Modern Warfare 2 Blows Away Launch Records

I'm boycotting this game. They won't get my money this time around. I loved and played through all the other CoD games but I'm not taking this crap.
I tried the PC version. Campaign sucked. Knew the game was going to blow anyways regardless- the other two pieces of shit labeled CoD were the same thing, so what makes this different?
Really? I thought the campaign was amazing, if a little short.
Started a little slow, but was likely one of the coolest FPS single player games I've ever touched. Even the mini-games you unlock by finishing it are fun.

Made me mad that they'd so royally screwed up multi-player for PC. If they ever get that sorted out they've got my money. ;)
Don't get me wrong. I don't mind consoles and they serve a purpose. But here's what I plan building for my next rig if I'm able to swing it:

Core "i9" CPU or whatever Intel calls it's 32nm 6 core part
24GB of RAM
1TB of SSD storage
High end quad GPU setup from AMD or nVidia, which ever looks the best at the time
2 30" 2560x1600 monitors

So by the time its done its going to cost me about $10k. So why would I want to game on a $300 piece of crap if I'm putting $10k into a rig, with a primary function of playing games? It's like forcing me to drive a Pinto when I want to and am willing to buy a Lamborghini.

I do think this is one reason why PC gaming won't being going away anytime too soon. Without games, there's no reason for a folks like me to put thousands into our hardware year after year. Just a few hundred thousand folks that spend this kind of money on hardware is BILLIONS in lost hardware sales.

So nothing wrong with consoles, other than the fact they are under powered and no fun for people like me. I am a PC. And I play games!:D

I think spending $10,000 on a gaming PC is a really bad idea to be honest with you.
I think spending $10,000 on a gaming PC is a really bad idea to be honest with you.

If you spend 10k on a gaming computer. It's time to move outta the Parent (who would be rich) house.

Or unless you won the lottery
I think spending $10,000 on a gaming PC is a really bad idea to be honest with you.

I think buying a new BMW or Lexus or the like is a bad idea to be honest with you.
Though I do happen to agree with you, (I could build 5 or 6 damn good gaming rigs including a 24" monitor for $10K.), hobbies are not about being good ideas. Ones financial perspective also come into play in such things.
Haw. Someone's been gulping down the spiel.

No it is common sense. They blame the pirates for their moves, so if you don't pirate the game then they can't place blame where there is none. By pirating games and justifying it, you're just giving more ammo to developers.

No koolaid to drink here, just common sense.
I think buying a new BMW or Lexus or the like is a bad idea to be honest with you.
Though I do happen to agree with you, (I could build 5 or 6 damn good gaming rigs including a 24" monitor for $10K.), hobbies are not about being good ideas. Ones financial perspective also come into play in such things.

It's not JUST a gaming rig. And sure you could build a bunch of ok rigs for less but that's not the idea. I want to build something unique with no compromises.

My point was when one puts thousands and thousands into a PC why would they want a piece of crap console for gaming when they have practically a super computer?

But I understand its a numbers thing on the software side and that consoles will drive gaming software development. But PCs drive the hardware and without games people like me have much less reason to buy lots of hardware.

And like many others I'm having a blast playing MW2!
When a company puts that much money into advertising it, it is set up to succeed,they get it so hyped up! if most games did what IW with their games i am sure records would be broken all the time.

Again i am curious to see how many people who bought the game hated it, or would, if they could, return it.

Love to see some stats on times people logged in and such.. see the real success of the game, how many people played it, logged in online but never again.
Learn to like them.

PC's and consoles are becoming more and more like one in the other. They are now being produced with hard drives and NICs, ram, GPUs, CPUs, etc, vs years ago. Media streaming, DLC, online gaming to name a few. It wont surprise me one bit that if the future is consoles for gaming/media, and PCs for developing. I have a PS3, 360, and gaming PC. PC gaming is dieing IMHO.

More like Consoles are becoming PC and they have since the PS2 really when they added online functionality, and then adding harddrives and so on.

