Need a Physx Exorcist


May 12, 2000
I have had it with Nvidia physx and attitude.

I have three systems with Physx capability as follows:

1. Q6600, Radeon 4850, Asus Ageia PPU 4 gigs ram, Nvidia disables PPU; Can't use an Nvidia card as ppu, Win XP 64

2. Q6600 8800 GT 4 Gigs Ram GPU Physx enabled, Mirrors Edge and Arkham Asylum both can't see Physx hardware acceleration. Win XP Pro,

3. Asus G50VT-x5 laptop core 2 duo P7450 9800M GS 4gig ram Physx enabled. Again Mirrors Edge and Arkham Asylum both can't see Physx hardware acceleration. Vista 64.

What is going on here? All latest drivers and Physx software hav been installed.

The whole Physx thing is nothing but Nvidia hype and BS. I have wasted more hours than I care to count trying to get the damn thing to work properly, from the Ageia PPU to Nvdias
own GPUS. I have searched and googled and posted,no one ever seems to have any answers.

I bought Arkham Asylum specifically to finally see Physx in its glory and I am denied that pleasure. Nvidia can shove Physx where the sun doesn't shine. I will Never purchase another Nvidia product after all this grief.

Thank you for any real answers and for reading this Rant!!!
Dude really, pardon me but if you have 3 systems and cant get any of the work correctly then, seriously, sell you computers and get an XBOX 360.
I have installed physx in all my systems, multi boot, single boot, heck even my wife's silly 8600gt can do physx and I have done it in XP SP3, SP2, Vista 64 and Windows 7 64bit...always works so, sorry but if you are REALLY having all this issues then you need some computer building 101 or something.

This sounds strange though....
You have no idea who I am and what my qualifications are ! How dare you insult my intellegience !! For your Info I am a certified A plus tech and have built more than my share of machines over a period of 20 plus years. I know WTF I am doing! I have great respect for Kyle, Brent, Mark and others that run this site, but I am noticing a trend for immature and disrespectful people to make inconsiderate and thoughtless remarks. There are many intelligent people here in the hoard. Have a little class when you post, don't make the assumption that anyone but you is unqualified.
First while you may have been here 9.5 years I have been here almost 4 so I did not just dropped by.
Second, with 20 years of building computers and you cannot get 3 different systems to do physx when I have installed it sooooooooo many times since it came out never with a single issue...what do you expect me to do, send you an award for pc tech of the year?
Sorry I call it the way I see it.
I know WTF I am doing
The three systems above seem to disagree.

I am out of this one, good luck fixing your problem.
You have no idea who I am and what my qualifications are ! How dare you insult my intellegience !! For your Info I am a certified A plus tech and have built more than my share of machines over a period of 20 plus years. I know WTF I am doing! I have great respect for Kyle, Brent, Mark and others that run this site, but I am noticing a trend for immature and disrespectful people to make inconsiderate and thoughtless remarks. There are many intelligent people here in the hoard. Have a little class when you post, don't make the assumption that anyone but you is unqualified.

lol what. certs are paper, sorry. Only ones that matter are probably in networking.

Anyways, you must have some conflict or something, or you are missing a setting somewhere. I've never had an issue with this before, with either multi or single card systems.

I won't even count the ATI + NVIDIA system, because that is disabled by drivers. Maybe take out the ATI card and see if you can get Physx working on the lone NVIDIA card.
...I am a certified A plus tech...

Ouch. Bro, around here, you just lost points.

You need to just ignore guys like that until someone helpful comes along. It's the internet - It's populated with morons, assholes and moronic assholes... Though he does kind of have a point. :p

* * *
Since you "know WTF you're doing," what have you tried?

For the system with the PPU have you rolled back your drivers to a time when the PPU worked?

For the other two - have you patched the games? Mirrors Edge Physx was wonky and crash happy before the patch and you have to get the 1.1 update for Batman:AA before the Physx options show up in the settings screen.

Which NVIDIA driver version are you running? Are you SURE that Physx is enabled in the NVIDIA Control Panel?
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You have no idea who I am and what my qualifications are ! How dare you insult my intellegience !! For your Info I am a certified A plus tech

I loled. You really spouted that on [H]?

Have you tried completely clean wipes on the machines?
Have a little class when you post, don't make the assumption that anyone but you is unqualified.

any how...

Did you try just the nVidia card? Which Physx version?

Did you clean install from the ground up?

And what do you mean by A+ tech? Cause this stupid class I'm in (student slave labor committe) is technically getting me an A+, so... I'm an A+ tech? lol.
A+ certified is a really low level certification, as in any 12 year old who studied for a week could pass the test. It isn't very impressive; it's like saying you work for Geek Squad.

