My 710T came in.

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Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2002





No dead pixels, and it looks nice. I turned up the contrast, downed the brightness. More to come later.
Yeah I was really really happy when I first got mine, but I am sending it back now,

Hope you like it
Alright then, please do ME a favor with that beautiful monitor then.

Post your system specifications here and play some real fast paced games like Farcry, Battlefield: Vietnam, and Need for Speed Underground. Please post any possible ghosting that you might find. I'm still looking for as many reviews as possible before I invest in one myself.

Dark Assassin
Alright. I played NBA Live 2k4 and Unreal Tournament. Didn't notice ghosting in all. Both played wonderful.
Well, that's one nice monitor. Does it only come in black? And what's the responce time on it?

Can't wait to see a review of it. And thanks for the pictures.
Only comes in black. If you want silver, just get the 172x.

It has a 12ms response time..and from what I have seen so far, it looks nicer than the VP171b I used last year. The 4ms is noticeable.
System specs are as follows:

1700+ @ 2.2Ghz
Soltek 75FRN2 (Nforce2 Ultra400)
512MB Corsair PC3200 @ 400Mhz
9700Pro Rev3, default speeds.
Omega 4.6 drivers.

I can play the GTR demo, and the Farcry demo and UT. I don't have BF:V.
/me waits for Airborne Express. They better deliver mine today or i will be one mad person.
Do you get Motion Blur, In UT2k4.

Motion Blur is not ghosting, Its jsut teh slight blur of textures when running passed them in games.

Such as in UT2k4 when yuo run or jump off of somthing, you could see a slight blur of the texture
Calibur said:
/me waits for Airborne Express. They better deliver mine today or i will be one mad person.

They probably will. Check tracking, because I never knew they came until I checked it. They had just dropped the monitor off by the garage.

Itll probably come on the estimated date. The tracking only had 3 times. Pick up, scan at wilmington OH, then delivery.
vinny77 said:
Do you get Motion Blur, In UT2k4.

Motion Blur is not ghosting, Its jsut teh slight blur of textures when running passed them in games.

Such as in UT2k4 when yuo run or jump off of somthing, you could see a slight blur of the texture

I was playing the original UT, but I can install the demo.
Shipment Summary:
Current Status:In TransitEst. Delivery Date:7/7/04



Shipment History:
5:55 pm
Picked Up by DHL.
Shipper's Door

It's being shipped to a business.​
Calibur said:
Shipment Summary:
Current Status:In TransitEst. Delivery Date:7/7/04



Shipment History:
5:55 pm
Picked Up by DHL.
Shipper's Door

It's being shipped to a business.​

I think their tracking system is flawed.
Yeah I would apreciate it, You should try alot of demos, Ut2k4, farcry,Need for speed Underground,halo

Just to see what you get
what do you mean excelisor? It is being shipped from IL to MI no reason it shouldn't be overnight
mine just came. Iooks awesome on normal, can't wait to get home on my computer to test the dvi. no dead pixels either :)
Calibur said:
mine just came. Iooks awesome on normal, can't wait to get home on my computer to test the dvi. no dead pixels either :)

Awesome. I think that Samsung has phenominal quality control. Post back after you have checked it out at home.
Excelsior said:
Awesome. I think that Samsung has phenominal quality control. Post back after you have checked it out at home.

Could you post a more detail review by any chance? I am quite interesting in what you think about your new 710T!
Is there going to be a review? I just ordered mine, but i've heard that it's not as good as all the hype makes it out to be.
CRaZy8 said:
Is there going to be a review? I just ordered mine, but i've heard that it's not as good as all the hype makes it out to be.

Depends on what hype who heard, and who you heard it from. It will either work for you, or it won't (in Vinny's case).
Excelsior said:
and from what I have seen so far, it looks nicer than the VP171b I used last year.
That is my old monitor. I'm anxious to see if this one is as good. I didn't notice any ghosting on the VP171B, so the main thing for me will be image quality. Mine should be here Thursday.
EnderW said:
That is my old monitor. I'm anxious to see if this one is as good. I didn't notice any ghosting on the VP171B, so the main thing for me will be image quality. Mine should be here Thursday.

