My Samsung 940B Review

new-er. Its the newest in this line i think. Its the succesor to the 930B and 930BF...
THG didn't much care for the predecessor, but everyone on here seems to like the 940B. My 22-inch CRT monitor is just about to die. It keeps fading to black and one of these days, it isn't going to come back.

Thanks for the review. I think I know what I'd like Satan, er, Santa to bring me for Christmas.

BTW, how do you like the Logitech G7? I was looking at that a little earlier today. *Whistful sigh*
thats the MX1000 you are referring to. I love it to death, best mouse ive ever had. Ive read about alot of tracking issues with the G7 though. Heck my MX1000 will keep tracking perfectly even on my pant leg half way across the room :)
heres my setup by the way.

Saweet! Just read the MIR details on the monitor and I can use it. I ordered mine on the 15th. What a nice little $40 surprise... :D

EDIT: DOH! Nevermind, I'm stupid. Dang, one day off... :(
I've used the G7 and it was awesome. It did hickup once (it didn't wanna work) when I was using it on one of my jeans (?), but it worked on others, as well as on the bed cover and the wall, so whatever. No lag, no problems. I loved the batteries, too. They seemed to go pretty quickly (a few days) but it's no problem cause you got the other one charging.
Mind you I've never had a wireless mouse or one of such quality and functionality so I was even more impressed. I'm sure MX1000 and other mice offer similar features, but I think I like the looks of G7 more. Another thing I loved was the ability to program buttons for each application. Using the tilt-wheel for Back/Forward in IE is just awesome!!! And it served beautifully as a remote control for PowerDVD/MediaPlayer!
i aint puttin the G7 down by any means. Any Laser mouse is head and shoulders over the rest...
the MX1000? Not sure... I bought mine seperate along with a Saitek Eclipse now...
Alright...I rephrased my question, but too late ;)
That's what I was asking though, whether you got it in a combo or not.
M'ichal said:
I've used the G7 and it was awesome. It did hickup once (it didn't wanna work) when I was using it on one of my jeans (?), but it worked on others, as well as on the bed cover and the wall, so whatever. No lag, no problems. I loved the batteries, too. They seemed to go pretty quickly (a few days) but it's no problem cause you got the other one charging.
Mind you I've never had a wireless mouse or one of such quality and functionality so I was even more impressed. I'm sure MX1000 and other mice offer similar features, but I think I like the looks of G7 more. Another thing I loved was the ability to program buttons for each application. Using the tilt-wheel for Back/Forward in IE is just awesome!!! And it served beautifully as a remote control for PowerDVD/MediaPlayer!

though we have gone off topic, one of my big worries was the back forward lacking with the left side mouse mouse 4 and 5 buttons, as there is only mouse 4 there now.

But if you could set the tilt wheel for forward back scrolling, i may just have to get myself a g5 yet.
Yeah, back/forth on tilt worked with no problems. I was even nicely surprised that I can assign key combinations (eg. CTRL+) to the buttons. It was pretty sweet.
Schmiggy_JK23 said:
though we have gone off topic, one of my big worries was the back forward lacking with the left side mouse mouse 4 and 5 buttons, as there is only mouse 4 there now.

But if you could set the tilt wheel for forward back scrolling, i may just have to get myself a g5 yet.

Well, since we're OT, how do you like your 518? I have the same mouse and love it myself. I saw a G5 at a LAN party a couple weeks back and I liked it, but not any better then my 518.
well just ordered this monitor from, my old viewsonic 19" CRT is dying out, lost red as a color and its terrible on the eyes to look at. thanks for the gret review hopefully this monitor comes with no problems seeing as im way ou in hawaii. thanks.
well i just received my 940B from newegg ... the box looked suspicious because the top on the top looks like it had been sliced open and another piece of clear tape had been put on to close up the box.. i dont know who could of done this.. and it was barely visible... everything inside looks new , the monitor, bags n all that... the monitor works good but i found one stuck blue (maybe green) pixel.... im trying to run that stuck pixel video fixer thing.... any other suggestions??? =/
wtburnette said:
Well, since we're OT, how do you like your 518? I have the same mouse and love it myself. I saw a G5 at a LAN party a couple weeks back and I liked it, but not any better then my 518.

