My little itx


Aug 8, 2005
Thought I'd post my proposed system that I'll be building over the next few months or so.

Currently im running an i7 920 @ 4ghz
rampage 2 extreme
6gb ocz tri
gtx 280
in a lian li v600.

I'm at uni doing game dev, and need the power, simple as. A good workhorse pc.

Wanting to go small for ages, came form a v1000 watercooled, to a v350 watercooled, then a v600 on air. (can you see a theme here? I adore the v-series drilled hole look..) Saw the announcement of the q08 and decided to sell up!

I have on order:
DFI itx p55
4gb of gskill eco (ideally I'd like 8gig, and 4 will be pushing it. but that can come when prices aren't 200quid a stick)
i7 860
2x 64gb kingston v+ SSD's (for the lulz)
sammy f1 1tb
gtx 280, I will upgrade at some point
corsair 620 modular

And I'll be buying the q08 when its avail.

Now, for a cpu cooler I'm stuck. Needs to be low height but handle a quad, and fit the dfi.
Looked over a few with various people saying something else is better, which has landed me with this:

Thermalright AXP-140 RT
But i cant find a 1156 socket bracket anywhere in the UK?
What else can you suggest

Some thoughts on the lian li pc q08 for this build:

I only have one big hard drive (i'll velco the ssd's somewhere). Oh, and a slimline slot loading dvd rw drive, so I'm thinking of putting them both in the drive bay, and seeing if I can strip both the hdd cages out to make some more room/airflow. Posibility of watercooling it then but, that'll be better judged when reviews etc come out

Just looking for peoples opinions etc, looking forward to getting it all and posting pics :)
How are you going to hookup all 4 of those drives? You have 2 SSDs 1 Large HDD and 1 Slimline DVD drive... I thought the DFI board only had 3 SATA headers? (I have the same board in my ITX system although I could be blind) If you really need all 4 drives I would look at this:
Its due out the end of this month and has 4 SATA headers onboard as well as USB3 support (I wish I knew about this board when I built my portable rig)
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Ooo touche!

Didn't even think about that (atm i dont have the dvd connected...)

USB external for that then :)

Cheers for pointing that out, haha. I'll whack an lcd in the drive bay then or something similar. It'll be on the desktop so could work well (well, as well as my g15..) or maybe some other bay device, like a remote or something. ooo
Please update us with some pics when you get it completed... Nice to see what others come up with ;)
Corsair H50, I have one on one of my PCs and it works great i5 750@150BCLK with turbo enabled idles at 24-28c on warm days
Well It seems the Lian-Li has space for a 120mm fan. So yes partially, the cooler itself it's not tall at all so all that matters is if the HDD cages are removable and I think you would have to mod them or remove them entirely. So sorry my bad didn't think this through.

After checking for specs and pictures...It seems pretty cramped up for a case bigger than a Silverstone SG05/6. Yo may be able to fit the H50 removing the trays. But then it defeats the whole purpose of this over the sugo (except for the aluminum finish of course). The other choice is fitting it in a pull configuration under the top vent.

Maybe a big shuriken with a reversed fan would work if you use the PSU as an exhaust fan too.
would love to see what you have in your v600. i had a v1000 and i loved that case. if i could do it all over again, would have used the v600. the q08 looks good, can fit all the drives i would need.
the lian li has a 120 and a 140, the 120 (roof) seems blocked by the psu, and the 140 is blocked by the gfx card (if i was to try and stick a rad/fan in there)

And my v600 isnt anything special (well, it is but you know what i mean), need to mod the psu in but haven't got the tools or time lol.
in my v600? I have a titan fenrir, but the psu is moved to the front (where hdd cage was)
I see the front fan blocked by the HDD cage, but the top one should work the PSU is still some inches away
good shout actually!

Time for me to do some h50 review checks. Got me wondering though, drill another set of holes in the roof, 240 rad? (no dvd drive...) Custom wc set up then

Had a crazy idea last night.

Rip the whole back off and lay the motherboard down, tonnes of room then!

On a serious note,

Roof mod (another set of holes) and a fillport...
thin 240 rad (used to use a blackice 240 in my v350..)
decent cpu block,
90 degree connectons for ease if needed, (compressions too, always wants some)
No need for a res, or get a tiny one.

That'll have to wait till the case gets in stock anywhere though!
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with what your talking about doing I honestly dont see the reason to get that case.. Your about 3 rivets short of making a case from scratch anyways so i would just start that way.. As far as simply fitting an h50 goes you should have room to simply cut a 120 into the top with as long as that beast of an itx is.
The H50 is more than enough to cool an stock 1156 i5/i7 unless you the sun?
Looking at pics of the case, and the h50, the outlet of the rad seems quite long, ie, I don't think it would fit comfortably in the q08's roof (i think the red and fan will, but the tube coming out the rad wont?)

Building my own case: Dont have tools or know how!
The tubes should fit there is nothing to worry about with tubes IMHO as they are flexible
I got my v1000 modded by chilledpc (can i talk about shops/etc here?) who could do that sort of stuff. (its not that big a job, if the mobo fits sideways. a couple of brackets and a face plate, jobs a goodun)

But making a whole case from scratch, not sure on that :p

I could have a crack at design-ing something but, yeah... lol
little update guys :)


Got 2x4gb kit of ram arrive today for £115. (including delivery) Mentally cheap!

and heres a little pic from a week ago:

just waiting on the lian li q08 now!
Sweet looking setup!

I also have the DFI board and was considering the Lian Li case. I'm kind of regretting the board purchase though, because of the 3 SATA ports. Since the Q08 has more drive bays than usual for mini ITX, I'll probably want to fill 'er up.
3 + esata is enough for me personally :) I would preffer the mouse/kb input removed and more usb's but, hey. I'll have to get a hub! (got a tonne of usb things)

Thinking of changing my 280 over summer as im sick of the squealing bug, but that can wait for now. Just need that case!
3 + esata is enough for me personally :) I would preffer the mouse/kb input removed and more usb's but, hey. I'll have to get a hub! (got a tonne of usb things)

Thinking of changing my 280 over summer as im sick of the squealing bug, but that can wait for now. Just need that case!

i wonder if the esata has port multiplier - if so you might be able to connect a backplate to it..
Thankyou :)

over the summer (have a summer job now) i might get an ssd and a gtx 480 along with the lian li and h50 :D
if anyone cares: some shoddy phone pics.










will try and cable tidy but hmmm...

loads of room for water though!
how big are those two monitors? I just wanna know how big of a case this is, very interested in it.
24 and 20 :)

Hi, I read that you wanted to use the air cooler AXP-140, I do not know if it's still relevant but I had some difficulty finding the clip socket 1156, in the end it turned out, see the gallery.

AXP-140 kit