MWLL: Mech Warrior Living Legends Crysis mod out Dec 26th!


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 13, 2004
I don't know how many of you have been following the development of this mod but it will be coming out on December 26th!!

Those of you who don't know what it is - it is a total conversion mod for Crysis that is centered around the Battletech universe. I for one miss the old days of playing NetMech and am pretty excited for the release!

Edit: With our latest release 0.4.0 we also support Crysis Wars. After 0.5.0 we will only support Wars.


Before installing this new version of Mechwarrior: Living Legends please first delete your entire mwll directory in your Mods folder. Please ensure to keep a backup of your custom maps prior to deleting it or you will lose those or any work you have done on them.

Installing the latest version of MWLL is as easy as downloading our latest installation package. It will include all required files to run the update procedure. You will be asked to run the “Auto Update” right after the setup finishes to install. Please confirm the checkbox is checked and click Finish to start the update procedure.

The process can take quiet a while to complete. The total download size for the entire update is 2.5 GB. You will be offered to retain a copy of the update package (ZIP) and the Torrent file for further distribution through your favorite Torrent client.

Server Installation
If you are already running a dedicated server of MWLL 0.4.9 you will need to delete the entire MWLL folder from the server. Be sure to keep a copy of all custom maps you wish to use with MWLL 0.5.0! Then upload the entire MWLL 0.5.0 content in the ZIP to your server or ask Customer Support to download the ZIP for you and install the content into the ‘Mods/mwll’ directory. Future updates are incremental and can be added to the existing 0.5.0 installation.

dropship deployed, after downloading the MWLL download client(bittorrent client), make sure to set the upload limit to 75-80% of your connections actual upload capacity, it defaults to 0 (100%)

Version 0.5.0

New Features

- new game mode : Solaris Arena
- new game mode : Last Man Standing
- SA/LMS custom scoring & awards system
- Crysis Wars HUD system implemented
- map auto-downloader system enabled with custom z-lib extractor library
- new award indicators on HUD for award types
- chainfire now supported for all weapon groups individually
- Cbill rewards will now be shown below the cbill display with a icon indicating the reason for the reward
- New League Mode cvar sv_leaguemode_ams to disable AMS turrets
- Console command to dump the MWLL asset and weapon prices ( dumpMwllPrices )
- TC maps can be used for TSA and TOS for scrims
- add cvar hud_spec_minimumMode, hiding the "Spectating" message and
camera lense flash effect in spectator modes for a cleaner image when set to 1
- add 3 new actionsmaps for spectator z-axis movement, specmoveup (bound to 'r'), specmovedown (bound to 'f'),
- specmovez (bound to joystick_z) without current Actionmapper support

New Content

- new variants for Mechs and vehicles
- new Map : TC_Sandblasted
- new Map : SA_Glory
- new Map : SA_HelsGate
- new Map : SA_Jungle
- Duncan Fisher Solaris Arena Announcer audio
- single bay 'Mech hangar prefab
- SA stadium model & crowd texture
- SA camtower model
- SA promotional posters
- SA clan recruitment posters
- replaced multiple particle effects (better visual and performance)


- lowered per-missile damage for ATMs
- Pulse Lasers now have different ranges based on Clan/IS version
- increased Clan Pulse Laser C-Bill costs, reduced cost of IS version
- AC10/UAC10 now have faster projectile speed
- AC10/UAC10 primary and secondary damage improved
- lowered tonnage for Clan Medium and Large Heavy Lasers
- LBX2/5 (for both Clan and IS) now refire faster and have DPS more inline with series set forth by LBX10/20
- new Uziel "D" and "E" variants
- corrected Sparrowhawk variants
- laser weapons now make audible impact sounds
- screen shake from SRM/SSRM/ATM reduced
- aerospace must land to rearm by default (can be overriden by League Mode cvar)
- aerospace rearm at APCs is disabled (can be overriden by League Mode cvar)
- hitboxes improved for all ground vehicles
- hitboxes improved for Mk2, Madcat
- BA TAG range increased to 550m
- Removed UAC "double jeopardy" cooldown penalty
- Sparrowhawk flight parameters adjusted so it's not as "clunky", but still more manouverable then the Sulla


