Modular PSU's with short cables


Dec 23, 2006
As in my sig below, I have a very small case (SG03) with a large PSU (Tagan 1100w) that has long cables. I am looking into getting a 700w silverstone combined with the PP05 short cable kit.

But, I want to put some feelers out there to see if there are any other PSU options besides Silverstone that have short cable options.

PS. Also, If someone is interested...I'd be willing to trade my large PSU with a Silverstone PSU that is at least 700w. (Strider series) just pm me
So apparently I'm in this market now too, since every e-tailer i can think of in Canada is telling me the Corsair HX520 is no longer available.

I need a modular power supply in the 500w-ish range (up to 600w, anything more than that would just be ridiculous for my needs). Short cables would be nice.
I don't consider "canadian" cause all it is is with canadian dollar pricing. Everything still ships from the states. This means that if there's any problems with the item.. I have to send it BACK to the states.

I'll only order from newegg if there's literally NO other canadian option.
alright, so you win the "i know of more e-tailers than you do" game.

Though I'd like to point out that is apparently conflicted on which product they actually have, as the one pictured is the HX620. :p
The only Canadian e-tailers I found that didn't have it stocked are NCIX and DirectCanada, so it's not like there's a scarcity. And Anitec's price is pretty shit anyway, so there's really no reason to go with them.
NCIX is the only real canadia retailer I know.

If I remember correctly, NewEgg RMA is on their dollar, not yours.
Silverstone is one of the only companies I know of that makes all these little accessories people might need into retail packages, the short cables is just one of them.

They also ahve some retail PSU's that have short cables. They aren't obviously labelled though.
Silverstone doesn't even bother to clearly label which PSU's are modular on their product page.. you have to open each item description to check. They should pay their web monkeys better.
Ok, so this thread took a detour to online availability of the Corsair HX520. Which, as far as I can tell, doesn't support short cables.

Anyways, still haven't heard as to other PSU manufacturers that make short cable accessories or sell PSU's with short cables.
You could always just get a regular modular PSU and shorten the cables yourself.