MW3 gameplay trailer

It looks good to me. I enjoyed MW and MW2 and play it a lot. I will be buying and playing MW3 too.
Everyone is entitled to there opinion, but I find it funny so many people hate it or say they won't buy it, yet it will out sell Black Ops and probably BF3. So who besides me is buying it then?:D:confused:;)
I will probably get it. Though I've gotten less and less of my money's worth with each installment past Call of Duty Modern Warfare. That's not to say that I'm not enjoying each of the games, but the newer games just lack originality and the game play isn't evolving.
Meh, don't know what Bowling was smoking when he claimed that MW3 was using a whole new game engine, but then again he is a pathological bullshit artist.

Will be hilarious if Zampella and West successfully injunct Activision from releasing this on the basis that they own the rights to the MW name. Sure they can simply change the title and packaging, but you have to wonder if Activision have deliberately not avoided using the MW name as a show of defiance towards Zampella and West.
Skipped WaW and Black Ops. Pretty happy that MW3's coming out though. Single player only for me. Trailer looked good during the 2nd intermission of the Boston vs Tampa Bay game last night.

I'll give 'em ~$50 for my 8-10 hours of play time.

It's funny to read how much people hate this franchise though. :D
Skipped WaW and Black Ops. Pretty happy that MW3's coming out though. Single player only for me. Trailer looked good during the 2nd intermission of the Boston vs Tampa Bay game last night.

I'll give 'em ~$50 for my 8-10 hours of play time.

It's funny to read how much people hate this franchise though. :D

The single player games aren't 8-10 hours long. They really aren't worth the money if that's all you are going to play them for. That's just my opinion though.
i am still a fps gamer, but recent games all nothing that hooks me for a long time. not sure is it that games doesnt interest me as much anymore or is it that new games are noting special anymore.
With the consoles at the end of their lifespan don't expect to see any big, innovative projects from EA or Activision. I'm not really sure why people are unable to understand the business aspect of this.
You give them your money, you are basically saying you'll pay for a mediocre, rehashed product with no redeeming value, thereby helping to ruin gaming for the rest of us and stifle innovation.
You give them your money, you are basically saying you'll pay for a mediocre, rehashed product with no redeeming value, thereby helping to ruin gaming for the rest of us and stifle innovation.

I'm right there with you. Rewarding Activision for tweaking the current game, throwing in an expansion-passable campaign and spending ridiculous amounts on marketing is simply the wrong thing to do. It's definitely not going to help push games in the direction that many of us here would prefer to see them go, but you're never going to convince the millions of people that are reached by their marketing to give up this game.

While I can say preach on brother, you've got to realise how insignificant even your best efforts is likely to be in the grand scheme of things. :( I hope that Activision gets spanked in court.
You give them your money, you are basically saying you'll pay for a mediocre, rehashed product with no redeeming value, thereby helping to ruin gaming for the rest of us and stifle innovation.
That's why I didn't buy Portal 2 ;).
So much bitching in this thread, although I didn't expect much of anything else when I saw the title. I'll throw my vote in with the other brave souls who stated that they are looking forward to this game.

Haters are gonna hate I guess. Doesn't matter. You'd better believe that I'll be there on November 8th doing my part to make sure that MW3 outsells everything that has come before it.
You give them your money, you are basically saying you'll pay for a mediocre, rehashed product with no redeeming value, thereby helping to ruin gaming for the rest of us and stifle innovation.
So, I should not buy/play a game that I might find entertaining because YOU believe it's "a mediocre, rehashed product with no redeeming value, thereby helping to ruin gaming for the rest of us and stifle innovation." Perhaps you'd do us the favor of listing the other things we should/should not do to satisfy you.

You chose your name well. ;)
Did they remove the fixed FOV restriction in live multiplayer games? If so I am sooo in. Good game but the fixed FOV drives me nuts. That's one thing I like about bad company 2, is that I can change the FOV.


So, I should not buy/play a game that I might find entertaining because YOU believe it's "a mediocre, rehashed product with no redeeming value, thereby helping to ruin gaming for the rest of us and stifle innovation." Perhaps you'd do us the favor of listing the other things we should/should not do to satisfy you.

You chose your name well. ;)

It is a medicore rehashed product. I don't know what else you can call it. The first one was good, the second one was tell tell rushed and bordered on mediocrity, and now this is the third in the series. It has been produced illegally without the people who made the first and second one and being pushed forward, again illegally, by the man who ran the Guitar Hero series into the ground by producing mediocre, rehashed products with no redeeming value and pretty much killed off that genre of game.

