Most Valuable n00b Signups

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[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2001
Starting June 1st, we are going to have our next round of MVN races for F@H and UD. This time around, tournament style elimination will be the flavor.

Here are the criteria for each project:

Folding @ Home

  • You must have less than 50,000 points.
  • Your first WU must have been turned in on or after April 1st.
  • Install YURT on each machine for tracking.
  • This will be a tournament style race. For one week at a time, you will be paired against a fellow n00b folder to see who can produce the highest point total for the week. Then tourney style elimination will occur.
  • To enter, post your badge in this thread.

United Devices

  • You must have less than 50,000 points.
  • This will be a tournament style race. For one week at a time, you will be paired against a fellow n00b UD'er to see who can produce the highest point total for the week. Then tourney style elimination will occur.
  • To enter, post your badge in this thread.

If you would like to enter both the F@H and the UD race, that is fine as long as you meet all of the criteria for both.

Signups will close on the 28th.

Any questions you have can be posted here.
Let me know if you guys need any Excel help

and.... Good luck to all those who enter!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

AtomicMoose said:
p[H] should be PM'ing you shortly.

Since we made it easy, I was just going to do it old school. ;)
Yup, if you need something, I'll help whereever I can... just let me know how

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
Yup, if you need something, I'll help whereever I can... just let me know how

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

You should sign up...also your UD badge is busted. :)
I can't enter... I registered about a year ago....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Nope, just have been UDing for awhile... I post both badges to support both...

edit--- link fixed.... thanks! Did you notice you can change your UD badge? When did King add that in? and does he plan on doing it for F@H?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
Did you notice you can change your UD badge? When did King add that in? and does he plan on doing it for F@H?
Nope.....gotta ask King about that.
I may jump in on the UD action. Finally got my 3Ghz of opty goodness back up after a month of downtime. It's yet to get anything installed on it, so I may give it a run of UD instead of putting F@H back on.
Viper87227 said:
I may jump in on the UD action. Finally got my 3Ghz of opty goodness back up after a month of downtime. It's yet to get anything installed on it, so I may give it a run of UD instead of putting F@H back on.
That would be cool.

ummm i just noticed come noob level for F@H is higher than UD when UD gives out WAY more points. I almost beat the 25,000 points in UD and i only had it running on 1 machine for half a month and my first 50,000 in F@h took me like 4 months with like 10 machines.

dirtydr said:
Damn, I signed up on 4/17 but have too many points :( , :cool:

Too many points is a good thing!

Welcome to the [H]orde!

Is it limited to one rig? Since one of my work PC's doesn't play nice with FAH, I can throw UD up on thurr.

No rig limit, this is all about pure points producing. So add as many boxen as you'd like. And I've fixed the UD entry point, as 25k is too low when you can easily hit 1k per day.
Hello again, its me. If you get this message, I was just wondering before I put my name in the hat if you are going to need any assistance from the prize wagon. If not, sign me up :cool:

No prize patrol on this one, at least from what Moose and I discussed, this is just good ol runoff fun for guys new to the respective projects. :D
p[H]ant0m said:
No prize patrol on this one, at least from what Moose and I discussed, this is just good ol runoff fun for guys new to the respective projects. :D

Swell, then put me in the pot for UD.
OSUguy98 said:
I can't enter... I registered about a year ago....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

It just says after April 1st, it doesn't have a year. You technically still could enter. You did sign up after April 1st of some year. :p

I don't think I'll qualify though.

OSUguy98 said:
I can't enter... I registered about a year ago....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Bah, I think the rules can be massaged a bit, afterall we want you running moar UD. :p

As long as you're under 50k in UD you can play. :)

p[H]ant0m said:
Bah, I think the rules can be massaged a bit, afterall we want you running moar UD. :p

As long as you're under 50k in UD you can play. :)

Whooo! I want to be paired up with OSU.

Can/how to run UD on dual core ??
Searched some in forums but no finda. :)

So am I the only noob folder? Looks like I might get a 333Mhz celeron (thumbs-up to Wicked_Bass) to keep my AMD company while it folds away. Hmm, we need more recruits!

bob said:
So am I the only noob folder? Looks like I might get a 333Mhz celeron (thumbs-up to Wicked_Bass) to keep my AMD company while it folds away. Hmm, we need more recruits!

you and justakid.
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