PC's will always be around and consoles will just become PC's with standard hardware across the board, console makers wont get big into allowing you to change out CPU and GPU's because then that takes away their stability and ease to program for.
Bought it on Xbox 360. I absolutely love it. The campaign is good, and I haven't really had time to mess around with MP.
It's not JUST a gaming rig. And sure you could build a bunch of ok rigs for less but that's not the idea. I want to build something unique with no compromises.

My point was when one puts thousands and thousands into a PC why would they want a piece of crap console for gaming when they have practically a super computer?

But I understand its a numbers thing on the software side and that consoles will drive gaming software development. But PCs drive the hardware and without games people like me have much less reason to buy lots of hardware.

And like many others I'm having a blast playing MW2!

Was not poking fun or attempting to make light of what you want to do. Just trying to point out that, with hobbies, people differ on what is a good idea or not. It's your $10K after all.

With only just a $1-2K computer, I can't figure out what anyone one would want with a console for anything but casual gaming myself, so I am definitely with you that a $10K PC would make the console look like a $10 Solitaire hand held you can pick up at a convenience store..

We do get enough good games on the PC to keep me buying at least. Even if they are console ports. There are a lot of crappy ports, and there are lot of good ones as well. MW2 however seems intentionally gimped to insure that MP falls off and disappears within 6 months without expansion packs. (As I have already said twice, modern MP, FPS, PC, titles just don't last long without dedicated servers.) My guess is that they intend to trickle out pay to play expansion packs every 4-6 months to hopefully keep people buying the game and expansions. That model might work for WOW, or FO3, or for console titles in general, but I doubt that will work in a pure FPS MP title. If it does manage to work out that way, we will see less for more $ become the norm.
I would like for that not to happen, so I will not buy, pirate, recommend, or condone MW2.
Call it a hobby. ;)
I think buying a new BMW or Lexus or the like is a bad idea to be honest with you.
Though I do happen to agree with you, (I could build 5 or 6 damn good gaming rigs including a 24" monitor for $10K.), hobbies are not about being good ideas. Ones financial perspective also come into play in such things.

You do have a point.
Learn to like them.

PC's and consoles are becoming more and more like one in the other. They are now being produced with hard drives and NICs, ram, GPUs, CPUs, etc, vs years ago. Media streaming, DLC, online gaming to name a few. It wont surprise me one bit that if the future is consoles for gaming/media, and PCs for developing. I have a PS3, 360, and gaming PC. PC gaming is dieing IMHO.

LOL, my PC is so far different that consoles...Keyboard and mouse > bulky controller.
This is why America is a shit-hole. Almost all the games we make are WAR games that turn killing into a game. All the people that waste money on these kinds of games need to go into the Military if they love killing so much.

Cowboys and Indians? There is nothing new here. America is not shit hole, its cities are but they make up a fraction of the land.
Don't get me wrong. I don't mind consoles and they serve a purpose. But here's what I plan building for my next rig if I'm able to swing it:

Core "i9" CPU or whatever Intel calls it's 32nm 6 core part
24GB of RAM
1TB of SSD storage
High end quad GPU setup from AMD or nVidia, which ever looks the best at the time
2 30" 2560x1600 monitors

I could never justify something like that, but if you can afford it, go for it (and invite me over) :) If you go with AMD GPUs you might consider getting a 3rd monitor for some tri-30" eyefinity goodness :eek:

It's not as bad as people are making it out to be though. The monitors and SSDs are more than half the cost of that setup, and can likely be reused in your next build. (I doubt anything will come out soon that will blow away SSDs or 30" monitors).

Even the RAM will probably be reusable, since DDR3 is still relatively new. I seriously doubt any game will use 24GB of memory (or even 12) in the next 5 years, but that's another matter :p
lol'in @ the haters while mw2 will keep breaking records...

Easy tiger your coming off as quite the hater (hater) there. :rolleyes:

PC folks are pissed, why are you acting like its not bullshit what they did? But yeah the (hater) thing, is pretty tired at this point.
Cowboys and Indians? There is nothing new here. America is not shit hole, its cities are but they make up a fraction of the land.