- heavily optimised TC_DeathValley map to reduce drawcalls and texture memory usage
- bulletimpacts system corrected
- class based sound channel calling system for vehicles
- various Oneshot and MaxChannels issues resolved with sound palette
- tracked vehicle handling improved globally, less slip on inclined surfaces

Bug Fixes

- Fixed streak srms getting stuck in mid air
- turret pitch locking for tracked vehicles when going over rapidly varying terrain resolved
- coolant refill bug resolved
- Aecm fixed
- fixed ammo quick buy behaving incorrectly sometimes
- fixed a crash caused by the respawn timer getting loaded and unloaded on every spawn
- Disabled firegroup input while cbill sharing menu is open if there are key conflicts
- Removed UAC "double jeopardy" cooldown penalty
- Fixed partial ammo reload costing price of full ton
- Fixed stuck buy zones from APC
- Fixed not being able to buy additional ammo for Harasser E if ammo was depleted
- Fixed corrupted display of coordinates specifier in the map display for
non-english versions of Crysis Wars
- Fixed MRMs 10 and 20 so that they don't have missiles flying off at a stupid angle
- Fixed SSRMs and RACs to not have recoil on non-mechs
- Tweaked PPCs and RACs so that their visual effects should be more accurate to their damaging effects

Other changes

- support for standard Crysis has been removed
- more robust cheat protection system implemented for both client and server
- extraneous start menu options have been removed for greater clarity
- menu CONFIG option now invokes included Actionmapper utility


- new look and feel, icons for key panel, short descriptions for each action when selected
- moved aero/vtol invert actions close to the actions they belong to
- fix provided for bug where you had to click twice on an action to get it to properly update the key selection UI panels
- added code to preserve autoexec.cfg comments and formatting when writing out
- corrected XI fire action to be onPress instead of onRelease in the default actionmaps
- fixed issue where infinite loop of popups would occur when there's only one profile with no actionmaps.xml file present


- more verbose pre-installation instructions provided
- installer support for standard Crysis has been removed

Auto Updater

- Fixed download size terminology (thanks to WhiteZero for reporting)
- Updates for the Auto Updater, Beta Launcher or Crash Reporter now called 'MWLL Tools'
- Fixed a bug that caused updates for the Auto Updater not to be installed before any other MWLL updates
- Detect if Beta Launcher is running fixing various crashes related to this
- When the Auto Updater fails to install a file, it will prompt the user with a Retry-Cancel dialog instead of terminating the update
- A new 'Settings' button was added to the update window, clicking on it will pause the update and show the settings dialog.
- Added options to limit the upload and download speed (thanks to ~SJ~ Darthbob for the idea)
- Settings are now global and persistent across updates
- Fixed a crash when multiple instances of the application was attempted to be started
- A 'Retry' option was added to the error dialog when the Auto Updater has failed to check for updates
- Improved the update selection logics to prefer smaller-scale updates
- Fixed a serious bug in the update download and post-installation logics
- All log files and data files are now stored in My Games\Crysis Wars\MWLL\Launcher

Beta Launcher

- Now will automatically exit in most cases when the Auto Updater is beginning to download an update.
- Fixed a bug in the server level rotation generator that caused Test of Strength game mode not to be working properly
- Fixed a crash when multiple instances of the application was attempted to be started

Known Issues

- Thor footsteps do not play
- if a lock-on missile system in a LT/RT is destroyed while the system is acquiring a lock the lock-on tone will play continuously
- repairs are not halted when damage is taken, will be addressed in 0.5.1
- MWLL logo in main menu does not support custom menu skin colour (known issue, will not fix)
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Finally a good reason to reinstall crysis. I wonder if my old microsoft sidewinder 3D pro will work?
If this turns out as good as it looks/sounds, I'm gonna have to buy Crysis just to install this.
It should. The team has been very aware that there are many people running it under Steam.
Been waiting for this for a long long time. Time to reinstall Crysis!
Now this plus that cool DeLorean mod will together finally see me reinstalling Crysis myself.
Trial of Annihilation sounds like mad fun.

