Need Your Opinion Plz


Jul 13, 2009
I have a few Questions on a server I build and I want to improve it for the last time because this is going to be it Til 2012 before I do anymore upgrades to it. This does not include HDDs because They can give in at any moment.

1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc...
Its a Server
2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included?
Don't intended to buy everything now but one at a time.
3) Where do you live?
Where its Hot and Sunny, Miami
4) What exact parts do you need for that budget? CPU, RAM, case, etc. The word "Everything" is not a valid answer. Please list out all the parts you'll need.
Not Really Sure.
5) If reusing any parts, what parts will you be reusing? Please be especially specific about the power supply. List make and model.
I listed them below.
6) Will you be overclocking?
7) What size monitor do you have and/or plan to have?
8) When do you plan on building/buying the PC?
Every Week till 2011
9) What features do you need in a motherboard? RAID? Firewire? Crossfire or SLI support? USB 3.0? SATA 6Gb/s? etc.
Not Really Sure

Here are the Specs So Far:
Cooler Master 590
Asus M3A76-CM MoBo
AMD Phenom 8650
5GB Random Memory Ram (2x2GB and 1x1GB)
SuperMicro CSE-M35T-1B
250GB WD Blue AAKS
2x1TB WD Green EARS
2x1TB WD Green EADS
1.5TB WD Green EADS
Vantec 6-port host card ( Its really just 4+2 because theres 4 internal and 2 esata
Consair CMPSU-450VX 450W PSU
I would Like to add another SuperMicro CSE-M35T-1B from the same place I got the current from.
I will be only using 1TB HDDs Because There Cheap and I dont have that much Media. I still Have 1.4TB of space Left. Also Its in software Raid 5. I’m Filling it up with Anime Currently Trying Not to go over my 250GB monthly Bandwidth with Comcast.
I will Be running Windows 2008 R2 Hyper-V. Currently Only have 1 H-V running now. Will Add to it Later.
Heres a Picture of It in the Front. I cannot Move the Computer because Its still on. And I don’t feel Like Moving it.:D

My Budget Is not to Go Broke In the end. Just let me know What I should DO.
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1) What are your questions exactly?
2) What exactly do you want to accomplish with an upgrade or two?
3) What is your absolute max budget?
1) What are your questions exactly?
2) What exactly do you want to accomplish with an upgrade or two?
3) What is your absolute max budget?

1) A Build To last 1.5 years
2) Max Out what I can
3) I can make the purchase as long as I dont go broke in the end meaning anything that is good but cheap.
1) A Build To last 1.5 years
2) Max Out what I can
3) I can make the purchase as long as I dont go broke in the end meaning anything that is good but cheap.

I'm sorry but none of those answers helped at all. They're all still just as vague as your original post. Please answer the questions again. And please put some thought into your answers. We're trying to help you but your vagueness isn't helping at all.

Another question: Did you actually want to have the full 14 to 15 drive capability of that case or what?

The best answer I can give so far based on your very vague answers and posts is the up the CPU to the following to help out when you have finally use more than one VM:
$130 - AMD Phenom II X4 925 Black Edition CPU
I'm sorry but none of those answers helped at all. They're all still just as vague as your original post. Please answer the questions again. And please put some thought into your answers. We're trying to help you but your vagueness isn't helping at all.

Another question: Did you actually want to have the full 14 to 15 drive capability of that case or what?

The best answer I can give so far based on your very vague answers and posts is the up the CPU to the following to help out when you have finally use more than one VM:
$130 - AMD Phenom II X4 925 Black Edition CPU

10HDDs max not including The OSes Drives which will be mirror with 2of the 5.25 bays for single hotswap trays the supermicros will be storage drives

Sorry I didnt answer them clearly I'm not feeling good lol headarche cant think straight
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Indeed the purpose of this eludes me too.

I think there is no need for a CPU upgrade as long as that stays purely as a file server.
The only thing I can think of now is you should make sure that you have are enough SATA ports availabe for additional HDDs and the bay to put them in. Besides that...
Indeed the purpose of this eludes me too.

I think there is no need for a CPU upgrade as long as that stays purely as a file server.
The only thing I can think of now is you should make sure that you have are enough SATA ports availabe for additional HDDs and the bay to put them in. Besides that...

Its a Hyper-V / Active Directory / DNS
With H-Vs under it because I dont want to buy more computer stuff for different jobs like seeding torrents and what not. Seeding Torrents under H-V should be safe right???

I need to change the mobo because its a micro-atx board and I dont have that many pci slots because the other is fill with intel nic.
I'm thinking of replace the mobo with the one in my gaming computer because I want to build a new gaming computer by 2012.
I need to change the mobo because its a micro-atx board and I dont have that many pci slots because the other is fill with intel nic.
I'm thinking of replace the mobo with the one in my gaming computer because I want to build a new gaming computer by 2012.

A few red flags here:
- Is that PCI-E x16 being used?
- Is your Intel NIC PCI or PCI-Ex1?
- Is that Vantec card PCI-E x16/x1 or PCI?
A few red flags here:
- Is that PCI-E x16 being used?
- Is your Intel NIC PCI or PCI-Ex1?
- Is that Vantec card PCI-E x16/x1 or PCI?

No the PCI-E is not being use
The intel is pci
The Vantec is Pci
Yeah you don't need to get a new motherboard then. Your motherboard has more than enough slots, you're just not using them. In addition, getting a motherboard with more PCI slots is not gonna help AT ALL considering that PCI bandwidth is shared. So considering that the max bandwidth is 133MB/s or so, the more PCI devices you add, the more that 133MB/s gets split up. That means slower performance.

Now is the RAID 5 array being hosted/controlled/maintained by that Vantac card or by Windows 2K8 itself?
So the vantec is just a simple dumb storage controller correct?

Hmm, I can't remember if 2K8 allows you to add/move drives to a RAID array from different storage controllers.
in the Supermicro hotswap 4 of the five HDDs are plug into the Vantec and the 5th is plug into the motherboard

and theres no raid setup on the vantec its just JBOD setup
1) What's your LAN transfer speed from the server to a client PC?
2) So your end result will be 12 drives in the PC correct? 10 drives + 2 OS drives? No more at all?
3) What's the max transfer speeds that you're getting out of that Vantec?
4) Are you eventually gonna add more VMs? If so, how many?
1) What's your LAN transfer speed from the server to a client PC?
2) So your end result will be 12 drives in the PC correct? 10 drives + 2 OS drives? No more at all?
3) What's the max transfer speeds that you're getting out of that Vantec?
4) Are you eventually gonna add more VMs? If so, how many?

1) around 50-100mbs
2) yes
3) probably the same as the LAN speed
4) Ya if any comes to mind
Then honestly, I don't see any where you should upgrade. Not once have you mentioned where you have found performance or credible features to be lacking nor have you stated any sort of current or future needs that would require an upgrade. The only thing you have to do is make sure that whatever future expansion cards you get uses PCI-E, not PCI. And that's it. I see zero reason for a CPU, mobo, or anything else for an upgrade.
Then honestly, I don't see any where you should upgrade. Not once have you mentioned where you have found performance or credible features to be lacking nor have you stated any sort of current or future needs that would require an upgrade. The only thing you have to do is make sure that whatever future expansion cards you get uses PCI-E, not PCI. And that's it. I see zero reason for a CPU, mobo, or anything else for an upgrade.

thank you for your opinion