MSI geforce 6150 instock @ the egg

Im really confused with all this stuff,

can it hold an opteron
I dont plan on overclocking so do I need opteron but still need dual core, go x2 maybe
I plan on getting a 7800GTX 512, so whats the deal with the 6150, what does that mean?
going with a 7800gtx, whats the point of having the dvi on board?
Godlovesaterrier said:
Im really confused with all this stuff,

can it hold an opteron
I dont plan on overclocking so do I need opteron but still need dual core, go x2 maybe
I plan on getting a 7800GTX 512, so whats the deal with the 6150, what does that mean?
going with a 7800gtx, whats the point of having the dvi on board?

It can hold any s939 Opteron. Dual core Opterons tend to be cheaper in the mid-range.

The on-board video will simply allow you to use an extra monitor if you choose.

It also is a nice back-up in case something goes wrong.
I finally dug up the manual. It has the same junky settings as the ATi mATX board - FID control, fsb adjustments and DDR voltage adjustsments.
wait, if its just the same options as msi's xpress200 or whatever its called board, then doesn't that suck for oc'ing? :(
I have the new MSI Ati xpress200 which is the same as this board but with the Geforce chipset. They are not great OCing boards but they are better then the first 939 released MSI mATX board (which had the Ati chipset as well but the old verison)
Steeeeve said:
I have the new MSI Ati xpress200 which is the same as this board but with the Geforce chipset. They are not great OCing boards but they are better then the first 939 released MSI mATX board (which had the Ati chipset as well but the old verison)

uhhh.... have you seen the stats that MSI have given on this board? It comes with whole new overclocking options packaged with corecell
Steeeeve said:
I have the new MSI Ati xpress200 which is the same as this board but with the Geforce chipset. They are not great OCing boards but they are better then the first 939 released MSI mATX board (which had the Ati chipset as well but the old verison)

the 6150 has Overclocking options and is probably much more stable than the xpress200 version.
Mihai Lacatus said:
More here . If. smb. finds more info about oc'ing options please post. Thanks !

the motherboard site page @ MSI lists you can change Mem voltage and timings.
don't most msi boards have a CoreCell chip you can see on the mobo itself? i don't see any myself but i could be wrong.
I know, but this is a better package from the looks of things, aslong as it can hit the FSB, I havent seen a review yet. Too bad it doesnt list Sata300
all i want for christmas is a 6150/430 board that has vcore, vdimm, working htt multi, memory dividers, and can hit 300fsb. is that too much to ask?
Yes, it has SATA II since it has 430 SB. But curiously, it hasn't heatspreaders on the mosfets, wich are present on most MSI boards...
my neo4-F didn't come with any either, but i put some on anyway :D .
ugha, i have always felt the MSI board to be kinda generic or just plain POS boards--Ill wait for DFI before i jump on any mATX boards
Stupid_Newbie said:
This could be the best matx board out, if it can hit over 250mhz FSB
My Jetway AGDMS can do that.
Stupid_Newbie said:
This could be the best matx board out, if it can hit over 250mhz FSB

The Jetway can hit 300MHz FSB stable. (not a fluke board, as I have 5 here. Just need a good CPU like Opteron 144).
Godlovesaterrier said:
Im really confused with all this stuff,

can it hold an opteron
I dont plan on overclocking so do I need opteron but still need dual core, go x2 maybe

The advantage of the Opteron is it's overclocking ability.
No overclocking, no need for Opteron.
There are cheaper CPU's with stock speeds faster than stock Opteron.
Plus, if you don't have an Opteron yet, pretty much forget about it, as retail supply has ended.
arabdon1203 said:
why would they make the slots like that.

The slots kill the MSI here.
You end up with 1 PCI slot after using a PCIe card with cooler.
Not gonna happen.
Soymilk said:
all i want for christmas is a 6150/430 board that has vcore, vdimm, working htt multi, memory dividers, and can hit 300fsb. is that too much to ask?

Change the 6150/430 to ATi, and you can have all the rest already! (hint, see my other posts).

I too am looking for the same things as you, but also add DDL (or a new type of soundstorm). Thought the Gigabyte 6150 would be the one, but after receiving the board, found the Bios was missing all overclocking voltage adjustments.

It is disappointing to see. Considering nvidia has come to the mATX socket 939 party 6 months late, they should have at least brought some new gifts to the table. Heck, even the video is a no faster than ATi's, and TV-Out is terrible in comparison to ATi. As a long time NF2 user, not too thrilled with nvidia's mATX 939 attempts so far.
RadCliffeX said:
ugha, i have always felt the MSI board to be kinda generic or just plain POS boards--Ill wait for DFI before i jump on any mATX boards
If DFI will ever release a good mATX board...
NVIDIA® nForce 430/410 Chipset
- nForce 430 supports dual channel native SATA controller up to 300MB/s
- nForce 410 supports single channel native SATA controller up to 300MB/s

what does it mean by single channel and dual?
Mihai Lacatus said:
Source of this info ?
Probably that other post where I asked the same thing and never got a response. He picked a good name.
someone emailed them and ask. ill email them after class today (im about to leave) and ask. a few months ago someone emailed and asked and they said september, too, so its to be taken with a grain of salt. but hopefully 4 months is enough time for them to get their shit together :)
Reading the Manual...

It says it only support SATA1 150mb instead of 300
Maybe I missed something though

Manual page 2-17 said:
The Mainboard supports four serial ATA connectors SATA1~SATA4. Each supports 1st generation serial ATA data rates of 150MB/s and is fully compliant with Serial ATA 1.0

Page 3-11 of the manual shows the only differences in the board I posted (link above) and this new board. Page 3-11 deals with Chipset properties. So that seems to be it...tell me if I missed something, overall it is about the same as the ATi but if they are the same price get the geForce obviously. I went with ATi because I have an ATi Graphics Card and I like to stay within the family :).
The manual is for the whole series including for those with 410 SB. But here states clearly that is SATA 2 with RAID 0, 1, 0+1, 5. As I see in the manual the BIOS has CPU clock, voltage, HTT clock, PCIE clock, and VDIMM.
Mihai Lacatus said:
The manual is for the whole series including for those with 410 SB. But here states clearly that is SATA 2 with RAID 0, 1, 0+1, 5. As I see in the manual the BIOS has CPU clock, voltage, HTT clock, PCIE clock, and VDIMM.
yeah thats all on page 3-11 as I recall.

As for the SATA2, it doesn't really matter...if you have mATX chances are you aren't going to benefit from SATA2..unless you decide to have 8 harddrives or something.
Any one even know what the options for Vcore, Vddr, and the HTT go to at this point? Not necessarly what the bord will do, just the options in the menues....