III.8 What is the "Trial of Annihilation" game mode?
A: In "Trial of Annihilation", the player starts the game as a primitive grunt – either Clan or Inner Sphere. Both teams will have a different weapon and equipment designs as well as appearing quite different from one another.
The player will be given just the basic Privates pay, which provides enough funds to purchase basic armor/weapon/ammo and/or vehicles. As the player makes kills and/or achieves other goals (like securing capture points), you'll earn credits that can be used to obtain bigger and better things. Your headquarters will be armed with automated missiles and turrets – effectively eliminating base camping altogether. Your headquarters may be an offshore station, an inland base or a landed dropship.

MWLL multiplayer will provide a wide variety of different vehicles and machines including BattleMechs.
Such vehicles and machines just don't just spawn – the player's side will have to take control of certain capture zones in order to be able to manufacture them. The capture zones won't be just markers on a map – rather they will be factories, ports, motor works etc. For example, capturing a vehicle plant will enable the production of tanks and BattleMechs. Capturing a zone will involve simply standing in a specific room for a small amount of time. The player will gain credits for this also.

Once the players' team captures a zone, it doesn't just start manufacturing the goods. It provides the means to manufacture, but the player must first of all order their desired machine or vehicle through their PDA and have a certain number of credits available. The PDA will provide the player with a key code so that no one else can take what the player has ordered. The player will also have the opportunity to give your order to another team member.

While the player can have multiple vehicles/machines, they can only manage one at a time. The others can be locked in a somewhat secure area. They won't be completely safe though as the enemy can pick your locks and steal equipment. Also, if for any reason the player leaves their vehicle and the enemy is snooping around they can jump in and claim it as theirs.

Throughout the game the player's rank will change as you gain more "C-bills" The higher rank they have, the more equipment they will in turn have access to.

Getting the right balance is perhaps the most pertinent issue. While new players may think it's grossly unfair that all they will begin with is basic issue while other players may be already playing with some serious firepower, it won't quite be like this. Firstly new players will be able to steal others machines/vehicles. Secondly, those players with higher ranks won't be after the new players as they will have very little to gain from killing them and more so be jeopardizing their entire team. Players with high ranks will get the greatest benefit from killing opponents with a higher rank level. Based on this it's likely that you'll be fighting others with a similar rank.

A very interesting plan for the MWLL Multiplayer "Theatre of War" is the "Action Area" concept. This is a completely new concept never before seen in an FPS multiplayer title. Essentially each map will consist of a large 60km wide terrain. In this terrain, there will be three major action zones which are essentially maps in themselves. For ease of definition the large 60km will now be known as the world map, and the smaller areas that exists inside this map will be knows as Area/Action Zones. Each action zone will play very much like a typical FPS multiplayer map with domination of all capture points being the objective. Upon victory for either side on this particular map the losing team becomes the defending team in the next area which may be 5-10km away from this central action zone. The defending team must scramble to make it to the map before the attacking team does so as to set up a strong defensive position. The attacking team must inflict as much damage to the retreating defending team as possible to minimize the amount of resistance that they will meet upon arrival at the new area. The main interesting feature of this is that on the defensive action zones if the defenders defeat the attackers, the attackers must then retreat back to the central map and a tug of war will begin.
Due to the unique factor of the time in each game. Depending on the servers' settings, a game could last as long as ten real hours! (Keyword: Could) With the dynamic day/night cycles in MWLL, it's possible that the player could be playing on the same map during the day and under the stars!

