Name my linux distro!

What should anti-fold be named?

  • Total voters


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2005
Jun 29, 2004
Okay, so here's the deal. I need to give a name to this thing. Vote, or suggest a new name, or something. Catchy is good, relevant is better. Something honoring/humoring marty for starting this whole thing off would work too. My thing is giving complex directions (or lists of escort services), not coming up with names.

"If Marty Can Do It, So Can You Linux" or IMCDISCY Linux

"Moar Boxix"



"FOD Linux" -- Fold Or Die Linux


"FTH Linux"-- For the [H]orde Linux

"KAR Linux" -- Kill a Roo Linux?

"NMB Linux" -- Need More Boxen Linux

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Hmmmm... it needs a name eh? Maybe something involving marty since he asked for it. :p




unhappy_mage's Super Duper Ulimated Folding Server Distro Not To Be Confused For Fold Server Or Anti Fold But A Brand New Distro With A Kick Ass Name - Hard Version Number One One Dot Seven


"SEMCDI Linux" --So Easy Marty Can Do It Linux

sorry... brainstorming........ don't wanna work right now lol

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

AtomicMoose said:
I like EasyFold....

Cause mary is easy and it does in fact fold.

^^^ and you know how??? Experience? :confused:

AtomicMoose said:
see "Three Word Story" thread.

Ah, you mean the best-seller... "The Biography of AtomicMoose" ? ;)

I guess I'll worry more about spelling later - Foldix and Foldux are hereby combined, and any spelling variations can be discussed when a winner has been found. I plan to keep this going for at least 24 hours to get everyone's votes in.

DamnSmallFolder sounds like an insult... surely not fitting for a truly [H] user.

whee. foldux +1
i'm invincible!
I like DamnSmallFolder b/c I tried DSL on one of my boxen and could not get Samba to work but VNC did.:confused: Mage's box is so much better. :)

Just wondering if DamnSmallFolder would have copyright infringement stuff. Gotta think of that as well.
There are far, far too many votes for the last option. Oh well, the will of the masses be done.

Poll will be open until 8:00 EST tomorrow; or at least that's when I'll stop paying attention to the results. In case of a tie, I'll decide. I haven't voted yet. ;)

Dark Ember said:
crap-holder...? you mean a toilet?

You want to call mage's distro "toilet"? Geez, an I thought I had it bad around here.

I vote for "EasyFold" ;) but it's not in the poll :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Is there a way to change the poll options, or do you have to create a new poll?
*I* can't change the poll options - maybe one of the mods, or if I were a subscriber (No paypal :( )?

You could try locking the thread and starting a new poll with new options.

Depending on how many new names people came up with, you may want to take all the new names and put them in a poll. After that poll is closed, you could take the "winners" from both polls and put them in a new poll and the winner will be determined from that.

SmokeRngs said:
You could try locking the thread and starting a new poll with new options.

Depending on how many new names people came up with, you may want to take all the new names and put them in a poll. After that poll is closed, you could take the "winners" from both polls and put them in a new poll and the winner will be determined from that.

I think thats a good idea. Kind of like what happened with the Case Badges. Have a thread for suggestions, and when that is done, have a thread with a poll of those suggestions. :)
I like EasyFold.

I also like damn small folder.

Having completely ignored my own deadline, I hereby declare the polls closed. Here are the rankings as of now:
Fold[iu]x: 22 votes, mostly for the "i" variant
DamnSmallFolder: 15 votes
[H]ardux: 12 votes
Shitux: 10 votes (you losers...)
and finally [H]ardocpix with 3 votes.

The official name will be Foldix, with an i. However, I don't care too much if you want to call it something else. But I'll call it Foldix.
