Most Populated RTS Games for Online Play


Lakewood Original
Dec 14, 2007
Well, I've been playing Warcraft 3 - TFT to death for the past 6 months or so....

And, I killed Starcraft - Brood War way back in high school.

What other solid RTS's are particularly popular ONLINE?

(FYI, please don't recommend Supreme Commander or Company of Heroes - I
can't stand either. I'm just looking for another well-balanced, competitive RTS)

AND PLEASE remember, I am only concerned with online play here. The more players online at a given time the better. (A decent matchmaking system would be a big plus too!)

Thanks in advance guys! You've always been a great help.
Company of Heroes has a decent online following. Few thousand people online on any given day and the competition is TOUGH. :)

<edit> whoops, I skimmed right past the CoH portion of the OP. :D
Well I agree with Spartan and F.L. CoH is still one of the best. Try Red Alert 3 lots of people playing right now. I would also recommend the Dawn of War franchise, but I don't see many people playing nowadays.