Considering they both use a TN screen, IQ will either be equal or better. IMO, better, since contrast is higher.
CRaZy8 said:
Excelsior are u going to review it?

Maybe, my computer had issues about a day after I got the monitor. It was OOS, then I left for the beach. Just got the computer working again on monday. Now I am leaving for orientation at university. When I get back, I may do a review.
CRaZy8 said:
Is there going to be a review? I just ordered mine, but i've heard that it's not as good as all the hype makes it out to be.

The only person on this forum, that I've seen post, who doesn't absolutely love their 710T is vinny. And even he has claimed that it's the best LCD on the market, but he prefers his CRT. I personally have a hard time saying that the performance on this LCD in games is worse than my Sony Trinitron, for the negligible ghosting (and I mean you really have to focus to see it) you receive such a boost to IQ that it is better in my mind. I can easily say, however, that the picture is far better on this LCD than my trinitron or any other monitor that I've seen.
i bought from dell, and they shipped it DHL (says airborne express)..... and your right, they don't update their online tracking for Love No Money. as opposed to the regular DHL that updates quite a bit.

Says its going to be here on the 21'st...... so in a few more hours i hope to have a dead-pixle'less 710t ^_^.

If it does'nt have any dead pixles or problems....... ill do a review with the analog cable......... i don't have a DVI-D graphic card yet. ^_^

~Wish me luck :D ^_^ :D
had it for a few weeks now and love it. I thought I would never be able to watch a dvd on my comp and like it. but now i do. I am still adjusting the gaming on the lcd. For me the feel is a little different.
Well, i got my 710T today, and ive been using it on analog (don't have a DVI-D connector on my g-card).

Its odd, comming from a 19" sony trinitron (which ive used for 4 years now). I will miss my trinitron deeply ~_~.

Ok, now to review this Beast.

First things first........ i find it much harder to view text on the exact opposite color (such as black text on white, or white text on black). My CRT did this much much better.
Currently, there text quality is not better then my CRT (remember, i only have analog at the moment). With the CRT, i did'nt use any thing to change the font apperance, but to get this LCD to look equally as good, i need to enable clear type. Ill still fool around with the settings to see if i can make text look better.

As for the color, it took me a long time to get it to where my CRT was at..... after customizing every setting in the monitor options, and also by configuring my graphic cards color settings. It does blacks much better then my CRT did........ my CRT could'nt make pure black.
Talking about black, when i viewed each primary color plus white and red.... i noticed only """ 1 """ dead pixle to be a problem. It stays white (more multi color when using a magnifying glass) when it should be black. Surprisingly though, i can live with this..... its at the far right middle..... and its sooo small that i won't even bother with it. (Also, there are a few dead ones at the VERY edge.... but i can't notice them without starting for a few min's or with a magnifying glass.

Im just starting to get used to this LCD though (been about 4 hours now)

Next we come to gaming. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this monitor is DAM fast. I notice no ghosting or bluring. nothing that i did'nt notice on my CRT. I played Unreal Tournament, and FarCry both at my native resolution... FLAWLESS.

In games is where you notice the diffrence in color.......... with gaming i prefer my LCD over my CRT, huge diffrence.

As for the backlight, when it displays black i can see a little bit of white around the center top of my screen..... the backlight is a little uneaven. But its nothing im going to worry about at the moment. It does'nt bother me.

One thing i have noticed....... is that when im at the desktop, and i start up my graphical Folding@Home client, it will go to a blank screen for a few seconds and then return back.......... as if it were changing the resolution. Your best guess is mine :confused:

In about 1 more month, im going to be getting a brand new computer..... with DVI-D, and i hope to see some improvements (especially from what others have said... how there was a noticeable improvement).

