MSI N480GTX Lightning Video Card Review

I'm curious as to how the "timing is wrong" on something like this. When companies send out cards like this they are in very limited quantities. The in game benefits often aren't worth it, and for actual day to day use they make no sense at all.

What they do offer is a chance for people to break records on their hardware and give them a chance to say "we made the best gtx480 out there" with a straight face. At which point people will automatically view all their other products through a halo effect.

It really doesn't matter if something else comes out soon or that it's priced through the roof. The card will break all sorts of records and MSI can come out and claim that they made the best 480 of them all.
A few details:
- The aircraft pictured isn't the F-35, but its prototype the X-35. Distinguishing feature is that F-35 has the body bulging out below the wings (to carry a larger internal weapons load than the X-35), clearly visible past the air intakes.

Ah, that makes sense. I had a devil of a time getting a head-on shot on those intakes...
I'm curious as to how the "timing is wrong" on something like this.... people will automatically view all their other products through a halo effect..

Cause the people this card is appealing to already got their 5970's x-fire or GTX480 quad-SLI rigs months ago. You really think these guys are going to upgrade their 480's to this, a card which gives minimal improvement? They'd probably be laughed by their peers for blowing $1000+ when faster cards are so close. You might get a minimal halo effect for for overclocking what is shortly going to be a relatively slow card, even with liquid nitrogen (well technically card-for-card, it's already slower than the 5970 but that's got dual GPU's), but it's not going to be much and it's not going to last very long: whatever new benchmarks these guys set will likely be blown away shortly.

As for the people who currently do not have ultra-high end rigs, perhaps because they care more about price/performance, or features rather than power, or are not into extreme benchmarking, or simply couldn't afford GTX480's a few months ago, well, this card should appeal even less.
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Did MSI ship this card directly to you guys ?

Nice overclock but strong possible cherypicking. Still wouldn't mind getting two if I had the money; so broke right now its not even funny.
From the summary section this is the line that jumped out at me from the entire article...

the MSI N480GTX Lightning is a solid choice if you are one of the few who insist on NVIDIA GPUs.