Motherboard problem?


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2004
First off, it's not the PSU, since I went through 3 (one which was jhust bought).

What happens is that when I turn on the computer, it does not start. In fact, some times the fan moves (of the heatsink), but then stops after half a second. It's like there was a jump start in the computer.

At first, I was able to use the computer to install windows, but the computer shuts off at around 15min into the installation. Now it doesn't even start at all? The motherboard is a NF7-S, which is about a year old. What possibly can be the problem?
did you put new parts in? you said the mobo is a year old, so wut hardware is newly connected in this mobo- or this is your old rig and you just reformatted it and put in new OS? please be more specific.
Have u tried booting with just the cpu,ram & gpu attached - also my intial thoughts would be that something overheated (like what kirbyrj was suggesting about the cpu) and most likely died. Have you overclocked anything? if so reset the BIOS using the appropriate jumpers on the board - if that does not change anything then try another mobo or cpu, and if you don't have either one spare then perhaps borrow one from a mate and see what happens.

sorry i can't be more specific, like rysher said "please be more specific".