NASA Says Apollo 18 Not A Documentary

Feel free to read about them and decide if they are a positive company.

Its not a conspiracy to kill all people. The conspiricy is to kill most people. And its based on the simple fact of steady state growth. That the population of the Earth, much like the debt of our nation will begin to enter the "hockey stick" part of parabolic growth. The Earth is going to fill up. With 6 Billion people its going to start filling up much faster that it did back when there was only a couple billion. Something is going to have to be done about it. And outside of space exploration the only solution is to actively curtail population growth. Of course you can't project control over people that are in space, so once people actively start traveling through space you can't have total human domination which of course leads into the NWO conspiracy :D Much like Britian was not able to maintain control over America. And I'm sure they are still bitter about it.

All future projections are of course guesses. But you can see the pattern has already been set. If you look in the last 10 years we have added 1 billion people to this planet (we are estimated at very nearly 7 billion right now). It took from 1804 to 1922 (118 years) to add 1 billion people to the planet. The next billion is estimated to be about 8 years.


Newsflash: You have been eating Monsanto seed for about a decade. It's in cooking oil. :p
Go look up 'War of the Worlds' and see what can happen when playwriters push the envelope too far. CBS almost lost their broadcasting license after that stunt.

That was CBS wasn't it. Same company that brought us Rathergate. I guess people should expect fiction from CBS news.
It is depressing NASA has to tell people this is a work of fiction. Even worse is people will disbelieve NASA and insist is isn't.