MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

I dont get the whole bars as a latency indicator. People say 2-3 bars but wtf does that even mean? 200-300ping? That's still crap. I bet the PC version will have bars too.
Yes. You're funny thinking it's the other way. Take this for instance. You have an exclusive Halo 3 or ODST for an xbox. If it's so rampant to steal it, why does it crack the 5 million mark easy while on a pc exclusive, you get a handful cracking 2?

I can't recall the last *good* PC exclusive I played, sorry(ok, I can, but they aren't selling 5 million copies and Machinarium is arguably a niche game...). The real issue is that PC games have pretty much always under-sold console games(NB: No, the sims DOES NOT count, jerk). Did you ever consider that times themselves may just be changing, and that in general fewer copies of everything are being sold? Top Ten PS2 games of all time includes games like Gran-Turismo 3 at 14 million, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas at over 17 million. These two titles laugh at the idea that Halo 3 selling 8 million copies is anything special. What's more, there isn't a title in the PS2's top-ten list that sold less than 4 million copies. Not bad, considering how easy it was to pirate those games, how rampant piracy was on the PS2(plenty of people bought PS2's BECAUSE piracy was easy on them), and the fact that there were no online networks to be banned from.

I'd be willing to bet that by the time the next gen of Consoles is coming out, the current gen is being pirated far more than PC games(speaking generally, meaning by the time the PS3 came out PS2 piracy was worse than anything the PC typically sees). Console piracy eventually becomes very very easy, whereas PC piracy remains pretty much unchanged(ok, it's actually gotten more complex depending on what you're trying to pirate...). If you wanted free(or nearly free) PS2 games you didn't even need an internet connection, you just needed a local Blockbuster that would rent you the titles so you could make your own copies. There were no cracks, keygens, loaders or anything like that. Could you, or can you, do that for PC games? Nope.

The worst part, though, is the fact that people who make the argument you're making ignore all but the largest money-grubbing developers. 2DBoy hasn't expressed any intentions of leaving the PC arena, and neither has Stardock. 2DBoy, if you didn't see the news when World of Goo came out, had to deal with ~90% piracy rates for their title on the PC. Please, read their blog, but it might suffice to say that their reaction is much different than most of the big developers out there.

In the end, I say screw the big developers, they've lost sight of what we want anyway. I'd put Galactic Civilizations 2 up against any title any day of the week(Except Civ4, but they're on the same team!). Machinarium is gorgeous and lots of fun. If Activision says "No MW3 for PC", that's just more market share for the developers who do a decent job.
I can't recall the last *good* PC exclusive I played, sorry(ok, I can, but they aren't selling 5 million copies and Machinarium is arguably a niche game...). The real issue is that PC games have pretty much always under-sold console games(NB: No, the sims DOES NOT count, jerk). Did you ever consider that times themselves may just be changing, and that in general fewer copies of everything are being sold? Top Ten PS2 games of all time includes games like Gran-Turismo 3 at 14 million, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas at over 17 million. These two titles laugh at the idea that Halo 3 selling 8 million copies is anything special. What's more, there isn't a title in the PS2's top-ten list that sold less than 4 million copies. Not bad, considering how easy it was to pirate those games, how rampant piracy was on the PS2(plenty of people bought PS2's BECAUSE piracy was easy on them), and the fact that there were no online networks to be banned from.

I'd be willing to bet that by the time the next gen of Consoles is coming out, the current gen is being pirated far more than PC games(speaking generally, meaning by the time the PS3 came out PS2 piracy was worse than anything the PC typically sees). Console piracy eventually becomes very very easy, whereas PC piracy remains pretty much unchanged(ok, it's actually gotten more complex depending on what you're trying to pirate...). If you wanted free(or nearly free) PS2 games you didn't even need an internet connection, you just needed a local Blockbuster that would rent you the titles so you could make your own copies. There were no cracks, keygens, loaders or anything like that. Could you, or can you, do that for PC games? Nope.

