my sli dilema....quick question about getting it...

Aug 14, 2003
im wondering if two 7800gt's sli would be more powerfull than a nextgen card that will say come out in or around next summer?

because with my be paying..
$60 extra dollars for an sli mobo, and about
$300 for another 7800gt (given it doesnt drop by next summer)

when wouldnt $360 be the price of a highend (midrange-ish end model) nextgen video card?

and would a 7800 sli system last over a year (from now or christmas time) and still be able to wreck games?

thanks for reading
Just get a single 7800GT and then when you feel it is taking a beating, get another one.
Except that by that time, the EXACT card make and model number will no longer be available. It might have a street price of $99 by then - but you require the EXACT same card - and I doubt severely you will be able to get one. Maybe trawling ebay or something - but you will be competing against the 123,519 SLI heads who are also looking for the exact same card.

Repeat after me: "SLI is a poor solution to not being able to put enough performance on a single card. It is designed to extract the maximum possible cash from you, and bugger all else. It is NOT the future of 3D on the PC."
Mobius said:
Except that by that time, the EXACT card make and model number will no longer be available. It might have a street price of $99 by then - but you require the EXACT same card - and I doubt severely you will be able to get one. Maybe trawling ebay or something - but you will be competing against the 123,519 SLI heads who are also looking for the exact same card.

Repeat after me: "SLI is a poor solution to not being able to put enough performance on a single card. It is designed to extract the maximum possible cash from you, and bugger all else. It is NOT the future of 3D on the PC."

Okay, hold on, I'm a fanATic and I don't think you are correct. Doesn't SLi function with two "similiar" cards as opposed to two of the exact cards? And last time I checked, Nvidia's dual card solution, although not my favorite, is at least available in a reliable platform right now.
This quote sums up why SLI is not a good upgrade path

We also generally do not recommend SLI as an upgrade option. The main benefit of multi-GPU technology these days is to increase the maximum performance beyond the fastest single card on the market. ATI and NVIDIA have kept upgrade cycles fairly consistent over the past few years. It makes sense to spend money on a card that will bring increased performance and more features to a system when a new generation of GPU comes out rather than augmenting an aging card with another of the same type.
But wouldn't it make sense to go the multi-gpu path when you want to squeeze the most performance out of a machine at present? You can get the benefits of two cards, I can see that argument vs. say 6800GT's or X850's, but the newest gen as a dual slot would be the best current performance (say 2 7800GTX 512's or X1800XT's).
Mobius is making a fool of himself. You can mix and match any brand and BIOS of the same type of card for SLI, e.g. 2x6800 GT or 2x7800GTX, etc. Not that I recommend SLI at this point...the logic is crystal clear:

1. One 7800 GT is fast enough to run anything out there well enough for most sane people.

2. By the time it is not fast enough, we will have games that use the Unreal 3 engine, which will require entirely new graphics cards with entirely new features and more RAM, anyway.

So even if you had 10 7800GTs, you won't get whatever features and memory will be on the 8XXX series cards.
Matrices said:
Mobius is making a fool of himself. You can mix and match any brand and BIOS of the same type of card for SLI, e.g. 2x6800 GT or 2x7800GTX, etc. Not that I recommend SLI at this point...the logic is crystal clear:

1. One 7800 GT is fast enough to run anything out there well enough for most sane people.

2. By the time it is not fast enough, we will have games that use the Unreal 3 engine, which will require entirely new graphics cards with entirely new features and more RAM, anyway.

So even if you had 10 7800GTs, you won't get whatever features and memory will be on the 8XXX series cards.

Okay, that is what I thought. SLi is really a niche market, any dual card solution would be. It's basically for the people that want a bigger iPenis than everyone else.
SLI isn't really an upgrade path as it is a must have everything @ 2048x1532 maxed right NOW.
I agree with what everyone above said regarding SLI NOT being an upgrade path. It's for insane frame rates at 1600x1800 with AA...and that would be nice :)