New 6750 With Scratches/Scuffs on it? How bad is this?


Feb 21, 2002
My brand new 6750 has scratches/scuffs on the aluminum outter part, forget what it's called, just under the lettering.

should I be concerned?


can't really see it too clearly
I've bought a few like this as well, I believe it's from Intel's QA process. Never had any problems though. If you bought it locally, try exchanging it. If you ordered it, install it and see if it works.
I just bought a D 925 last week with the same kind of scuffs. It's normal.
ok then, so scuffs = normal??

first build and wanted to make sure my cpu is not messed up already.

I got it from newegg

If you're really worried about it, get some lapping paper and smooth it out.
You can see from my own lame ass camera phone pic, that my E6750 seems to have the same markings. I really didn't think much about it. Doesn't seem to have hurt anything.

You can see from my own lame ass camera phone pic, that my E6750 seems to have the same markings. I really didn't think much about it. Doesn't seem to have hurt anything.


LOL..why not get a camera with all that $$$ you dump into your rig?
LOL..why not get a camera with all that $$$ you dump into your rig?

I seem to have great difficulty spending money if it doesn't make my games go faster or look prettier. So no camera for me. I eat ramen noodles and I should have bought new tires six months ago for my car. But I just got my new Tuniq Tower cooler and I have 2 more gigs of RAM coming in a couple days. :p

Though I might be forced to get those tires. If my tread blows and I'm killed in a car accident, I won't be able to get that X38 motherboard and Penryn chip this winter. That would suck. :(
I seem to have great difficulty spending money if it doesn't make my games go faster or look prettier. So no camera for me. I eat ramen noodles and I should have bought new tires six months ago for my car. But I just got my new Tuniq Tower cooler and I have 2 more gigs of RAM coming in a couple days. :p

Though I might be forced to get those tires. If my tread blows and I'm killed in a car accident, I won't be able to get that X38 motherboard and Penryn chip this winter. That would suck. :(

LOL what would suck? You dieing or not getting your motherboard?:p
If you're really worried about it, get some lapping paper and smooth it out.

Great idea, then you wear off the print markings and lose your warranty :eek: :).

I haven't had big scuffs like that on my recent Intel CPU's, but they all have a lot of "scuff-like" lines across the entire heatspreader that are very thin/etc. and look like they belong. All have worked 100% fine.