Facts are facts and based off that people are just guessing that the same fate is in store for the CoD: MW franchise. Wow did I just write that? That was such an ironic statement that I don't know if I should retract it or not.
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So, I should not buy/play a game that I might find entertaining because YOU believe it's "a mediocre, rehashed product with no redeeming value, thereby helping to ruin gaming for the rest of us and stifle innovation." Perhaps you'd do us the favor of listing the other things we should/should not do to satisfy you.

You chose your name well. ;)

You can buy and spend your money on whatever the hell you want, I'm simply offering an opinion of what happens when people follow a sheeple mentality and go out and buy a game that does nothing to advance the interests of PC gaming by turning out to be a product of a rehashed, annual franchise that exists only to be exploited for profits, not to give us what some might consider to be a good game.

There has not been a good CoD game since CoD4, I'm sorry, that's just how it is. MW2 was a joke, WaW was just ok, Black Ops was an insult to gamers everywhere, I don't see this one turning out any better.

Just lay off the personal attacks, if you want to buy into this crap, that's great, just remember, those on here who have $3,000 machines will not be getting their moneys worth out of their machines when we are faced with console ports and rehashed franchises running on 37 year old game engines.

I dunno man, I'm wanting PC gaming as a platform to progress with the technology we have now and provide us with even better experiences than ever before.

If we're all being completely honest here, it's pretty safe and accurate to say that PC gaming as a whole has been pretty stagnant and linear the last 2-3 years.

I haven't upgraded in that long, and it isn't because I lack funds, it's simply because there's no reason to because we get more console ports than we do actual PC exclusive triple A titles.

Games like this are exactly why. Cause and effect.

Again, lay off the personal attacks, you can attack my arguments all you like, I don't mind that.
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You can buy and spend your money on whatever the hell you want, I'm simply offering an opinion of what happens when people follow a sheeple mentality and go out and buy a game that does nothing to advance the interests of PC gaming by turning out to be a product of a rehashed, annual franchise that exists only to be exploited for profits, not to give us what some might consider to be a good game.

There has not been a good CoD game since CoD4, I'm sorry, that's just how it is. MW2 was a joke, WaW was just ok, Black Ops was an insult to gamers everywhere, I don't see this one turning out any better.

Just lay off the personal attacks, if you want to buy into this crap, that's great, just remember, those on here who have $3,000 machines will not be getting their moneys worth out of their machines when we are faced with console ports and rehashed franchises running on 37 year old game engines.

I dunno man, I'm wanting PC gaming as a platform to progress with the technology we have now and provide us with even better experiences than ever before.

If we're all being completely honest here, it's pretty safe and accurate to say that PC gaming as a whole has been pretty stagnant and linear the last 2-3 years.

I haven't upgraded in that long, and it isn't because I lack funds, it's simply because there's no reason to because we get more console ports than we do actual PC exclusive triple A titles.

Games like this are exactly why. Cause and effect.

Again, lay off the personal attacks, you can attack my arguments all you like, I don't mind that.
I've enjoyed every CoD game SINCE MW1...and who are you calling "sheeple"? Just because they haven't been able to "revolutionize" the genre with every installment of the franchise doesn't mean they're not still producing AAA titles. You seem to be a bit judgmental of game a better job yourself then come back crying about "sheeple".

You epitomize "spoiled pc gamer guy" if you ask me...judging off of the few posts you've made in this thread anyway. Black Ops is great btw...
I've enjoyed every CoD game SINCE MW1...and who are you calling "sheeple"? Just because they haven't been able to "revolutionize" the genre with every installment of the franchise doesn't mean they're not still producing AAA titles. You seem to be a bit judgmental of game a better job yourself then come back crying about "sheeple".

You epitomize "spoiled pc gamer guy" if you ask me...judging off of the few posts you've made in this thread anyway. Black Ops is great btw...

Something that is considered an AAA title should bring something new to the table, and not stamp out the same exact game formula 5 times in a row and pretend its something amazing.

Some of the people bitching in this thread are people that like CoD and want to see the games succeed long term. Instead its looking like another franchise that is getting overdone by Activision (who will happily drive the series into the ground if it makes them money). Activision is making hundreds of millions of dollars on CoD and not using hardly any of that to bother improving the games. CoD isn't evolving, and that is why many people have a problem with it.
Those graphics look like trash. I'm sure it will be a decent waste of a few hours for single player.
I'm simply offering an opinion of what happens when people follow a sheeple mentality

Just lay off the personal attacks

oh the irony.