Another thing is the resolution. Im not sure if i should have gone to the 19" or 18" LCD. for me running at 1280x1024 on this monitor is pushing it. (comming from the 19" trinitron at 1280x960 with 18" viewable screen area).

Other then that, this monitor is awsome. Freed up so much space, and much lighter and less power consuming.

Edit: Please note though, that viewing this LCD from the side is not as good as others ive seen. They might say it has a 160º viewing angle.......... but colors start to distorte at around 40º ( so about 80º optimal viewing angle). Also, on a side note, im starting to get used to the text... i adjusted it a bit more, and now i think i have just right. This is definently a keeper.

If your looking for a 17" LCD monitor to do gaming with, i will highly recommend this. Especially when you can get it for something like 432.56$US shipped from ^_^.

~Hope this helps
Awesome, thanks towert :)

I hope to see some updates to this review once you get your DVI capable computer :D

I should be ordering this monitor very soon.
Just placed my order for the new computer, so it should be here around the 3'rd. ^_^

After having this for a day, im almost fully adjusted to it, and like it better then my CRT in many ways.
towert7 said:
Well, i got my 710T today, and ive been using it on analog (don't have a DVI-D connector on my g-card).

Its odd, comming from a 19" sony trinitron (which ive used for 4 years now). I will miss my trinitron deeply ~_~.

Ok, now to review this Beast.

First things first........ i find it much harder to view text on the exact opposite color (such as black text on white, or white text on black). My CRT did this much much better.
Currently, there text quality is not better then my CRT (remember, i only have analog at the moment). With the CRT, i did'nt use any thing to change the font apperance, but to get this LCD to look equally as good, i need to enable clear type. Ill still fool around with the settings to see if i can make text look better.

As for the color, it took me a long time to get it to where my CRT was at..... after customizing every setting in the monitor options, and also by configuring my graphic cards color settings. It does blacks much better then my CRT did........ my CRT could'nt make pure black.
Talking about black, when i viewed each primary color plus white and red.... i noticed only """ 1 """ dead pixle to be a problem. It stays white (more multi color when using a magnifying glass) when it should be black. Surprisingly though, i can live with this..... its at the far right middle..... and its sooo small that i won't even bother with it. (Also, there are a few dead ones at the VERY edge.... but i can't notice them without starting for a few min's or with a magnifying glass.

Im just starting to get used to this LCD though (been about 4 hours now)

Next we come to gaming. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this monitor is DAM fast. I notice no ghosting or bluring. nothing that i did'nt notice on my CRT. I played Unreal Tournament, and FarCry both at my native resolution... FLAWLESS.

In games is where you notice the diffrence in color.......... with gaming i prefer my LCD over my CRT, huge diffrence.

As for the backlight, when it displays black i can see a little bit of white around the center top of my screen..... the backlight is a little uneaven. But its nothing im going to worry about at the moment. It does'nt bother me.

One thing i have noticed....... is that when im at the desktop, and i start up my graphical Folding@Home client, it will go to a blank screen for a few seconds and then return back.......... as if it were changing the resolution. Your best guess is mine :confused:

In about 1 more month, im going to be getting a brand new computer..... with DVI-D, and i hope to see some improvements (especially from what others have said... how there was a noticeable improvement).

Another thing is the resolution. Im not sure if i should have gone to the 19" or 18" LCD. for me running at 1280x1024 on this monitor is pushing it. (comming from the 19" trinitron at 1280x960 with 18" viewable screen area).

Other then that, this monitor is awsome. Freed up so much space, and much lighter and less power consuming.

Edit: Please note though, that viewing this LCD from the side is not as good as others ive seen. They might say it has a 160º viewing angle.......... but colors start to distorte at around 40º ( so about 80º optimal viewing angle). Also, on a side note, im starting to get used to the text... i adjusted it a bit more, and now i think i have just right. This is definently a keeper.

If your looking for a 17" LCD monitor to do gaming with, i will highly recommend this. Especially when you can get it for something like 432.56$US shipped from ^_^.

~Hope this helps

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