Acquiring more Funds

The player will earn additional funds by capturing and defending build locations, spawn points and main objectives. They will also earn additional funds by aiding their teammates in a variety of ways, either by resupply or kill assists.
Each map will consist of an attacking faction and a defending faction. Depending on the map, different objectives will be required to be completed by the attacking team for the victory conditions to be met. Typically the maps will consist of 3-5 objectives depending on the overall complexity of the map itself.
Players use the variety of vehicles and tool to accomplish their tasks be it defending or attacking and completing certain objectives.
HELL YEAH! Crysis already installed. It's been sittin in my hard drive bored as hell
dammit, just wiped and formatted my hardd rive for my win 7 install and my crysus disk is scratched thanks to my son lol

Off to walmart tommrow to grab a scratch repair kit.
I'm surprised this is coming out before the free release of Mercs. But whatever I want to play it.
It just such a shame that the Mechwarrior universe probably has some of the ugliest robot designs in history.
I'm guessing you like the more Japanese style? That's the thing, style is subjective. I've always like the industrial BT style much better.

Give me my Highlanders and I'll be a happy merc.
It just such a shame that the Mechwarrior universe probably has some of the ugliest robot designs in history.

Oh FFS... What you like? Voltron? Gundam crap? What else swings your boat, robots with swords? Please tell us we are dieing to hear it!
I'm guessing you like the more Japanese style? That's the thing, style is subjective. I've always like the industrial BT style much better.

Give me my Highlanders and I'll be a happy merc.

The interesting thing is that they used some of the same designs as the Japanese, which later caused some copyright issues.
Is Battletech different than Mechwarrior?

I have a ton of Battletech toys from when I was little :D
Oh FFS... What you like? Voltron? Gundam crap? What else swings your boat, robots with swords? Please tell us we are dieing to hear it!

Mechwarrior/Battletech as it stands today is just a terrible mishmash of the early 1980s RPG sketchbook designs that FASA copied from Macross, Dougram, and Crusher Joe (the later two being terribly outdated and ugly animes from the 1970s) with slight variations turning them into ugly knockoffs. Then realizing the potential for lawsuits, these designs were swept under the carpet and replaced with yet even more uglier derivatives than before.

Ever since I was 5 years old I reviled the look of the Battletech universe even though I enjoyed all the Battletech games on DOS and even spent over $200 on Mechwarrior 3 + Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro back in the day. The games were fun but all the designs were still terrible. Look at the trailer, those things are just ugly. They belong on bad American sci-fi covers from the 70s.

I'm not too crazy over anime designs but the Japanese edition of the Battletech tabletop RPG is much more visually interesting for sure.
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That thing is ugly as sin.

I'll take my 1990's Industrial Mechs please.
awww yeah , this is awesome.
been waiting for this for quite some time now.

you guys remember Heavy Gear? The designs were a little better, but it was still mechwarrior.
Looks like I have a reason to reinstall Crysis. Now will my video card survive this game is another question :p
I'm sorry if you don't like Mechwarrior designs. I grew up on MW2 and not Gundams and stuff. I love the way my Timber Wolf looks - industrial, functional, and heavily armed. It's a walking tank, not an armored suit (excepting the elementals). Something may look ugly and bad-ass at the same time.;)

Timber Wolf (aka Mad Cat)

Good sir, do you really think the Gundam looks better? You, sir, have poor taste.
I never ever said that I liked Gundam. I just don't like Battletech's industrial design and I never have, aside from a few instances of totally plagiarized Macross destroids in the early FASA books. I think Battletech mechs have potential but are in serious need for an update. The ostrich style ones are decent but the humanoid bipedal ones are just far too simplistic and blocky and underdesigned and old looking to me.

I grew up on Battletech too. I just always hated the look of it despite buying every single game since the original DOS ones.

Me circa 1989: "Alpha-Strike! (*grumble why is my mech so ugly*)". Well actually, for some reason I think they look better in this than the ones modeled in the Crysis mod.
Hey look - December 26th, and there's nothing on their webpage. I'm so surprised!

Hey, at least it's not Black Mesa Source - I'm sure THIS mod will actually ship before we all die :)

Once they finally release this, can someone post a mini-review, and tell us the general quality of the game? I'd be plunking down real money to purchase Crysis, and I really don't want to if this mode is half-baked.
They said it would be out on the 26TH. They did not specify a time. Have a little faith. It will be well worth the wait.