Yeah, that dude has serious problems differentiating between reality and fiction. Clicking a mouse and eating doritos = you love killing people? lolwut? I can think of plenty of things wrong with America, but videogames certainly aren't something that spring to mind.
I could never justify something like that, but if you can afford it, go for it (and invite me over) :) If you go with AMD GPUs you might consider getting a 3rd monitor for some tri-30" eyefinity goodness :eek:

It's not as bad as people are making it out to be though. The monitors and SSDs are more than half the cost of that setup, and can likely be reused in your next build. (I doubt anything will come out soon that will blow away SSDs or 30" monitors).

Even the RAM will probably be reusable, since DDR3 is still relatively new. I seriously doubt any game will use 24GB of memory (or even 12) in the next 5 years, but that's another matter :p

Off topic I know, but when he builds that monstrosity of computing power, I hope he posts pics. While I might think it extreme, (Bugatti Veyron extreme), I would still like to drool over it, just like I do the Bugatti.
I bought 2 copies for 2 pc's from steam, and all is well. I like it. I love the cod series.
I have been playing it on the PC all day.....I like it....

game play is smooth and the action is non stop.....
Don't get me wrong. I don't mind consoles and they serve a purpose. But here's what I plan building for my next rig if I'm able to swing it:

Core "i9" CPU or whatever Intel calls it's 32nm 6 core part
24GB of RAM
1TB of SSD storage
High end quad GPU setup from AMD or nVidia, which ever looks the best at the time
2 30" 2560x1600 monitors

So by the time its done its going to cost me about $10k. So why would I want to game on a $300 piece of crap if I'm putting $10k into a rig, with a primary function of playing games? It's like forcing me to drive a Pinto when I want to and am willing to buy a Lamborghini.

There is such a thing as diminishing returns. If you plan on just gaming on that thing instead of using it as a workstation, something to justify that much horsepower, well, I don't know what to say. :)

Also, the fact that you admittedly don't play multiplayer games, yet you throw so much money at your PC, again, I don't know what to say. :)
Thank you for yet another quality post.

Thank you sir

Exactly, you're castrating your choices and purposefully choosing not to open your opportunities. Because of that, you don't get to play all of the greatest games. You get to play SOME of them - but someone like me, who games on both my PC and consoles, gets to play ALL of them. ;)

QFT, I completely agree, and its why my sig is filled with hardware and software platforms from pretty much everyone. :)
Its funny, nearly everyone that has picked it up on the PC and played multi is reporting that the game plays great online, no crap lag or anything they were expecting. IMHO the only real downside to no dedicated servers is that communities can't build around specific servers (my regular BF2 servers were heavily moderated and had great regulars). Now you have to depend on your friends list more.

Sure, its a bummer that dedicated servers aren't in there, but by no means does it ruin the game and its playability, it surprisingly plays great.

After playing it for quite a few games now I can tell you that reports you heard are FALSE. There is laggy games, especially if you veer away from the common game types where there are more players to choose from. I tried to find a non-laggy game of Sabotage yesterday and had to give up because I couldn't even move. If you do something like TDM you get a decent game, but 7500 point fraglimit is too low.
lol'in @ the haters while mw2 will keep breaking records...

It's call the Halo phenomenon. A par to sub-par game paired with an over the top advertising machine leads to massive profits. It's market irony really. People aren't buying what they want, they're buying what the commercials imply that they want.

I for one was disappointed with this game, console and PC versions considered. The graphics are on par with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which is very good (but not new). The story seems even shorter than the original, though MW was also kind of short. It didn't live up to the legacy left behind by Call of Duty, and it abandoned its roots (remember that the CoD franchise was established on the back of LAN party popularity, I remember playing it in high school at LANs we organized on Fridays... yeah, I'm rather young, and I went to a tech school that didn't mind the awesome violence :) ). Knowing those days are officially over makes me rather unhappy with Activision/Infinity Ward, especially as such changes are being uncovered to be just money grabs:

PC gamers shouldn't be the only ones angry, nor should there be this culture of hate between console and PC gamers (a lot of us are both, I own all the current gen consoles, and I have a bitching gaming rig to boot). Consoles are being deprived all the advantages PCs once had (there's no technological restriction dictating you can't turn your 360 into a dedicated server, or load custom maps, or even mess with the console). Instead of great features moving from PC to console, these features are being stripped out merely to create new avenues to extract money from gamers without the need to develop new games.