Modern Warfare 2 Blows Away Launch Records

Heh, nice.

Not buying, not playing, not considering. After hearing CoD4 had a 6 hour sp campaign, the only interest I have in these games is enjoying the odd 'this game sucks' thread that pops up.

So I guess left 4 dead doesn't interest you either? That has a short SP campaign as well. It's a shame, as left 4 dead and COD have some of the best multiplayer in any PC game currently.
PC sales will always be the lowest out of the three. So saying that a boycott of the games cause it is irrelevant.
Even Crysis 2 will not hold a candle to console sales.
I also was never into the whole modded server thing, and did not like that people could turn off features like kill cams.

In before "you're a console newb" post, as I buy all FPS's for PC first.

Killcam is the equivalent for FPS Training Wheels. Well done.
The people who boycott it, I'm cool with you doing that.

But don't act like it's a crappy game, especially since you have no idea on how good it is or isn't.

Did I dislike that PC lost dedicated servers? Yes.

Did it effect me?
Nope, because I bought it on 360.

And I prefer PC's mouse and keyboard...but I like playing with real life friends..yes it still bothers me I know I could be better using KB + mouse.

But you know what? I'd rather have fun playing a game than get pissy because they took something out you wanted in it.

Boycotting is great, when there's a chance of it working. Game sold 7 Million copies day one.. Do you really think the few thousand people boycotting effected them?

Do you think they care?

You're only missing out on possible fun.
Killcam is the equivalent for FPS Training Wheels. Well done.

Actually kill cam is a great way to see if people are pulling BS (IE wallhacks etc). Well done. As for seeing where someone is camping, well they shouldn't be camping anyways.
well do those launch numbers even include PC sales?
I already figured the boycott would be a failure, too many gamers will give in to play the fantasy of being some elite solider
this it just 'estimated' right?
Cause i only know 2 people who went out and bought it for the 360... vs the ~20 or so who went and bought uncharted...
The best possible outcome of this would be if after seeing these numbers, people finally stopped whining about how IW screwed them over. Apparently the fact that there's no "lean" in the game didn't stop the other 4.7 million people from buying it. :rolleyes:

Now that it's out, things are a lot simpler. People, buy the game or don't buy the game. Speak with your wallet. Now leave me and my MW2 in peace. :p
Once I saw a transcript of a chat with those asshats, and their F-You attitude to their customers, I cancelled my 360 order, even though it doesn't have the issues the PC version does.

For once I voted with my wallet, not my desires.
I would like to see the numbers of purchases between PC and consoles. I would think that the Boycott only affected PC for the most part.
I would like to see the numbers of purchases between PC and consoles. I would think that the Boycott only affected PC for the most part.

Which is a shame. Great fun game on the PC despite the whining. Proudly bought in on launch and was happy to. $60? I've spent A LOT more than $60 on games I never played. MW2 already isn't one of those.

The sad thing is that PC gamers are just looking for an excuse to kill PC gaming and pirate this title. Sad, sad, sad. Sure I don't like what IW did. It folks, PC gaming isn't just for hardcore types. I play a lot of games but I'm NOT hardcore and this is just a fun game to jump into and play.

Bitch all you want, PC gaming is going to get more consolized, especially the big multi-platform titles. I'd rather have that than NO GAMES. I REFUSE to play on consoles. I hate consoles and will never game on them. So for a person like me, that plays a lot of games but doesn't game a lot, not particularly good and not worried about mods and servers, this game is just find and dandy.
Waiting for Dedicated servers.

Since there is hacks already for this game, people getting crappy pings, and no leaning?

Ill wait tell its $39.99 and a patch that fixes PC
In order to boycott, you need to have some sort of ethical problem with the developer or publisher. Seeing that the developer is Infinity Ward and the publisher is Activision, I had no trouble finding a whole slew of ethical concerns.

I boycotted the game. I'm pleased to hear it wasn't very good from people I know who bought it. Seems to be just another Halo, big seller, not very impressive.
I didn't buy the game.

