MW3 gameplay trailer

I should bloviate, and I will. Let's say i have a 791 million budget and 2,367 people to work on this game, damn right it'll be done. I suggest you read the actual thread he was referencing to before posting something so asinine and uninformed.

You must not have been paying very much attention, because if you scroll up you will notice that I was the one who referenced that thread, and I did in fact read it before posting. Do you have the budget and employee numbers that you mentioned? No. Would those numbers be easy to obtain? No. So you proved that point for me (which was that making the "greatest game of all time," as you put, would not be such an easy task).

As for your second thing, MW2 is stripped of all the features that made MW1 so good, so yes, it is a defective and inferior product, the only thing is, you decided to pay for it, so you have to justify to yourself why you spent that money on it, hey, the sum adds up for you, great, but for me, it wasn't worth the bandwidth it would take to download nor the hard drive disk space it would fill up, which I have better uses for, like say, BF3 when it comes out :D

Different features in MW2 is a difference, not a defect. A defect would be something that wound up in the game by mistake, rather than as the result of a design choice (even one that you happen to disagree with). And nowhere it your post do you say that you've actually played MW2, so I can only assume that you are spouting the same CoD bashing catchphrases that are found in numerous other Internet venues, without the firsthand experience to back it up.

The old Infinity Ward that made the really good CoD games doesn't exist anymore.

Being a CoD fan I obviously already know that. Doesn't mean that the next game can't be any good. It will be up to each individual once November 8th rolls around to decide for themselves whether or not MW3 is "good," and making speculation either way beforehand is pretty pointless. But I for one still have enough interest in the franchise to buy the game on launch day.

Edit: One other thing. Commas are nice and all, but the occasional period between independent clauses never hurt anybody. ;)
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You must not have been paying very much attention, becuase if you scroll up you will notice that I was the one who referenced that thread, and I did in fact read it before posting. Do you have the budget and employee numbers that you mentioned? No. Would those numbers be easy to obtain? No. So you proved that point for me (which was that making the "greatest game of all time," as you put, would not be such an easy task).

Different features in MW2 is a defference, not a defect. A defect would be something that wound up in the game by mistake, rather than as the result of a design choice (even one that you happen to disagree with). And nowhere it your post do you say that you've actually played MW2, so I can only assume that you are spouting the same CoD bashing catchphrases that are found in numerous other Internet venues, without the firsthand experience to back it up.

Being a CoD fan I obviously already know that. Doesn't mean that the next game can't be any good. It will be up to each individual once November 8th rolls around to decide for themselves whether or not MW3 is "good," and making speculation either way beforehand is pretty pointless. But I for one still have enough interest in the franchise to buy the game on launch day.

Edit: One other thing. Commas are nice and all, but the occasional period between independent clauses never hurt anybdoy. ;)

A schpellin cheka nver hrut n0boyd ithr

If you are a real fan as you insist you are, you would know what features are in CoD4 that are not in MW2 . . . .

but noooooo, you gotta justify to yourself why you spent $60 on an overhyped, mediocre product. I get it, I really do. It's an old story, I was there when we had this conversation back when MW2 launched.
but noooooo, you gotta justify to yourself why you spent $60 on an overhyped, mediocre product. I get it, I really do. It's an old story, I was there when we had this conversation back when MW2 launched.

No justification needed here, becuase I already agree with myself. :p And if I thought MW2 was an overhyped, mediocre product, I wouldn't still be playing it. I actually bought the game for thirty-odd dollars on, and a friend gifted me the DLC. Sooo $30+ divided by 300+ hours of gameplay equals roughly $0.10 per hour. I'd say I got my money's worth.
Agreed. I went to, the advertising is already out in full force . . . .
After always hearing about the BF series, someone gifted BFBC2 to me a month or so ago...if this is any indication of what the BF series is about I'm thoroughly unimpressed. If you want to talk about over priced rehashed crap I'm sure you should take your mask of hypocrisy off...also about the dedicated servers that were left out of MW2...sure dedicated servers are a cornerstone of PC gaming but it's not the end of the world when they're not included and by no means does this mean a game is "shit" because it doesn't include them. Again, you're the typical person who generalizes as to how and what something should be based on nerdtastic fanatical ideas based on premeditated judgments. You obviously never played MW2 and yet you're gonna talk shit based on what...? Southpark makes fun of people like you btw.
After always hearing about the BF series, someone gifted BFBC2 to me a month or so ago...if this is any indication of what the BF series is about I'm thoroughly unimpressed. If you want to talk about over priced rehashed crap I'm sure you should take your mask of hypocrisy off...also about the dedicated servers that were left out of MW2...sure dedicated servers are a cornerstone of PC gaming but it's not the end of the world when they're not included and by no means does this mean a game is "shit" because it doesn't include them. Again, you're the typical person who generalizes as to how and what something should be based on nerdtastic fanatical ideas based on premeditated judgments. You obviously never played MW2 and yet you're gonna talk shit based on what...? Southpark makes fun of people like you btw.

