LOL It's complicated. Gotcha.
Yeah, we mostly occupy commercial towers and roof tops up and down the beach. Only two water towers (Watertowers seem to be huge in the wisp industry Ha).
Since we're doing WISP porn now. Can you spot the problem with this radio?
I'll give you a hint. It was at an old customer site, Before grounding was a thing. The rocket was in an ARC panel. Toasted. Melted the ethernet every spot it touched the rohn tower. Blew through the lightning protectors like they were just fire accelerant. Melted the POE's and routers.
It was a fun day.
Looks like the magic smoke was let out.
I found this gem while on the roof a local hospital. The cisco antenna on the outside was not grounded to anything, and a set of fiber converters were used to protect the router on the other side of that old radio.