Most life-like games now?

Jun 19, 2005
I don't know if this is considered off-topic but I just wanted to know which games look more like UT2007 in terms of detail. I've been trying some game demos one after another and I'm not completely impressed.

BTW, can you play Half Life 2 demo without updating or connecting to the Internet? I'm not used to WinXP Pro and most programs except IE cannot connect to the Internet.
jon_k said:
to be honest, nothing still beats Doom3 for me in terms of realism.

i have to say HL2 looks better Doom3 looked to much like plastic and that was WHEN YOU COULD SEE SOME THING heh :rolleyes:

but yea Half-Life 2 is much better then Doom3
oh gawd, dont start that again! They both have thair good points!
DooM 3 has some of the best lighting effects I've ever seen.
Half-Life 2 has some of the best texture work I've ever seen.

Now, if a hybreed was made with half life like textures with DooM 3's lighting effects (And impressive polly count) that would ROCK! :eek:
Unknown-One said:
oh gawd, dont start that again! They both have thair good points!
DooM 3 has some of the best lighting effects I've ever seen.
Half-Life 2 has some of the best texture work I've ever seen.

Now, if a hybreed was made with half life like textures with DooM 3's lighting effects (And impressive polly count) that would ROCK! :eek:

good point :p

but that other guy with GTA:SA WTF :eek:
You gotta throw FarCry somewhere in the mix- maybe "best distance shots".
Suprnova04 said:
GTA = cell shaded = cartoony

edit: looked at some pics.. maybe not cell shaded.. but still cartoony

Yeah I still don't think that GTA has gotten rid of the consol-feel in GFX...

Original poster:
you have to connect to steam, ie be on the internet to play the HL2 demo.
Terra said:
Yeah I still don't think that GTA has gotten rid of the consol-feel in GFX...

And we're talkin PS1 level grahics... I love San Andreas, it's fun to play (I only game on my PC; don't like consoles), but the graphics are still a bit blocky and cartoon-like.

More on topic, I think that Half Life 2 has awesome texturing and lighting, Doom 3 trumps HL2 only in lighting, but my favorite so far is still Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. For those that have a pretty powerful graphics card and haven't played it yet, I highly recommend it.

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GTA: SA still has some clipping issues, and some models look, well, blocky. HL2 wins on overall life-likeness, but Doom 3 wins on special effects like lighting and specular.
Are you kidding me? Half-Life 2 beats all when it comes to realism. The environment is much more life-like, and the story is some-what attractive. Not like Doom 3. First off, Doom 3 has no lifeness to it at all. You barely go outside your ship onto Mars, so you can't enjoy it fully. Another thing that I would talk about is the scripting in Doom 3. The AI is horrible! I go to open up a door and an enemy is just sitting there not attacking me. Obviously, the AI didn't kick in yet, so I pull out my shotgun and blow its face into pieces. Same thing happened a couple second later. Overall, Half-Life 2 owns Doom 3, in both storyline, AND realism. I would definitely recommend it over Doom 3 :) .
Splinter Cell Choas Theory is more realistic than Half Life 2 but not by much.

Sam looks around with his eyes, he rests on his knees if he has remained in crouch position for too long.
The AI in that game is the best I have ever encountered.
BigDaddy85 said:

every thing is to shiny and plastic looking lol i cant think of any other way to say it same with Farcry; thats not to say thay look crappy its just i think HL2 looks more "real" then Doom3 or Farcry and i like Farcry way better then Doom3

Doom3 did have very nice lighting but alot of that was to hide the lower poly counts
if you turn off the lighting stuff off in Doom3 you can see its not the best looking game
Granted.. Doom3 did make things look "laminated", lol, but I think that engine has a LOT of potential... I am looking forward to seeing Prey in action... I think some doom3 engine driven games will come out and turn some heads... we'll see though. :)
Homer said:
Half Life 2


As i've said in the other thread, if textures was all it took, just take flat box and texture a head on it and it'll be realistic by your standards. Any game can do textures :rolleyes:
He said most LIFE LIKE. Graphics are not the only life like part of half life 2. Look at the physics, look at the character models, etc etc. Pwned
My vote goes for Doom 3 and the expansion ROE.

The models are near cg quality, the lighting and shadows are insane and the enviornment sucks you in. People stare at walls and say " low res " but wtf? Are you shooting the walls? :p

SC: Chaos Theory would be a distant no. 2
Doom3 has quite a few visual effects that just bug me.

#1 Very pointy heads
#2 Everyone is dipped in oil
#3 I can't see anything half of the time

Funny enough, I really like the emote animations of Guildwars, dance moves are flawless... Got all 5 fingers and they really got the cape sway right. Sometimes I play just to watch people dance, lol.
If life-like means "close" to reality" then it's doom3...first game in a long time that almost made myself crap my pants ;)
HL2 didn't come close...neither did Farcry...
When it's dark outside, turn off the lights, get a good 5.1 speaker set, and then game doom3...for more than 20 min..the sound side will do wonders then ;)

Terra - And people that complains about that Doom3 is to "dark"...makes me go /doh...
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay has the best graphics I've seen to date. The texture work is beyond HL2, the lighting (while not quite as advanced,) looks a little more natural than Doom 3. I love D3 and HL2, but Riddick is better than both. (And imagine this: It's a really fun game too.) :D
pigpen said:
And GTA for lifelike? Are you fucking kidding me?
It's graphics really stand out man when you turn AA up to liek 100x and AF to 999x
mashie said:
Battlefield 2 isn't that bad either regarding look and feel.

BF2 will look better as we go into the next gen more. Right now It's a really intensive game and few if any people can really see the full potential. And you gotta be LANing to see it work wonders.

I beleive it will look even better with more patches, graphics cards, etc.

Then we would have less jaggies, good FPS, no lag....*cough*
ray4389 said:
It's graphics really stand out man when you turn AA up to liek 100x and AF to 999x


Terra - That's what I call spot on ;)
Well, let's put it this way, if you were to do superman with the HL2, Doom3, FC, Riddick engines this is what you'll get.

Left is HL2, right is Doom3.

Nice normalmapping on the 'S', a bit overdone on the pixelshaders tho :D And he's still pale. :D :D :D
foofighter06 said:
Richard Burns Rally
Nascar Racing 2003 Season with some texture packs.
Have you played Forza Motorsport? It's pretty incredible, the audience stuff in Gran Turismo is crazy though, how people like come out of the crowd to take pictures then run off? lol.
Doom 3 was like cheese... It used to be milk (i.e. good), but now it just feels like it's been left out in the sun too long and turned into mold.

HL2 wasn't very impressive either.

Anyway, I much perfered the graphics in HL2. The lighting effects in Doom 3 were PAINFUL. Take a close look at them sometime, there's no depth or bump mapping to them, they just turn into a clueless black line that overlaps whatever it touches regardless of shape, light, or distance. They looked amazing until I bothered to look closer.
You people got to see things on Doom 3??! I was too busy doing flashlight, shoot, flashlight, shoot to see the laminated monsters... lol