This post doesn't even merit any response beyond this.
No justification needed here, becuase I already agree with myself. :p And if I thought MW2 was an overhyped, mediocre product, I wouldn't still be playing it. I actually bought the game for thirty-odd dollars on, and a friend gifted me the DLC. Sooo $30+ divided by 300+ hours of gameplay equals roughly $0.10 per hour. I'd say I got my money's worth.

I'm cool with people voting with their wallet, doesn't really change my opinion though, just like I don't realistically expect my opinion to change yours :p

I will not be buying MW3 for the reasons I aforementioned. Looks like I won't be the only one, but if you do buy it, that's still cool.
I'm cool with people voting with their wallet, doesn't really change my opinion though, just like I don't realistically expect my opinion to change yours :p

I will not be buying MW3 for the reasons I aforementioned. Looks like I won't be the only one, but if you do buy it, that's still cool.

Judging by your past posts, I doubt you actually purchase any games. Yawn....
Judging by your past posts, I doubt you actually purchase any games. Yawn....

The last game I bought was Portal 2, so you'd be wrong :D

I simply opt to buy games that provide a quality experience for my hard earned dollars.
The last game I bought was Portal 2, so you'd be wrong :D

I simply opt to buy games that provide a quality experience for my hard earned dollars.

The only way to determine whether or not an experience will be one of quality is to buy the game and play it for yourself. different methods apply to you?
The only way to determine whether or not an experience will be one of quality is to buy the game and play it for yourself. different methods apply to you?

Or you can read about a game and read about features being left out, it being stripped down, removal of dedicated servers, lean, and hackers, and readily come to a proper conclusion not to waste money on shovelware.
The last game I bought was Portal 2, so you'd be wrong :D

I simply opt to buy games that provide a quality experience for my hard earned dollars.

MW3 already on Gamestop's bestseller list. But according to you people are getting, maybe willingly, fooled for the third time in a row now right? It's time to admit you simply prefer a slower, more deliberate game like BF2 that you can be on equal ground with the younger players.
MW3 already on Gamestop's bestseller list. But according to you people are getting, maybe willingly, fooled for the third time in a row now right? It's time to admit you simply prefer a slower, more deliberate game like BF2 that you can be on equal ground with the younger players.

I prefer a game with dedicated servers where I can have a sense of community and I can have a better game than 8 vs 8, which is ridiculous in this day and age. Also, with admins who can ban hackers rather than waiting on "IWnet" to ban hackers, if they ever do or can catch them all. Also being able to pick the maps you want to play on is good, and "waiting on new host" is a sure way to go flaccid really quick.

Try again.
Or you can read about a game and read about features being left out, it being stripped down, removal of dedicated servers, lean, and hackers, and readily come to a proper conclusion not to waste money on shovelware.
Ok cool, just wondering. So I'm assuming you've played MW3 from start to finish, right? No? Or at least SOMEONE of credibility has, right? Ok well then it's obvious: for some odd reason (that I can only imagine involved you having to sell your soul to the devil and/or being required to perform various sexual favors that can only be described as "highly disturbing"), they've decided to lay out all this information for you of all people after having spent a decent amount of quality time with the finished version that doesn't even exist yet, right? Owait the most anyone has seen is a short trailer that doesn't show jack shit in the gameplay department, let alone any in-depth features - or the supposed lack thereof.

EDIT: also - is it confirmed that there will be no dedicated servers? From what I've read - as of at least the 23rd it's been confirmed that there will, in fact, be dedicated servers?

EDIT 2: it's maybe/maybe not - sort of up in the air...the point here, though, is that you have no clue as to what you're talking about, Fail. You're throwing paranoid guesses around as if they're fact when - in fact - no one actually knows anything yet. What it's definitely looking like, though, is that they're trying to work it out in a way that those looking for dedicated servers will be happy. Or less whiny.
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I said that CoD4 was the last good game made :p

Then I am crazy, for some reason I was thinking CoD4 was CoD 3 and thought you were nuts. Anyway, we are in agreement then sir.
Ok cool, just wondering. So I'm assuming you've played MW3 from start to finish, right? Or at least SOMEONE of credibility has, right? They've laid out all this information for you after having spent a decent amount of quality time with the finished version that doesn't even exist yet, right? Owait the most anyone has seen is a short trailer that doesn't show jack shit in the gameplay department, let alone any in-depth features - or the supposed lack thereof.

