Mozilla Awards Over Half a Million to Open Source Projects


May 13, 2013
In a blog post today, Mozilla has announced that they have added $539,000 in awards to various open source projects. The largest amount ($194,00) went to Ushahidi, an open source software platform for crowdsourcing, monitoring, visualizing, and responding to reports from people caught up in political turmoil or subject to governmental or vigilante abuse.

I think it's great to see companies investing into open source projects. While I may not agree with some of the projects they have given funding to, it's awesome how committed Mozilla is to the program, and hopefully some great things will come from these projects getting the money they need.

At Mozilla we were born out of, and remain a part of, the open source and free software movement. Through the Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS) program, we recognize, celebrate, and support open source projects that contribute to our work and to the health of the Internet.
I am curious, since Mozilla is a non-profit organization, where do they get their funding from? Seems odd that a "charitable" organization would be so concerned about giving to other charitable organizations.
its well known that mozilla fondation makes gets money from donationas. and makes money from search engine deals, google,yahoo,MS, yandex baidu etc pay big bucks to be defualt search engines for thier given regions. alot of users dont configure the search tab to use thier prefred search engine and are oblivious to the fact.
I am curious, since Mozilla is a non-profit organization, where do they get their funding from? Seems odd that a "charitable" organization would be so concerned about giving to other charitable organizations.

The plug in store, they get some of the money when you contribute I am pretty sure, and they get a lot of money from Yahoo to be the default search engine, so they have ways of earning cash.
Mozilla blog said:
  • $100,000 to RiseUp, a coordination platform used by activists across the political spectrum, to improve the security of their email service;

Thanks for supporting communism, Mozilla!

RiseUp About Us said:
Riseup’s Purpose

The Riseup Collective is an autonomous body based in Seattle with collective members world wide. Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.
Whooa that's interesting.

Not that switching to Chrome will make any difference.

Yeah thats why I said I didn't agree with some of their choices.

Switching to Chrome will make a difference, although I dunno if Mozilla's market share could get much lower
I am curious, since Mozilla is a non-profit organization, where do they get their funding from? Seems odd that a "charitable" organization would be so concerned about giving to other charitable organizations.

Being a non-profit has nothing to do with charity. It has everything to do with avoiding taxes.

You file as a non-profit and at the end of each year, you donate your profits to something... bam... no profit... no taxes... BUT everyone still gets paid a salary, investments into your company aren't profits, etc.

This is how a Hospital, for example, or other company making a Billion a year with a Billion in cash in the bank can pay their CEO and other executives, managers, etc. top-dollar while investing hundreds of millions into new equipment and facilities and still be a "non-profit."

Take a Hospital, again. The Hospital sees that they made and extra $30 million that year. Well, if they didn't re-invest it into the company or straight up donate it away, they could comp $30 million of patients bills who couldn't pay. Oh, and the hospital bills aren't "cheaper" because they're non-profit. They're just as or more expensive than others.

A non-profit never says, "here take our product at 70% market value because we don't care about money."

Non-profit doesn't mean they don't make money, it just means they don't pay out profits at the end of each year.

Who wins in a non-profit? Obviously, the people working for them, and who ever gets the donation at the end of the year.