Need Conservative Build for $1000


Nov 1, 2004
Hello Everyone, I need a proffessional (no blinky case lights, just straight good looking, sleek, and fast)....

Few Expectations:
Core i7
Good Components
Under $1100 shipped
Good GPU for moderate gaming
sleek looking (no windows, lights, etc.)
Cool but not excessively loud

Thanks all
Please answer the questions in the sticky titled "ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FIRST!" so that we can help you better.
CPU + Mobo: i7 920 + EX58-UD3R - $469

RAM: 6GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 - $90

Video Card: XFX GTX 260 Core 216 - $180

Hard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Black WD6401AALS 640GB - $75

Power Supply: Corsair TX650 - $100

Case: Antec 300 - $55

TOTAL: $969 before taxes, shipping, rebates. Leaves some money for a good heatsink as well.
1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? - A mixture of Light/Heavy Gaming and Internet Use.... needs to be able to do a lot of things well...
2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included? $1100-1200 tax and shipping included
3) Where do you live? Midwestern USA
4) What exact parts do you need for that budget? CPU, RAM, case, etc. Please be very specific. - I need OS+Computer, no monitor or keyboard
5) If reusing any parts, what parts will you be reusing? Please be especially specific about the power supply. List make and model. - No reusing
6) Will you be overclocking? - Yes, if possible
7) What size monitor do you have and/or plan to have? - 22" (1680x1050)
8) When do you plan on building/buying the PC? - 1-2 weeks
9) What features do you need in a motherboard? RAID? Firewire? Crossfire or SLI support? etc. - Crossfire/SLI would be nice.
10) Do you already have a legit and reusable/transferable OS key/license? - no
Midwest.. Name a state cuz store recommendations vary depending.

PC_User has a good build; would change the GTX 260 to the EVGA on sale @ Superbiiz/Ewiz. Add $100 for OS unless you're using Win7 and $20 for optical drive.

Case is user preference. You can check out Workstation and Cable Management threads in Case & Modding for examples.