The worst part, though, is the fact that people who make the argument you're making ignore all but the largest money-grubbing developers. 2DBoy hasn't expressed any intentions of leaving the PC arena, and neither has Stardock. 2DBoy, if you didn't see the news when World of Goo came out, had to deal with ~90% piracy rates for their title on the PC. Please, read their blog, but it might suffice to say that their reaction is much different than most of the big developers out there.

In the end, I say screw the big developers, they've lost sight of what we want anyway. I'd put Galactic Civilizations 2 up against any title any day of the week(Except Civ4, but they're on the same team!). Machinarium is gorgeous and lots of fun. If Activision says "No MW3 for PC", that's just more market share for the developers who do a decent job.
PWNED LIKE A BITCH. great post
sorry to jump in so late and admittedly, I don't want to read thru 60 pages

but is it in stone that there will be no leaning? and only 9v9? for PC??

sorry to jump in so late and admittedly, I don't want to read thru 60 pages

but is it in stone that there will be no leaning? and only 9v9? for PC??


IW stated in the best buy chat session that the game has no lean.
sorry to jump in so late and admittedly, I don't want to read thru 60 pages

but is it in stone that there will be no leaning? and only 9v9? for PC??


Yes these things are facts confirmed by IW.
Is there a way to get in contact with IW developers so we can say FU to their PC faces : D


Unless if you wanna sigh yet another useless online petition, that they will never care to look at / care about.

MW1 sold some 7mil+ copies.

Even if MW2 sells half that, it's a massive income flux.

Anything over 200,000 in the game market can be considered a sucess (if sold at WalMart prices).

They honestly dont give 2 shits.

I didn't do it to get their attention, it's painfully obvious they don't give a shit about the PC platform.

I honestly just sigged it because I think its a hilariously stupid answer.
Is there a way to get in contact with IW developers so we can say FU to their PC faces : D

They don't give two shits about what the PC gaming community thinks. (Despite it being the very market they owe their success to.)
A few things missing isn't going to make MW2 the WORST game ever. There are plenty of shitty games that were never good to begin with that can have that honor.

True. But so many people are upset over this game and the reasons for them to hate it keep piling up. On the surface, it's probably a really good (single player) game. But so many people are never going to buy it (until it's much cheaper) because of how pissed off they are. But they (the boycotters) probably bought much worse games in the past than this so at least that particular company got some money out of them.
They don't give two shits about what the PC gaming community thinks. (Despite it being the very market they owe their success to.)

They cannot even give one.

One decent port, that is.

I had really hoped they would take advantage of newer DX10/DX11 features, at least just some eye candy.

But instead, not only did they NOT do that, ATVI actually regressed :eek: in terms of actual features.

Host Migration... whoop - de-[curses and some extra here]ing - doo
We don't need that... IF we had dedicated servers.
Here's the trailer with eminem rapping over it.


edit: To clarify, I like alot of eminem's work. This is just cringe-worthy though.
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no prestige edition for PC
no dedicated servers
no modding support
no console commands
no leaning
ONLY 9v9
Now they have an ad with a rapper

I listen to both underground/mainstream hip hop and eveything in between. Eminem is a decent rapper. But, uhhh really? They have a rapper doing an ad for this type of shooter. Retarded. It's so obvious they're trying to attract the average, casual gaming crowd... it's always the average joe blow who gets suckered into buying the most useless things.

I have this very small, so tiny feeling that maybe just maybe IW is really trying to help PC by killing off the COD:MW franchise, doing so by making COD:MW2 a crappy game... so they can appease the average console group who cannot accept anything else besides a COD4 sequel and at the same time get this negative feedback from the PC community and they'll use it as an excuse to move onto something else better and refreshing when the next time comes around.

But the majority of my thought says that IW have simply fell off as a reputable game developer.
I wasn't *too* ticked off about the "no dedicated servers" thing, but the 9v9 was the straw that broke this gamer's back.