EDIT: also - is it confirmed that there will be no dedicated servers? From what I've read - as of at least the 23rd it's been confirmed that there will, in fact, be dedicated servers?

EDIT 2: it's maybe/maybe not - sort of up in the air...the point here, though, is that you have no clue as to what you're talking about, Fail. You're throwing paranoid guesses around as if they're fact when - in fact - no one actually knows anything yet. What it's definitely looking like, though, is that they're trying to work it out in a way that those looking for dedicated servers will be happy. Or less whiny.

I was talking about Modern Warfare 2.
I was talking about Modern Warfare 2.


Fail said:
I'm cool with people voting with their wallet, doesn't really change my opinion though, just like I don't realistically expect my opinion to change yours :p

I will not be buying MW3 for the reasons I aforementioned
. Looks like I won't be the only one, but if you do buy it, that's still cool.

Strangely enough, it looks to me like you're judging MW3 - a game that no one really knows much of anything about - based on what you've read about MW2 - MW2 being a game you've never even played.

Lol based on "what you've read", wow. That's funny...I can't believe you're waltzing around the thread acting like your opinion on a game that you've never even played has any sort of credibility or validity. I mean seriously what you're doing right now is passing judgement on a game that isn't even out yet based on the judgment you passed on a game you've never even played. LMAO!
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I was talking about Modern Warfare 2.

Then you've played MW3! :cool:

Look, it boils down to different strokes for different folks. Some people just prefer something different. You really can't revolutionize something if you're not willing to try and Activision is not willing to try. Hence why you have a lot of PC gamers who could care less about the MW franchise now because it is being ridden to death byt the same company who is notorious for burning franchises out.

MW3 is the same basic game since CoD4 and there have been 4 other CoD games out since that time and all they have done is remove features. That is fact. Whether or not you think that is a good idea or not is a different thread, but it isn't just PC gamers that think this way as evident by the Sony PS3 debacle. Don't give gamers the tools to mod, create, and run their games the way they want then remove them and tell us that it is in our best interests, because as MW2 demonstrated it wasn't.
Then you've played MW3! :cool:

Perhaps that could be the case in some strange, offbeat way. But that's just the thing - he's never even played MW2 to begin with :p

...and Fail I don't wanna see you try and pull some sort of "well technically I did play MW2 because I actually did play MW1!!!111one!". You know why I don't want to see you try that card? For one, it just wouldn't work. Most of us have caught on to your blatant, compulsive will to spout self-fulfilling BS. You put glorified opinions on things that you haven't even experienced for yourself or earned the right to have an opinion on in the first place. Even worse is that, more often than not, you spout your opinions on some of these games as if they're hard fact. Another reason that you shouldn't pull the above described "card" - well it's because apparently MW1 was a pleasantly acceptable shooter in your opinion - something MW2 allegedly was NOT. Not the same. So no, before you even begin - you did NOT play MW2 through some mystic, ethereal connection to MW1. It also means that you have DEFINITELY, ESPECIALLY NOT played MW3. Don't go getting all self-fulfilled by Climbers post because, again, you haven't played MW3 - even if you did play MW2 which, whoopsie, ya didn't ;)

EDIT: Alright I went through your post history and yep - it's official - you just don't like the CoD series anymore. You hate it so much that you tap dance right on into any and every thread about the series. You enter prepared, passport in hand, complete with an arsenal of what you thought was valid opinion but actually amounted to some type of a baked-facial-hair-with-senile-cat-piss-casserole once it got converted to our native currency of VALID OPINION. You think the series is a cash cow. A ripoff. Insulting. People who buy into it are sheep and letting the terrorists win. For every person that buys a copy of MW2 and above, the PC gaming industry gets 10% worse. The series is proven to be so terrible to you that you don't even have to play any sequels to know they're terrible; the force is strong with you and you can just feel the nearly-unbearable pressure of inferior mediocrity nearing the universe two or so days before the developers even know they'll start developing. Etc etc etc, on and on and on, over and over again. We get it. We know your opinion. We copy you very loud and clear, buddy. So loud, in fact, that our speakers are BLOWN. You are success at every interweb.