I enjoy it, though i love the 2nd button. best tracking mouse ive ever owned, from MS 3.0, to a logitech 500, 510, and now this.

though i hear the g5 tracks even better. I play alot of cs:s, competitively and what not, so those kinds of things are important. But i dont like the texture of the 518, the smooth feel, and i loved the 500's feel, which i hear the g5 is more like, a textured surface.

Prolly gonna sell my 518, only had it like a month, and check out the g5
Schmiggy_JK23 said:
I enjoy it, though i love the 2nd button. best tracking mouse ive ever owned, from MS 3.0, to a logitech 500, 510, and now this.

though i hear the g5 tracks even better. I play alot of cs:s, competitively and what not, so those kinds of things are important. But i dont like the texture of the 518, the smooth feel, and i loved the 500's feel, which i hear the g5 is more like, a textured surface.

Prolly gonna sell my 518, only had it like a month, and check out the g5

That sounds pretty cool. I didn't realized it had a textured feel to it. The smooth feel of mine hasn't been a problem though. I use my 518 with a func F30.R and it seems to be very precise. I know a lot of gamers like the smoother surface, but I like mine with a little texture. I had to set the sensitivity up, but now it works wonderfully... :D
Another new owner of the 940b. No dead pixels, no issues. This is my first LCD and it's a shock to see how much lighter this thing is compared to my 1,000 lb trinitron. Because my old CRT was basically a dying, washed-out relict, the 940b right out of the box looks so much better that I cannot really assess whether I need calibration.
wtburnette said:
That sounds pretty cool. I didn't realized it had a textured feel to it. The smooth feel of mine hasn't been a problem though. I use my 518 with a func F30.R and it seems to be very precise. I know a lot of gamers like the smoother surface, but I like mine with a little texture. I had to set the sensitivity up, but now it works wonderfully... :D

I use the 518 with my smooth func 1030, but i caved tonight, and ordered the g5 =p

Is there any difference if the Func f10 and the func 1030 besides the shape?
Tomorrow there's a sale at Staples and the 930B is $199. At least, I think it's the 930B.

On edit: It doesn't look like the 930B, but I'd still like to know what you think of the 930B...if it is that one. :)
I think bad things of it, but for that price it's just right.
BAD leakage, non-uniform color, kinda sucky base. Awesome pic though and fast for games.
Just got my Samsung 940B today, so far seems really nice. :cool:

Drivers didn't cause 75 Hertz to disappear as you mentioned. What I don't understand is the Natural Color software. I make adjustments but when I re-open the software they seem to be back to orginal state. Once I "save" the settings, do I have to apply them somewhere?

Also for Natural Color, for the 3 colors there is a left and right box, am I supposed to set both to the color or one set to black?

Almost forgot, Auto Adjustment doesn't work, why would that be? Says is not available.

i'm planning to get this monitor for temp only (building a new system in a few months along w/ the new 24" samsung LCD).. does best buy have this monitor for sale? if not, i'll probably just gonna go w/ Newegg..

great review and hoping to get one soon!
It's been a long time since I've been able to keep up on hardware, mainly because of pain due to herniated discs in my neck and the subsequent surgery. Hey, I actually made it to Limp Gawd on this forum once, but my account got deleted. It's fair enough that I'm identified as a newbie because I've been out of the loop for so long.

there will be slightly less quality with a VGA cable rather than a DVI, but both will work just fine.

As I recall, DSUB is the connectivity used by CRT monitors. I'm assuming DVI is the connectivity used by LCD monitors. What about the video card itself? Has anything changed there?
FYI, there is a $30 or $40 rebate on the 040B right now, but stores like BB, CC, CompUSA, etc are excluded (as well as their websites).

I don't have the link off hand, but I printed it out since I'll be getting one in Dec.
Schmiggy_JK23 said:
I use the 518 with my smooth func 1030, but i caved tonight, and ordered the g5 =p

Is there any difference if the Func f10 and the func 1030 besides the shape?

