My 710T came in.

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It doesnt matter, I am still not the only one. he still said the Trinitrons are better so yuo Please Be quite
vinny77 said:
It doesnt matter, I am still not the only one. he still said the Trinitrons are better so yuo Please Be quite

Where the F*CK is a Mod when you need one.
He said they were better when his LCD is in analog, and they damn well ought to be. Stop posting, you ignorant fool.
I am never going to stop, So you just better stop fighting me on this. You wont win
I'm just trying to save you the humilation of making yourself look like a complete ignoramus.
BombermanX said:
I'm just trying to save you the humilation of making yourself look like a complete ignoramus.

He can't be saved, it's too late now. He can be hung, though.
Those of you that are lacking the context of this flame war here's a little summary:

He even calls it the best gaming LCD:

And here's another good reference:

And if you're looking for an LCD, here's Vinny's advice:

I, personally, came from a Sony Trinitron and I prefer this LCD, and I know I'm not alone:

Might as well throw this into the mix (and if you look around you'll find at least 10 other guys with the same opinion):
BombermanX said:
I'm just trying to save you the humilation of making yourself look like a complete ignoramus.

He can't be saved, it's too late now. He can be hung, though.
BombermanX said:
Those of you that are lacking the context of this flame war here's a little summary:

He even calls it the best gaming LCD:

And here's another good reference:

And if you're looking for an LCD, here's Vinny's advice:

I, personally, came from a Sony Trinitron and I prefer this LCD, and I know I'm not alone:

Might as well throw this into the mix (and if you look around you'll find at least 10 other guys with the same opinion):

I already Couter all of those in a earlier post if you didnt read it already

And as In me saying That The 710T is the best LCD That is true. But all of the LCds are Crap and the quality is just not there compared to a high end CRT

Bombermanx or anybody else if you wnat to debate me on this i am up for it



Just stop making Posts on hard Ocp. people come here for information. true and Honest information. Everybody has there own opinions. maybe this is why people go to different review sites and buy different magazine's and such. I am sticking that Lcds suck and wont change my opinions, so Please stop becouse I dont care anymore..

It gets annoying how you can say That i am wrong but still say that I am open to my opinions, as I Have never said that you were wrong once
IdiotInCharge said:
He can't be saved, it's too late now. He can be hung, though.

Stop Double posting nosense,If you want to come hang me

Pm me and Il give you my adress. Il even pay for you plane ticket, because i know you wouldent do anything asshole
vinny77 said:
I already Couter all of those in a earlier post if you didnt read it already

And as In me saying That The 710T is the best LCD That is true. But all of the LCds are Crap and the quality is just not there compared to a high end CRT

Bombermanx or anybody else if you wnat to debate me on this i am up for it



Just stop making Posts on hard Ocp. people come here for information. true and Honest information. Everybody has there own opinions. maybe this is why people go to different review sites and buy different magazine's and such. I am sticking that Lcds suck and wont change my opinions, so Please stop becouse I dont care anymore..

It gets annoying how you can say That i am wrong but still say that I am open to my opinions, as I Have never said that you were wrong once

First of all, thanks for all the extras line breaks. By the way, your counters didn't counter any of my points; they rather took what I said in a different direction, completely ignoring my points.

Secondly, I don't give a shit if you think LCDs suck, all you have done is bitched and moaned about the 710t, throwing in an anti-LCD comment only after we have pointed out the fact that you called the 710t the best LCD. That is why I have to keep posting this, because of the fact that what you post is very misleading without context. I also believe that your context is skewed by your sensitive eyes and should also be prefaced with that as well. Next time you post in a 710T thread about how much you despise the 710t, why don't you also add this in:

"I dislike all LCDs, because, due to my sensitive eyes, I am able to detect ghosting on any LCD. I also prefer the low cost of the CRTs. I do, however, believe the 710t to be the best gaming LCD available."

All of which is founded in your previous posts.

That way you will not mislead the readers on this forum like you already have with Argher ( Your posts are misdirected. If you wish to convince people to buy CRTs, be my guest, but what you are doing is making people think that the 710t is a bad LCD. I cannot stand by while you are continually making the readers of this forum believe the fallacious material you are posting. Post your comments in anti-LCD threads, not threads made by those who are looking to buy an LCD.
BombermanX said:
First of all, thanks for all the extras line breaks. By the way, your counters didn't counter any of my points; they rather took what I said in a different direction, completely ignoring my points.

Secondly, I don't give a shit if you think LCDs suck, all you have done is bitched and moaned about the 710t, throwing in an anti-LCD comment only after we have pointed out the fact that you called the 710t the best LCD. That is why I have to keep posting this, because of the fact that what you post is very misleading without context. I also believe that your context is skewed by your sensitive eyes and should also be prefaced with that as well. Next time you post in a 710T thread about how much you despise the 710t, why don't you also add this in:

"I dislike all LCDs, because, due to my sensitive eyes, I am able to detect ghosting on any LCD. I also prefer the low cost of the CRTs. I do, however, believe the 710t to be the best gaming LCD available."

All of which is founded in your previous posts.

That way you will not mislead the readers on this forum like you already have with Argher ( Your posts are misdirected. If you wish to convince people to buy CRTs, be my guest, but what you are doing is making people think that the 710t is a bad LCD. I cannot stand by while you are continually making the readers of this forum believe the fallacious material you are posting. Post your comments in anti-LCD threads, not threads made by those who are looking to buy an LCD.

If only I were so eloquent :)
Vinny, you are blocked from my AIM list. DO NOT try to contact me there. IF you have something worth debating (besides filling a page with endless STFU's) you may use the private message function of this forum, that is what it's there for.
vinny77 said:
It doesnt matter, I am still not the only one. he still said the Trinitrons are better so yuo Please Be quite

I did'nt say the trinitron was better....................

The only thing i said the trinitron was "better" for was text, and im using analog, so i hope to see some improvement when i goto DVI. But i did'nt say the trinitron was a better all around monitor. I said i would miss it though, ive had many fun times with it ^_^.
The only thing that i am a little unhappy with is when i first start my Folding@Home graphical client....... makes my monitor go blank for about 2 seconds.... ODD :confused:

In every other respect, its just as good as the trinitron, and better in many aspects.

Much better colors in-game........ smaller, lighter, less power consumption.

And also, the only reason i say the text is harder to read might be contributed to the fact that its a little smaller then my CRT was...... it was 1in bigger(viewable was 18", this LCD is 17")..... and it was at a slightly lower resolution.

Just on a side note, after a day ive pretty much gotten used to this LCD, after a few hours of tweeking the settings ^_^

I just hope this thing last me at least 4 years ~_~

~Hope this clears up the cloud of confusion.
IdiotInCharge said:
Where the F*CK is a Mod when you need one.

Right here

I am closing this... those of you that posted off topic or in violation of the rules can count yourself responsible

Start a new one and quit the flaming....
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