MSE... you disappoint me.


Fully Equipped
Mar 26, 2008
Ok, enough is enough. We all know we are getting WAY to many of these screens popping up asking us to send information about certain EXE's to MS for MSE to gather information on, but really? Firefox?

How long until this ends?

I've been using FF + MSE + 7 for about two months now, and I've never seen that dialog for any program.
I have been using it for longer then that and LOVE it.. except for these occasional windows.
I've been using it on most of my rigs since early in the BETA stages....and I live on Firefox on all my rigs.......I've never had it give an issue about Firefox..matter of fact, I've never had it give me any FP.

Where did you get your firefox download? What oddball add-ons have you installed?
What version of MSE are you running, and what engine version?
My laptop here is currently MSE 1.0.1611.0 and engine is 1.1.5302.0

For the record, i'm not really trying to fix this as there isn't really a problem. It was more of a mini-rant. ;)

Still love MSE and wouldn't dream of using, let alone paying for, anything else.
i've never seen one of those windows, I feel kinda left out now.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Ok, enough is enough. We all know we are getting WAY to many of these screens popping up asking us to send information about certain EXE's to MS for MSE to gather information on, but really? Firefox?

I had the same thing happen on a common program (though I don't remember what it was) and I thought the same thing...

I'm kindof wondering what's making MSE question it in the first place.
I've had that prompt come up for true image, but other than that haven't seen it again.
Huh? MSE has never popped up a window like that on me before... I've been using it since BETA, way back in May?? June??
Huh? MSE has never popped up a window like that on me before... I've been using it since BETA, way back in May?? June??

The Window isn't "bad" it's just ridiculous to have that on such common programs. What does MSE see that NOD32 doesn't? Why does MSE think it's suspicious when NOD32 doesn't?

Firefox, TrueImage, TrueCrypt (I think that was my example though I'm not positive), etc... These are all common programs that MSE should know better.
The Window isn't "bad" it's just ridiculous to have that on such common programs. What does MSE see that NOD32 doesn't? Why does MSE think it's suspicious when NOD32 doesn't?

Firefox, TrueImage, TrueCrypt (I think that was my example though I'm not positive), etc... These are all common programs that MSE should know better.

The text within the prompt doesn't say it's suspicious. It just says that the file may not have been classified yet, which means for one reason or another it wasn't in the file definition db.
I get that popup on my Credant hard drive encryption software every so often. However, I'm using a beta version of Credant on Windows 7 with MSE. But yes, it is annoying and I've never had it ask me about Firefox and I have it running on 4 machines.
The text within the prompt doesn't say it's suspicious. It just says that the file may not have been classified yet, which means for one reason or another it wasn't in the file definition db.

Classifying a file doesn't put it on a whitelist or anything...

I think it sees something it isn't sure about in the file (I have no idea what that'd be) and wants to send it off for additional screening. NOD32 does something similar but like this thread points out... firefox.exe?????
Classifying a file doesn't put it on a whitelist or anything...

I think it sees something it isn't sure about in the file (I have no idea what that'd be) and wants to send it off for additional screening. NOD32 does something similar but like this thread points out... firefox.exe?????

Never seen this with Firefox on multiple PCs, maybe his system is jacked :D
Well I've seen people post about it before... It's not uncommon for MSE to flag well known software like this.
I've had a small rash of these notifications, mostly due using Beta stages of programs. Such as going Beta on Steam so I could Play Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. Then Beta of Firefox and a couple of others.

Really, it's such a small price to pay for a decent free program.
Classifying a file doesn't put it on a whitelist or anything...

I think it sees something it isn't sure about in the file (I have no idea what that'd be) and wants to send it off for additional screening. NOD32 does something similar but like this thread points out... firefox.exe?????

probably because it's open source, and the code changes more frequently then not??

Any virus can name itself "firefox.exe" and displace the actual firefox.exe (or just inject code), so MS cannot just blanket whitelist all "firefox.exe" references.
I have seen that window several times now (not with firefox). It prompted me several times with random Steam-related files. It is kind of annoying.
probably because it's open source, and the code changes more frequently then not??

Any virus can name itself "firefox.exe" and displace the actual firefox.exe (or just inject code), so MS cannot just blanket whitelist all "firefox.exe" references.

What about steam? I've seen someone post a screenshot of that as well.

And yes, you're exactly right: they cannot whitelist firefox.exe... That was my point. So it's not that they don't have "firefox.exe" in their database, it's that it's seeing something suspicious it wants to send to Microsoft to analyze more.
Classifying a file doesn't put it on a whitelist or anything...

I think it sees something it isn't sure about in the file (I have no idea what that'd be) and wants to send it off for additional screening. NOD32 does something similar but like this thread points out... firefox.exe?????

By file definition db I meant it's signature db or whatever it uses to generate it's heuristic detection by. Still, I think programs change often enough that it's not unreasonable to see some common program names to pop up. As for steam, I've seen it update quite a few times and I'm a bit surprised I haven't seen a MSE prompt for it yet actually.
I wouldn't disagree. But the thing is- NOD32 seems to have better awareness of what's legit and not... Thus my question of why MSE is flagging these...
It was probably an inside joke by the MSE ? vs Firefox....think about it.
Stonecat, probably not. An inside joke like this could annoy a lot of people, potentially. Maybe even enough to have them uninstall the product and lose marketshare. Just saying, if it WAS an inside joke, people would be very fired, very quickly.
i got that popup 2 times for some software before.

i think it is a great feature. shows that microsoft is working hard in making sure stuff is legit
It was probably an inside joke by the MSE ? vs Firefox....think about it.

I'm doubtful... I've never seen Microsoft stoop that low. That's something one would expect Mozilla, Apple, etc to do: not Microsoft (I don't think I've ever seen Google do something like that, either).
Techie, I worked on the marketing end of Google for a long time, and there were a ton of inside jokes, just not many the consumers would see (or notice).
Techie, I worked on the marketing end of Google for a long time, and there were a ton of inside jokes, just not many the consumers would see (or notice).

Well, naturally... You'll see that in any company about competetors. However you won't see public-facing individuals ever publically badmouth competetors usually (unless you're Apple)