I'm simply offering an opinion of what happens when people follow a sheeple mentality and go out and buy a game that does nothing to advance the interests of PC gaming by turning out to be a product of a rehashed, annual franchise that exists only to be exploited for profits, not to give us what some might consider to be a good game.

Black Ops was an insult to gamers everywhere

^ PC gamers can be such drama queens. it's laughable to see people take such a 'heated' stance about the ever-so-important topic of.....gaming.
at the end of the day it is business, plain and simple. in a capitalist society the objective is to create something people will buy and that has certainly been done with the COD series, like it or not. you can go on and on ranting about what is good and what is bad for the pc gaming community, but gaming has turned into big business and so priority one is money. I'm not taking a side here, but also to say the game has no redeeming qualities is being a bit unfair. Sure, I've played better games and I've sure as hell played much worse. I think I've played more games on the worse side than the better side.

with regards to the trailer, i thought it was cool. the action looks fun, there appears to be some nice set pieces. i'll certainly be playing
You can buy and spend your money on whatever the hell you want, I'm simply offering an opinion of what happens when people follow a sheeple mentality and go out and buy a game that does nothing to advance the interests of PC gaming by turning out to be a product of a rehashed, annual franchise that exists only to be exploited for profits, not to give us what some might consider to be a good game.

There has not been a good CoD game since CoD4, I'm sorry, that's just how it is. MW2 was a joke, WaW was just ok, Black Ops was an insult to gamers everywhere, I don't see this one turning out any better.

Just lay off the personal attacks, if you want to buy into this crap, that's great, just remember, those on here who have $3,000 machines will not be getting their moneys worth out of their machines when we are faced with console ports and rehashed franchises running on 37 year old game engines.

I dunno man, I'm wanting PC gaming as a platform to progress with the technology we have now and provide us with even better experiences than ever before.

If we're all being completely honest here, it's pretty safe and accurate to say that PC gaming as a whole has been pretty stagnant and linear the last 2-3 years.

I haven't upgraded in that long, and it isn't because I lack funds, it's simply because there's no reason to because we get more console ports than we do actual PC exclusive triple A titles.

Games like this are exactly why. Cause and effect.

Again, lay off the personal attacks, you can attack my arguments all you like, I don't mind that.

LOL! You are so cute running around here posting your opinion as fact or truth.
If you want to support stagnation, then vote with your wallet, simple as that, I know I vote with mine with each purchase I do or don't make.
If you want to support stagnation, then vote with your wallet, simple as that, I know I vote with mine with each purchase I do or don't make.
How exactly can the developers improve the CoD franchise right now??? How old is the MW series??? 6-7 years? If that? These companies deserve every penny they're making dude...Game development isn't as easy as some people try to make it out to be. How about instead of telling people to be satisfied with "stagnation" and accusing people of being "sheeple" you start a game development company and break the cycle of "stagnation"...The fact that some of these companies even still consider developing for PC is enough to be satisfied with. I could be stuck trying to fapfap with a controller in my hand. I'll take a half ass finished PC game that is fixed with patches over not having one at all. Just sayin'...maybe I'm too easy in my growing age. :eek:
How about instead of telling people to be satisfied with "stagnation" and accusing people of being "sheeple" you start a game development company and break the cycle of "stagnation"...

There was a thread around here somewhere where Fail was talking about doing just that. If he took all the time he spends bitching about CoD and instead put it into game development, he probably could have turned out several AAA PC exclusives by now. :p
That's easily done, just make a game like Oblivion, and include co-op.

BAM, that would be greatest game of all time.
That's easily done, just make a game like Oblivion, and include co-op.

BAM, that would be greatest game of all time.
Maybe you should try Spec Ops on me that was co-op at it's finest...very underrated if you ask me. Zombies on Black Ops is also the shit. I'm not disagreeing with your Oblivion idea but I think that game would pretty much be like WoW.
Co Op as in 2 to probably 4 players at the most, no need for more than that.

Buying MW2 would be putting my money down on an inferior, defective product, no thanks.
That's easily done


just make a game like Oblivion

Logical fallacy here. Making a game like Oblivion takes a fully funded studio of 60+ people about 4 years to accomplish, and adding co-op would only multiply the amount of work. Nothing easy about it.

Buying MW2 would be putting my money down on an inferior, defective product, no thanks.

