MS is giving away Vista + others?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 21, 2007
What was that thing in early December about someone signing up for a survey thing and after 3 months they give you something for free (maybe vista)?

That was it.

I signed up and they got my shipping info and all that so I assume that i'm still in for my free copy of vista but how can I check on this? What can I do 3 months were to be up and they said I didn't qualify? Could I take any legal action against them?
MS does from time to time give products away. I recently got a free copy of office 2007 from them. I had to take a training on their product, and had to pass a test, But i was given tracking info.
Ya, this was big news awhile ago. Legit as well if you want to be monitored ;)

MS does do giveaways sometimes, I received Vista business originally through the power together giveaway.
It would be nice to be able to check and see if this is all going properly.

I signed up as well and was given my choice and prompted for my shipping info.
would love to have a free giveaway of Windows 2003 Server or Server 2008 when it comes out(somehow I doubt that will happen)
It would be nice to be able to check and see if this is all going properly.

I signed up as well and was given my choice and prompted for my shipping info.

Yeah, I agree 100% with that.

I think we're eligible for the product because my friend tried to sign up a few hours after me and they never prompted him for his shipping info.
What can I do 3 months were to be up and they said I didn't qualify? Could I take any legal action against them?

Your a fucking idiot aren't you, I'm guessing 16-18 years old. I'd actually love to see a company turn around with their 100 attourneys and slap a countersuit on you. You weren't paid there was no signed contract and it was something free! You think with the 878990980 other people who signed up they are going to dish out to everyone. Well you know what they might in time but trying to take legal action cause your a tool isn't going to make it come any faster. I bet you haven't even called M$ have you?
Your a fucking idiot aren't you, I'm guessing 16-18 years old. I'd actually love to see a company turn around with their 100 attourneys and slap a countersuit on you. You weren't paid there was no signed contract and it was something free! You think with the 878990980 other people who signed up they are going to dish out to everyone. Well you know what they might in time but trying to take legal action cause your a tool isn't going to make it come any faster. I bet you haven't even called M$ have you?

Wow relax. Take a deep breath.

I'm not talking about sueing them or anything over a $300 program that I could just download for free. What i'm talking about is would I have any leverage with the BBB to get the program back.

And obviously i haven't called MS (Did you call them M$? Are you 12?). If I would have called MS then obviously I wouldn't have asked here. I just assumed that since this was a popular thing others would know about it.

Next time you decide to post, just count to 10 (if you can) and then post.
Well i'd like to try to do it LEGALLY at first lol.

If I would download Vista it would be when XP is basically rarely used and MS doesn't put any more money into it. It would also not be on this computer because it would probably rape my FPS in games.
Well if vista will rape your pc and you dont want it, why create a thread trying to sue ms becuase they didnt send you a promo copy.
Well if vista will rape your pc and you dont want it, why create a thread trying to sue ms becuase they didnt send you a promo copy.


1st of all, when did I say I was going to sue MS?

2nd, when did I say they were supposed to send me a copy and didnt?

Please read atleast 20% of the post before you decide to reply.

k thx.
Well i'll try to explain this to you so you can understand.

Believe it or not the phrase "Could I take any legal action against them?" and "I'm going to sue them" are different believe it or not.

As for "so I assume that i'm still in for my free copy of vista"...What's your point on this?

Both of the quotes that you brought up are questions so I will try to change what I said in my post prior to this.

Please read and comprehend atleast 20% of the post before you decide to reply.

I guess we'll just stop this thread here because there really is no point to it.

Thank you for your help.

Mod - please lock/delete/whatever you want to this thread, thanks.
I emailed them to ask whether or not I was in the promotion when I saw it last month. They told me that if I was able to choose a gift and put in my shipping address I was in the promotion. If I couldn't do both of those then I wasn't. So I am in but I haven't got any emails past the first one.
same here one e-mail and that was it, software is currently running on my vostro
Yeah, I got a free copy of Vista Business through their "power together" .NET development advertising campaign.

What's funny is, I still haven't "used" that key on a system. I just crack my software because their protection schemes are such a pain to deal with.
There was supposed to be surveys to fill out, but I haven't had one come up yet.
There was supposed to be surveys to fill out, but I haven't had one come up yet.

Me either, I signed up for Office 2007 and inputted my shipping address. Now I wonder if the 3 months means:
3 months after you sign up
3 months of active use
3 months of everyday computer usage.
3 months after you sign up.

3 months after you install the program technically. They don't expect you to be running 24/7. I think it even allows you to miss a survey or two. No surveys have been distributed as of yet.
Yeah, I got a free copy of Vista Business through their "power together" .NET development advertising campaign.

What's funny is, I still haven't "used" that key on a system. I just crack my software because their protection schemes are such a pain to deal with.

I often use no-CD/DVD patches on my (legally-purchased) games to avoid having to dig out the discs every time, but I've not found Windows activation to be a problem, and circumventing it is considerably more bother than replacing an .exe, and with the risk that some future update will break it. I guess it might be annoying if you change your hardware very frequently, mind.