saying you would pay 100's of dollars to go from 50 to 75 fps in the same game? I only see the need on spending extra money if you need the power to run something.

Inferior both items do the exact same job im not sure what you mean??:confused:
I dont see what you mean. Your saying you would pay 100's of dollars to go from 50 to 75 fps in the same game. I only see the need on spending extra money if you need the power to run a game.

correction amd rigs cost half as much as intel ones this is a proven fact and the fps gains are minimal maybe 5 - 15 fps
correction amd rigs cost half as much as intel ones this is a proven fact and the fps gains are minimal maybe 5 - 15 fps

yes this is what I mean... lets say i want to play BF2 do I spend 40 on a 4200+ and run 75 fps or buy a $250 q9450 and max it out at 100fps this is my point
yes this is what I mean... lets say i want to play BF2 do I spend 40 on a 4200+ and run 75 fps or buy a $250 q9450 and max it out at 100fps this is my point

I agree. I would rather save the money than gain the extra FPS. As long as its meets your own goals and is decently playable, you might as save well your money.
Supposedly the pricing will break down like this:

Phenom X4 9950 Black Edition 125W $186
Phenom X3 8750 Black Edition 95W $139
Athlon X2 6500 Black Edition 95W $105
Athlon X2 5050e 45W $90
Athlon X2 6500 Black Edition 95W $105 just might be my next CPU. And if it is 3.4ghz even if you don't overclock it it will rock! I wonder what the actual street price will be. I know these prices quoted are probably Lots of 1000.
yes this is what I mean... lets say i want to play BF2 do I spend 40 on a 4200+ and run 75 fps or buy a $250 q9450 and max it out at 100fps this is my point

sigh this is terribly untrue. you can buy a horribly low end c2d and mainboard and overclock it to 3ghz and leave a 4200+ in the dust. I've been looking to upgrade recently and a low end c2d isn't that expensive :|
^I know this is [H], but not every gamer overclocks their CPU.

I know this is [H], but the vast vast vast majority of gamers that are purchasing AXP4200+ systems will build it themselves and will almost certainly be interested in overclocking it.

Most regular gamers who aren't building their own systems are getting a Dell, or a Compaq or something else. And even a small portion of those gamers are overclocking their systems via cpu tape mods =/