I was never going to boycott however I was extremely unhappy they raised the retail price to $60. I waited for the reviews and I'm definitely not going to pay $60 for a single player campaign that could last just over 5 hours. I never was a fan of the original multiplayer of Modern Warfare 1 so I see no reason to purchase this game.
awww boo hoo so many whiney pc users here. i wont buy the game til its 20bux. have fun with that cod 4 is still more then 20bux.
i think u guys are just mad that u continue to get shafted with games. gta4 was trash on pc and now cod mw2 dont have dedicated servers and a player cap. cry me a river guys either get it on console or quit crying. pc gaming is nothing compared to consoles.
I'm evidently the minority of the boycott group. Since I decided to boycott it I havent' bought it, downloaded it, or played a friends copy.

Same here. Not even worth the download for me. Heck, even my Facebook profile pic shows I'm boycotting the game. :)
It would have sold a significant amount more if they had better PC support. I spent my money on Dragon Age instead.[img][/QUOTE]

So 15 people out of 800 is somehow proving a point? lol.

Yea people bought the game, but that could have been a lot more on the PC side had they not consolized it. I spent $33 on borderlands and already got 30+ hours out of it, 25 hours on the single-player campaign alone. It would have been $60 for 4-5 hours with MW2... Multiplayer wasn't something I'd be interested in (I loved CoD4 multiplayer).. small maps/teams are not my thing...

Now I hope they don't try to claim piracy on this bullshit either with all these claims of high-sales... bahaha... "Yea we're going to stop developing on the PC side because everyone pirated our game on Steam and hacked." Bitch moan...
I boycotted. I won't buy it. My friend won't either.

But I'm not surprised it sold well considering the advertising blitz they did. They had prime time ads galore. Must have cost them a pretty penny.

awww boo hoo so many whiney pc users here. i wont buy the game til its 20bux. have fun with that cod 4 is still more then 20bux.
i think u guys are just mad that u continue to get shafted with games. gta4 was trash on pc and now cod mw2 dont have dedicated servers and a player cap. cry me a river guys either get it on console or quit crying. pc gaming is nothing compared to consoles.


i think u guys are just mad that u continue to get shafted with games.

... YES???? It bums me out that dumbed down games get released and people like you lap this shit up. Call of Duty is the new halo and it caters to mouth breathers. OH COOL A POPUP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN TELLING ME I SHOT SOMEONE IN THE HEAD, RAD.

Does it bum me out that we as PC Gamers might not have a dedicated next-gen quality game as great as Deus Ex? Yes. Does it bum you out? Probably not. :rolleyes:
HAHA - Mouth Breathers! of course I can't be 100% certain of what you mean.. .but boy do I have the feeling that I do know what you are talking about... and that is the scary part, there are enough people who exhibit that kind of behavior and are generally inferior.

Deus Ex is still ahead of its time apparently.
I attempted to play the single player but I couldn't stop thinking about Dragon Age, so I stopped played that. Dragon Age = GOTY
For $60 I'll take a pass on this pile of crap, 5-6 hours of single player and a multi-player aspect that a retarded monkey could play. Infinity Ward sold their sole so they could rake in the money from all the brain dead console fanboys.:p;)
I would like to see the numbers of purchases between PC and consoles. I would think that the Boycott only affected PC for the most part.

Here are the launch day figures:

Around 55% of sales are on Xbox 360, 33% on PS3 and the remaining 12% on PC.

Its a bit higher than I expected, considering that PC sales of COD:MW accounted for only about 400,000 versus the thirteen million sold on the 360.
awww boo hoo so many whiney pc users here. i wont buy the game til its 20bux. have fun with that cod 4 is still more then 20bux.
i think u guys are just mad that u continue to get shafted with games. gta4 was trash on pc and now cod mw2 dont have dedicated servers and a player cap. cry me a river guys either get it on console or quit crying. pc gaming is nothing compared to consoles.

Your spelling/grammar is exactly why I don't play console games. It's your fault.