Need help

Nov 3, 2005
I installed the new Explorer 7 beta 2.....ever since then I can't connect to the server to send results thus I cannot fold! I would like to fold so may someone give me a suggestion to help.

Thanks in advance!
check windows firewall maybe by installing IE 7 it turned it back on

Does FAH use your internet settings to connect? Is this machine behind a firewall or proxy?
I have an NVidia firewall as well as windows but I added folding as a application....the only thing I changed was installing IE 7 beta2 from when it was working to NOT working...........I will check windows firewall but I added folding as acceptable program but I will check again when I get home from work....thanks again.
are you using the console client? or graphical? did you set it up to run off of explorer settings? Does IE access the net?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

the graphical client has a little red gear in the tray beside the time..... the console client runs in the background and you don't even know it's there unless you look at task manager....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Try this:

Use IE settings - no
use proxy - yes
proxy name - autoproxy
port - 8080

I tried it on my laptop and it worked. dunno how well it will work for you. Pretty much just telling the program what you have set for IE already.

I would suggest you stop using the nVidia firewall. Some people seem to have little to no trouble with it but that seems to be the exception to the rule. It has a bad problem of not letting things in or out and has a tendancy to corrupt downloads. I don't know how many people have uninstalled the firewall and found everything to work fine after that.

After doing that, at the least use the Windows firewall. I would suggest looking for a copy of Kerio Personal Firewall 2.15 on the net somewhere and use that. It uses little resources and does a very good job of protecting the system. I've been using it for a long time now and many others do also. It may require a bit more work to get up and running with setting rules as stuff connects to the net, but once the rules are setup, I never have it bothering me.

As the others have suggested, I'd recommend changing it so it doesn't use the IE settings, and maybe consider the proxy. As Smoke pointed out, the nVid firewall can often be overzealous in how it blocks things regardless of defined exceptions so that's definitely a possibility for the problems.

Give those ideas a try, and hopefully you'll be in business. :D
Use IE settings - no
use proxy - yes
proxy name - autoproxy
port - 8080

I tried it on my laptop and it worked. dunno how well it will work for you. Pretty much just telling the program what you have set for IE already.

I tried that but it still would not connect.

I would suggest you stop using the nVidia firewall. Some people seem to have little to no trouble with it but that seems to be the exception to the rule. It has a bad problem of not letting things in or out and has a tendancy to corrupt downloads. I don't know how many people have uninstalled the firewall and found everything to work fine after that.

The only thing different from Folding working to it not working was that I installed IE 7 beta 2.... It worked with the NVidia firewall before.......but alas I will uninstall it!!

P.S. sorry I couldn't fix this last night at home but I forgot my password and couldn't log on to :eek: :D
I found this in the Stanford forums. Seems some people have been having this issue also. It was stated to make your graphical client connection look like this pic to get the problem fixed.

I see so I am not the only one with the IE 7 beta 2 issue thanks for the info I will try that as soon as I get tonight!

I can also have my server at my office folding would this eat alot of bandwidth? I only need the bandwith in the AM every AM then the server just kinda idles all day!

Any suggestions on setting this up? Or just the same way as I did on my pc at home?
*Xx~T*]v[aC[Z]~xX* said:
I can also have my server at my office folding would this eat alot of bandwidth? I only need the bandwith in the AM every AM then the server just kinda idles all day!

Any suggestions on setting this up? Or just the same way as I did on my pc at home?
The client only uses the network when it's downloading a WU or uploading results. Unless you opt for bigpackets, downloading will be less than 5MB, and uploading (I believe) is even less.

If it's a multiproc server, you'll want to set up multiple clients, and I would suggest against advmethods and bigpackets, in order to keep RAM and network demands down.

Make sure you use the console client, since it doesn't have the graphical instability quirks that the graphical client does. If the server has two processors you can install two clients. Put them in separate folders, and set the cpu id as 1 and then on the second install - 2. The downloads don't eat up any bandwidth really. If you set it for big packets then it's about 5mb, but that really insn't anything if you have ever watched how much you just use surfing the net.

Keep asking questions. We are here for you. :)