There - you have been validated, my friend. Congratulations. Now please, just be quiet.
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Perhaps that could be the case in some strange, offbeat way. But that's just the thing - he's never even played MW2 to begin with :p

...and Fail I don't wanna see you try and pull some sort of "well technically I did play MW2 because I actually did play MW1!!!111one!". You know why I don't want to see you try that card? For one, it just wouldn't work. Most of us have caught on to your blatant, compulsive will to spout self-fulfilling BS. You put glorified opinions on things that you haven't even experienced for yourself or earned the right to have an opinion on in the first place. Even worse is that, more often than not, you spout your opinions on some of these games as if they're hard fact. Another reason that you shouldn't pull the above described "card" - well it's because apparently MW1 was a pleasantly acceptable shooter in your opinion - something MW2 allegedly was NOT. Not the same. So no, before you even begin - you did NOT play MW2 through some mystic, ethereal connection to MW1. It also means that you have DEFINITELY, ESPECIALLY NOT played MW3. Don't go getting all self-fulfilled by Climbers post because, again, you haven't played MW3 - even if you did play MW2 which, whoopsie, ya didn't ;)

EDIT: Alright I went through your post history and yep - it's official - you just don't like the CoD series anymore. You hate it so much that you tap dance right on into any and every thread about the series. You enter prepared, passport in hand, complete with an arsenal of what you thought was valid opinion but actually amounted to some type of a baked-facial-hair-with-senile-cat-piss-casserole once it got converted to our native currency of VALID OPINION. You think the series is a cash cow. A ripoff. Insulting. People who buy into it are sheep and letting the terrorists win. For every person that buys a copy of MW2 and above, the PC gaming industry gets 10% worse. The series is proven to be so terrible to you that you don't even have to play any sequels to know they're terrible; the force is strong with you and you can just feel the nearly-unbearable pressure of inferior mediocrity nearing the universe two or so days before the developers even know they'll start developing. Etc etc etc, on and on and on, over and over again. We get it. We know your opinion. We copy you very loud and clear, buddy. So loud, in fact, that our speakers are BLOWN. You are success at every interweb.

There - you have been validated, my friend. Congratulations. Now please, just be quiet.

I'm not siding with anybody here, but you get far too butthurt about internet opinions. Not to mention being creepy stalkerish..
I'm always attacked for my opinion, simply cause I don't bend over and buy what the sheeple do :D

God forbid someone actually have standards, if we all had standards, PC games would be made that actually keep up with the technology we have today and console ports would be non existent. I'd love to be rid of the blight of consolitis.
I actually only just bothered to watch the video because I assumed that I knew what I was going to see anyway, based on the previous games.

I was wrong. It was even more laughable. They have really bottomed-out now.
I'm always attacked for my opinion...
Maybe if you didn't go out of your way to troll every damn COD thread started just so you can call everyone who likes the COD series names (sheeple).

Why can't you just accept the fact that not everyone is gonna like what you do and stop trying to force your OPINIONS on everyone else by posting in every damn COD thread that gets started?
Having an opinion is fine but when it gets to the point of having to push it on everyone in every thread and calling names then that's just going to far IMHO.
I'm not siding with anybody here, but you get far too butthurt about internet opinions. Not to mention being creepy stalkerish..

Butthurt? Lol sure. I couldn't care less about this guys opinion. He cares so much about it that that he feels the need to say the same exact thing multiple times, thread after thread. It gets incredibly annoying. Make no mistake, its not that I care about his opinions in any shape or form. I would just like to enter a call of duty thread without seeing his little passive aggressive jabs at every single person who says they're looking forward to a new call of duty game. And what are you on about this stalker thing? [H] has a search function for many reasons - one of those reasons being so we can easily refer back to specific posts made by any given user in the event that someone needs to call them out on their bullshit ;)

Now had this site lacked the search features and I spent time and money on developing some stalker tool just to watch this guy then yeah, that would be pretty stalker-ish. Lucky me, though. Stalker tools are built right in.
After watching the trailer, I really dont see how in the world do they think they are going to compete with BF3? BF3 just looks like a tighter game.
I'm going to be far to busy playing BF3 multiplayer to give a crap about MW3 i think.
I'm always attacked for my opinion, simply cause I don't bend over and buy what the sheeple do :D

God forbid someone actually have standards, if we all had standards, PC games would be made that actually keep up with the technology we have today and console ports would be non existent. I'd love to be rid of the blight of consolitis.

dont buy it right? But you sure do expend massive amounts of energy trolling a game you arent going to buy because you are sooooo angry its going to sell so well and be the top played game, yet again.
You know what? I'm now pretty convinced that fail is one-uh-them ex-infinity ward employees.

So, SO relentlessly bitter. :p
Holy crap, you CoD fanboy really do care alot about what people say of your beloved game.