MW2 isn't a defective product. I just played it last weekend. It's fully functional. Since hundreds of hours into the game and you don't even own it, I'd say that I'm better qualified to pass judgement that you are. Which brings us to the second point: how do you know MW2 sucks so bad without owning it? Have spent in-depth time playing a friend's copy? Becuase otherwise you don't know what you're talking about.
You can buy and spend your money on whatever the hell you want, I'm simply offering an opinion of what happens when people follow a sheeple mentality and go out and buy a game that does nothing to advance the interests of PC gaming by turning out to be a product of a rehashed, annual franchise that exists only to be exploited for profits, not to give us what some might consider to be a good game.

There has not been a good CoD game since CoD4, I'm sorry, that's just how it is. MW2 was a joke, WaW was just ok, Black Ops was an insult to gamers everywhere, I don't see this one turning out any better.

Just lay off the personal attacks, if you want to buy into this crap, that's great, just remember, those on here who have $3,000 machines will not be getting their moneys worth out of their machines when we are faced with console ports and rehashed franchises running on 37 year old game engines.

I dunno man, I'm wanting PC gaming as a platform to progress with the technology we have now and provide us with even better experiences than ever before.

If we're all being completely honest here, it's pretty safe and accurate to say that PC gaming as a whole has been pretty stagnant and linear the last 2-3 years.

I haven't upgraded in that long, and it isn't because I lack funds, it's simply because there's no reason to because we get more console ports than we do actual PC exclusive triple A titles.

Games like this are exactly why. Cause and effect.

Again, lay off the personal attacks, you can attack my arguments all you like, I don't mind that.
Crazy talk, MW1 was excellent, the perks were perfect as well. You could still compete at a low level now all the perks have gotten completely out of control and ruin the game. Just my opinion though.

Logical fallacy here. Making a game like Oblivion takes a fully funded studio of 60+ people about 4 years to accomplish, and adding co-op would only multiply the amount of work. Nothing easy about it.

MW2 isn't a defective product. I just played it last weekend. It's fully functional. Since hundreds of hours into the game and you don't even own it, I'd say that I'm better qualified to pass judgement that you are. Which brings us to the second point: how do you know MW2 sucks so bad without owning it? Have spent in-depth time playing a friend's copy? Becuase otherwise you don't know what you're talking about.

This post fails.

I should bloviate, and I will. Let's say i have a 791 million budget and 2,367 people to work on this game, damn right it'll be done. I suggest you read the actual thread he was referencing to before posting something so asinine and uninformed.

As for your second thing, MW2 is stripped of all the features that made MW1 so good, so yes, it is a defective and inferior product, the only thing is, you decided to pay for it, so you have to justify to yourself why you spent that money on it, hey, the sum adds up for you, great, but for me, it wasn't worth the bandwidth it would take to download nor the hard drive disk space it would fill up, which I have better uses for, like say, BF3 when it comes out :D

Every CoD game since CoD4, WHICH WAS THE LAST GOOD ONE, has been nothing more than mediocre, rehashed shit, that exists only to be a cash grab.

They spend $50 million making the game and $200 million advertising the shit out of it, the game isn't intended to be good, it's just intended to be bought and sold, nothing more nothing less.

The old Infinity Ward that made the really good CoD games doesn't exist anymore.

Educate yourself on the particulars sir, you will be quizzed.
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Co Op as in 2 to probably 4 players at the most, no need for more than that.

Buying MW2 would be putting my money down on an inferior, defective product, no thanks.
You're missing out on a good game because of your "sheeple" attitude. You jumped on the "I'm boycotting MW2" bandwagon because corporate America is ruining my life and dedicated servers are the be all and all of any gaming society. I had reservations about the game before I bought it, but once I got over the fact that it wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be I ended up sinking a shit load of time into what ended up being a stellar game...SP and MP.
That's easily done, just make a game like Oblivion, and include co-op.

BAM, that would be greatest game of all time.

to you maybe. That would equate to uber snoooozefest to me.
There is a reason COD sells so well, love it or hate it.
You're missing out on a good game because of your "sheeple" attitude. You jumped on the "I'm boycotting MW2" bandwagon because corporate America is ruining my life and dedicated servers are the be all and all of any gaming society. I had reservations about the game before I bought it, but once I got over the fact that it wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be I ended up sinking a shit load of time into what ended up being a stellar game...SP and MP.

Dedicated servers are and have been the cornerstone of the PC gaming experience. Dedicated servers are what allow clans to form up and have a common meeting place to enjoy the game and hold matches against other clans . . . .