Shape and size is all the difference there is I believe.
M'ichal said:
Betauser, can you not check the Bestbuy website? :)

i checked website, but no avail.. went to best buy just a couple minutes ago.. none.. so i guess I go to newegg.. thanks for pointing that out!
Okay, some gaming, display setting questions.

With this monitor, i pretty much have to run in 1280x1024 in most of my games. So the question is, do I want vsync on? Or will it look crappy w/o it? Back in the old days of CS lans, and using a crt, we would always turn cs off, just for fps purposes, but how much of a difference does that make on a lcd?

The monitor also supports 75hrtz at that resolution, i should pretty much always use that shouldnt i?
Everything will look best at 1280x1024, but you can play around and see if other resolutions look okay. When I first got this monitor, I was playing FEAR at 1024x768 and it looked very good. It looks better at 1280x1024 of course, but 1024x768 was perfectly fine. I've noticed the same thing in some other games. Other resolutions look good enough to play, but 1280x1024 is just the best to play at. I'm playing with Vsync off and haven't noticed any tearing or other problems. I honestly haven't played with it on in many years. I don't like artificially capping my framerate. I didn't buy a GeForce 6800 Ultra when it first came out for that. I bought it to get as many FPS as possible... ;)

For refresh rate, I'm using 60Hz as I thought that was best for LCD's. They don't refresh the same way CRT's do, so 60Hz looks pretty rock steady to me and I'm usually one of those who gets a headache with a CRT unless it is set at 85Hz or better.
yes, everything will look best at 1280X1024. As for refresh rates, when gaming higher is still better especially when it comes to using V Sync. Basically V Sync forces your monitor's refresh rate to be the highest possible FPS in your game. So if you set to 60Hz, then your FPS will be locked at 60. You understand why 75Hz would be a little better. Also, the higher is better when not using V Sync basically because you want your LCD to run as close to your FPS as possible to prevent tearing. Tearing is the reason that V Sync exists, because when your bad mofo vid card is cranking out 200FPS, but your LCD can only handle 60 b/c you are at 60Hz, then the tearing will be slightly worse than if you were at 75hz. For gaming, higher is better, period. People will tell you it doesnt matter on a LCD because you wont notice the difference, but just because i understand how it works, i know that 75hz will be overall better wheter i actively see it or not...
what you forget is that vsync cap at 60fps, but what happens when you're hardware can't supply 60fps? It cuts it in half, so you get a 30fps cap until the hardware can actually supply 60fps again. Can't supply 30fps? You get a 15fps cap. You can see how this can be painful. 75hz can be better, because you get 37.5 if you can't supply 75.
But a good technique that new cards do is called triple buffering; it enables you to to set your monitor at 60hz and enable vsync, and if your hardware cannot supply 60fps, you are capped at 40fps. And if not 40, then 20fps. Or for 75, the other caps would be 50 and 25.

Vsync is a great thing because it makes motion playback smoothly, versus without it can cause tearing. In HL2 its easy to see tearing, and enabling vsync it is gone.
destrekor said:
what you forget is that vsync cap at 60fps, but what happens when you're hardware can't supply 60fps? It cuts it in half, so you get a 30fps cap until the hardware can actually supply 60fps again. Can't supply 30fps? You get a 15fps cap. You can see how this can be painful. 75hz can be better, because you get 37.5 if you can't supply 75.
But a good technique that new cards do is called triple buffering; it enables you to to set your monitor at 60hz and enable vsync, and if your hardware cannot supply 60fps, you are capped at 40fps. And if not 40, then 20fps. Or for 75, the other caps would be 50 and 25.

Vsync is a great thing because it makes motion playback smoothly, versus without it can cause tearing. In HL2 its easy to see tearing, and enabling vsync it is gone.

yup, triple buffering helps quite a bit...
Just ordered mine from newegg. 289.99 AR :D

thanks for the review, and helping me make the leap to LCD