I was definitely going to buy the PC version, and possibly eventually a console I'm not buying anything. No MW2 for me for quite awhile. If they release an update and give back what they shouldn't have taken away to begin with, maybe they'll get my hard earned dollar.

Until then, I'll spend my money on other games.
As I read I think this: What if it turns out that IW was only trolling PC gamers instead of pulling a UT3? Would be the best prank in the history of the internet. I'm talking P-P-P-P-Powerbook raised by a factor of 100+.
As I read I think this: What if it turns out that IW was only trolling PC gamers instead of pulling a UT3? Would be the best prank in the history of the internet. I'm talking P-P-P-P-Powerbook raised by a factor of 100+.

Shit, i'd sit more comfortably if they really were just trolling us PC gamers than to reaaally have them go in with MW2 this way.
Direct2Drive is boycotting MW2....for different reasons though, but a boycott nonetheless! :D<br />

Thanks for your interest in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 from Direct2Drive.

At Direct2Drive, we believe strongly that when you buy a game from us, you shouldn't be forced to install and run a 3rd party software client to be able to play the game you purchased. Because COD MW 2 requires you, the consumer, to do that, we aren't able to offer the game via Direct2Drive at this time.

If you're interested in this game or future games being free of any additional software clients, please let us know by sending us an e-mail.

As a token of our appreciation, please find a code below that will allow you to receive $5 off select Activision titles on Direct2Drive.

We hope you will visit our partner, for your purchase of COD MW 2, and we hope you will continue to visit Direct2Drive for your digital game purchases.

Obviously I don't care about the steam thing, in fact I quite like steam. But as long as it means less sales for IW I will be happy :D

Activision has said that it is not overly concerned by complaints that the PC version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will not support dedicated servers.

The game will instead us IWnet, a new propriety matchmaking service – a decision that has caused outrage in the PC gaming community and prompted over 183,000 to sign an online petition calling for dedicated servers for the game.

"We're of course watching this very carefully and paying attention to it, but we're not overly concerned about it," stated Mike Griffiths, CEO of Activision.

Griffiths was adamant that IWnet is the right solution for the PC game, and that any perceived negatives will be cancelled out by a much easier multiplayer experience on the PC.

"One of the problems with our PC SKUs on this title in the past is it is not been as friendly a consumer experience with matchmaking and online play as the consoles have allowed it to be.

"Our solution here improves that overall by a significant margin so we think the benefit that we will see are going to far outweigh the negatives that seem to be surfacing."

Spoken like a true blockhead company executive who has no fucking idea about the market they are trying to sell their products to.

I couldn't care less about more than 9v9 (they are right in saying that the game breaks down with more) but no console and no dedicated servers is dealbreaker. Not buying this game, and I must have put at least 200 hours into COD4.

The revised version of the PC cover.
Eh, this game is so disappointing its not even funny to joke about it. I wasn't even going to buy it before all that crap but now there is no chance that I will ever buy a game from IW ever again. Spent $50 to buy the first one day one, when no one was hyping it now they do this crap to the people that made them.....
I saw a commercial for MW2 which claimed the XBOX 360 was the best way to play Modern Warfare 2. :mad:

Can someone explain their motives behind dropping dedicated servers? Is it just piracy or am I missing something else?
Can someone explain their motives behind dropping dedicated servers? Is it just piracy or am I missing something else?

The truth? They did it because it was most likely easier than implementing dedicated servers for what is essentially a console port. Beyond that it's mostly an effort to combat piracy.
This is a fantastic way to backstab the PC gamer who helped make the franchise successful. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Call of Duty 2 was released without an anti-cheat and they released the addition of Punk Buster in a later patch?

Edit: Yeah, here it is. Hilarious.

"Our team at Infinity Ward is committed to supporting Call of Duty fans," said IW president Grant Collier, who added, "[we] look forward to delivering new content such as multiplayer maps, tools and anti-cheat software that will further enhance the gameplay experience."

Ah yes, I remember the 24-hour strike on the servers when gamers didn't get what they wanted. I guess they took that factor out so they can do whatever they want.
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