Need advice on current setup!!!


Jul 25, 2004
Hi guys, my computer just bit the dust, well actually, just the motherboard did. It doesnt turn on. So im looking to get either a motherboard replacement or equipment upgrade. But I have financial problems (maybe buying a new car) lurking by the end of this month with compels me to spend no more than $150. However, I would like to have a new computer running for maximum performance cause quality/performance matters to me in gaming. So I am stuck in a rut between choosing the two. So it comes down to two choices:

1) Buy a really cheap motherboard (maybe ECS. I dont care for overclocking. And yes, I know quality sucks) for around $50 and maybe buy another 8800GTS 640mb to SLI it

2) Buy a replacement mobo and still use the same processor. Then wait for prices of the Core 2 Quad (Q9550) to drop a bit lower. Then save money for a better video card as well.

Also I want to say the games I play are semi-what demanding such as COH:OF, DOW:2, L4D, and quake 4. Mostly I spend time on the computer at most is 35% gaming, 50% browsing, 15% work or etc. What do you guys think?
I would look at your psu. What leads you to believe that its the motherboard?
I would look at your psu. What leads you to believe that its the motherboard?

Does the PSU not have enough juice? Well I bought the motherboard from Newegg on a open-box special. So I am I thinking that the previous owner returned it due to its reliability. I would sometimes get BSOD out of nowhere. And I looked at a tons of complaints of this motherboard model. So it could be linked to my problems.
How much are you planning to spend on (all of) the upgrades?

While I definitely agree that you should replace the motherboard, I don't believe that -- unless you plan on gaming with high visual settings at a 1920x1200 or greater resolution -- you'll need SLI or CrossFire. Regardless, make sure that you get a new retail package.

The 640MB 8800GTS is getting long it the tooth when it comes to gaming. You may want to also consider selling it and then using the proceeds to get a newer, better video card (like the HD4870 or the GTX 260).

The PurePower line aren't Thermaltake's best PSUs, so (if you could afford to) you may want to consider getting a better quality power supply. If not now, then try to get it very soon.
How much are you planning to spend on (all of) the upgrades?

While I definitely agree that you should replace the motherboard, I don't believe that -- unless you plan on gaming with high visual settings at a 1920x1200 or greater resolution -- you'll need SLI or CrossFire. Regardless, make sure that you get a new retail package.

The 640MB 8800GTS is getting long it the tooth when it comes to gaming. You may want to also consider selling it and then using the proceeds to get a newer, better video card (like the HD4870 or the GTX 260).

The PurePower line aren't Thermaltake's best PSUs, so (if you could afford to) you may want to consider getting a better quality power supply. If not now, then try to get it very soon.

Ok, awesome advice. I just want to add that I have a 22" monitor that I received from a friend so I will be running (1680x1050) wanting high quality. So I should really get a new video card? Ok, that seems fair for the long run.

As for the PSU, I thought it was a really good deal since it had dual rails and 600w of power. I mean everything runs, its just that when I run my computer, the video car heat fan spins 100% and nothing POSTs. Well, Ill take your advice and consider selling. As you can see im not so bright on choosing PSU's, only knowing that Corsair is deem as the big boy brands. So how much power do you think I need and what brand/model?
As for the PSU, I thought it was a really good deal since it had dual rails and 600w of power.

Yeah, dual rails and high amounts of wattage does not make a PSU good at all. I recommend reading this PSU FAQ so you will be better informed about PSU purchases in the future:

As for what PSU to get, all you really need is a PSU with 40A on the +12V rail, like the BFG LS-550:
BFG Tech LS-550 550W PSU - $68

It's of significantly better quality than the Purepower POS and offers more power on the +12V rail which is where you want more power for modern systems than the Purepower. I'd go for the PSU upgrade first before doing any GPU upgrade so that there's little chances of your system+ new GPU being fucked by a Purepower.
Yeah, dual rails and high amounts of wattage does not make a PSU good at all. I recommend reading this PSU FAQ so you will be better informed about PSU purchases in the future:

As for what PSU to get, all you really need is a PSU with 40A on the +12V rail, like the BFG LS-550:
BFG Tech LS-550 550W PSU - $68

It's of significantly better quality than the Purepower POS and offers more power on the +12V rail which is where you want more power for modern systems than the Purepower. I'd go for the PSU upgrade first before doing any GPU upgrade so that there's little chances of your system+ new GPU being fucked by a Purepower.

ok, sounds good. Ill take that into consideration. But probably by August, I will have a brand new setup including a Core 2 Quad and Nvidia 285 equivalent. The PSU you mentioned, will that be sufficient by the time of my upgrade?
For the GTX 285, I'd recommend a stronger PSU. Get at least a 650 watt power supply with active PFC and 80 Plus certification. Some good brands/models include the Corsair TX650, TX750, and (modular) HX620, the PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750, the Antec Earthwatts EA650, and the BFG LS-680.
The PSU you mentioned, will that be sufficient by the time of my upgrade?

Yes for that Quad and GTX285 upgrade but I do concur with Tiraides that a little headroom would be nice.