I'm curious as to when they'll uppgrade their engine though, MW4 next year or maybe MW5 in 2013?
I guess those who play COD on PC's are the ones complaining about it and lack of dedicated servers. And if that is the case, I understand. I play it on the PS3/360 and love it. Playing single player and on line with co-workers and friends what I love about the game. Isn't that what Kyle always talks about, actual game play? Actual game play for me is a great enjoyable experience and I for one will be purchasing MW3. And yes that means for the PS3 and 360. Go ahead and hate me now.:D:D
dont buy it right? But you sure do expend massive amounts of energy trolling a game you arent going to buy because you are sooooo angry its going to sell so well and be the top played game, yet again.

It would seem to be that Fail wants something more from one of the biggest named franchises in todays PC gaming world. He wants someone to take the lead and step forward to improve the FPS genre, to think outside the box and bring something better to the table, not just the same old same old after each installment. There is nothing wrong with that; however, not everyone thinks this way and they don't care if nothing new is given. That is where the sheeple comment comes in. The better question is why don't you want something new to come from them? Why do you want the same thing they produced 5 years ago with just a different name and removed features? Why don't you want to hold them accountable to a higher standard? I think those are the questions that perplex Fail and many others.

Where you choose to spend your money is up to you but where it is spent is where you are telling publishers you want a series or that genre to go even if it kills the franchise in the long run. That is what happened to Guitar Hero and several other highly acclaimed series. Is that what gamers want for the CoD series? Because the MW series is becoming stagnate. What does it bring new to the table? What difference was there from MW 2 to 1? What difference will there be from 3 to 2? These questions should be asked for every game that comes out and not just the CoD franchise. Some people care, some more than others, about the pushing of boundaries in PC gaming. I'm not talking just graphics; but gameplay, stories, immersion, moding capability, co-op, etc...etc...all of which in my mind take higher precendent over graphical upgrades. That is all I'm jumping off my soapbox now.
The single player games aren't 8-10 hours long. They really aren't worth the money if that's all you are going to play them for. That's just my opinion though.

And I'll defend to the death your right to share your opinion, even those I disagree with.

I guess I'm on the retarded section of the bell curve when it comes to finishing times. Ok, so what I meant to say was between 6-8 hours. Ha ha, that's probably still way over your super-hard-mega-win time, Dan. :p

It's my $50 bucks, and the price could be lower but I don't set the prices. I just choose whether or not to pay and in this instance I know exactly what I'm getting for my money: Part 3 in a campy war story complete with plot holes and stupid teammates. I'm not new to the franchise.

I want innovation for PC gaming too but I'm not going to miss the third installment of the MW 'saga' (ha ha) just because Activision sucks and the game's rehashed, sheeple fodder. I just don't care. Gaming isn't political or some kind of righteous crusade for me. I'll enjoy my brief time with the game and move on.

That said, I really couldn't give a shit about the Battlefield franchise and don't plan on buying BF3 since I haven't invested in any of the previous iterations of the series. If it turns out to be the de facto standard for system benchmarking or has a fantastic single player storyline, I'll buy it for sure. If not, it's just another MP focused, modern weaponry shooter. No thanks. I'm not going to buy it just because Kotick's a ruthless, innovation stifling anti-icon.

Activision just happens to own one (now stolen) franchise with a single player storyline that I'm interested in for 6-8 hours every couple of years and that's that.

Hit the bricks with that sheeple shit, Fail. You are not a unique snowflake. :D
Regarding the whole $50-$60 price tag on most new games - why do people even complain about that in the first place? I mean - cartridge-based games of old were the same exact price and some even MORE expensive, upwards of $75. Considering how crazy inflation has gotten and how much development costs have gone up, I'm surprised games are even still priced at $50-$60.
Regarding the whole $50-$60 price tag on most new games - why do people even complain about that in the first place? I mean - cartridge-based games of old were the same exact price and some even MORE expensive, upwards of $75. Considering how crazy inflation has gotten and how much development costs have gone up, I'm surprised games are even still priced at $50-$60.

here we go with inflation cost :p
Regarding the whole $50-$60 price tag on most new games - why do people even complain about that in the first place? I mean - cartridge-based games of old were the same exact price and some even MORE expensive, upwards of $75. Considering how crazy inflation has gotten and how much development costs have gone up, I'm surprised games are even still priced at $50-$60.

I used to get a hell of a lot more play time out of those cartridges than I do out of most of the shitty rehashed mainstream garbage pumped out by developers these days.

The inflation analogy simply does not work. Games may be approximately the same price in dollar terms, but their value has slowly been eroded away thanks to shorter campaigns and DLC (you know....all the shit that used to be included in a game from the outset).