Now a CCIE...
To fellow horde members I just lost it last night for which I apologize. I appreciate the good advice I get here. Sometimes things get to me. I do agree with the certification in reality. I just retired from Federal Gov and all my cert ever got was a second hat and no compensation.

Anyway back to my problem : In the XP64 system the only physx driver that works with my Asus(Ageia PPU) is the 8.09.04 and I have to put the Nvcuda.dll in the sys64wow folder. If I upgrade the physx the ppu stops working.

Sacred 2, Cellfactor, Cyrostatis ,UT Physx Mod and Mirrors edge work okay now.

Cat 9.1 64 bit drivers are used for the Radeon 4850. I could not get Arkham Asylum to use Physx at all. The readme file actually says the Ageia PPU will not work. I was hoping though. Unfortunately I don't have any thing but Pci-e 1x and PCI slots left. I have found a couple of PCI cards with 32 shaders. I would have to use the ATI Hack. I doubt that PCI has enough bandwidth to even handle Physx. plus those cards are little pricey.

In the second system (8800GT) I am using Physx 9.09.0814 (Arkham Asylum installed them) and display drivers 190.62.

In the Asus laptop (9800M GS 512) I am using the same Physx and mobile drivers 186.81 the most current mobile driver from Nvidia. I went to laptopvideo2go but their site is having issues right now.

Had I not lost my cool I would have done the following first.

I went into the Arkham Asylum launcher ignored the not supported hardware message and set Physx to high. I ran the benchmark and watched for effects.Then I turned off the physx. I did the same on the laptop.

Thses are the results.

8800GT 512 desktop 112 Shaders


Physx on 11 75 47 1280 X 1024

Physx off 44 75 72;

9800M GS 512 64 Shaders laptop

Physx on 15 112 27 1366 x 768

Physx off 23 108 54

I saw effects swirling fog, water, and rustling paper and cloth, not there with physx off.

Mirrors Edge also works too.

I have learned a lesson here. Not to accept that a game will properly detect hardware. I will not ASSUME I will test.

Thank all of you for your advice, and I will in the future be more tolerant and have more respect for all of the Horde.
I might have skipped this while I was skimming your post but, what are you using for your physx card? Also, for the first build, have you tried using an nvidia card as the main card?
You have no idea who I am and what my qualifications are ! How dare you insult my intellegience !! For your Info I am a certified A plus tech and have built more than my share of machines over a period of 20 plus years. I know WTF I am doing! I have great respect for Kyle, Brent, Mark and others that run this site, but I am noticing a trend for immature and disrespectful people to make inconsiderate and thoughtless remarks. There are many intelligent people here in the hoard. Have a little class when you post, don't make the assumption that anyone but you is unqualified.

its kyle bennet iirc
I don't believe you can run physX on win xp with ati. I only know of the patch when using win 7...but you could give it a shot. it's somewhere on these forums.
Lol, I remember when I got my A+ back in 2000...(still had DOS on the test for reference sake)

Learning by experience and hands on taught me so much more than that stuff I learned for the test did, I was so green coming out of that test compared to how much I learned to apply in the years following it was quite incomparable in terms of usefulness.

Theory is one thing, experience is a whole other...
If your using the latest Nvidia drivers DO NOT install the physX package as its already built into the current line of drivers. If you do so then uninstall and do a reinstall of the latest drivers without a separate physX install. I had this issue recently when i installed the newest drivers over the old and my original physX installation still existed. Also if your using an ATI card as your main display and an Nvidia card for physX the drivers will auto-disable the nvidia GPU as Nvidia has now clearly stated that PhysX will no longer be available to customers who attempt to exploit the software using ATI cards.
I gots my A+ certification too... these aholes in here don't know anything :D
If your using the latest Nvidia drivers DO NOT install the physX package as its already built into the current line of drivers. If you do so then uninstall and do a reinstall of the latest drivers without a separate physX install. I had this issue recently when i installed the newest drivers over the old and my original physX installation still existed. Also if your using an ATI card as your main display and an Nvidia card for physX the drivers will auto-disable the nvidia GPU as Nvidia has now clearly stated that PhysX will no longer be available to customers who attempt to exploit the software using ATI cards.

I was wondering about this. Damn them!
You can not use both an ATI and NV card in this manner at the same time in the same system, UNLESS you are using Windows 7 AND you are using modified NV drivers. NV
Why are you still using Win XP 64? It has terrible driver support. I'd upgrade that machine to Win 7 if it can handle it.
It has nVidia driver support.

Any drivers working for Server 2003 64 will work for XP 64bit.