Mobo options for HP xw6200


Jun 9, 2005
Hi All,

I have an older HP xw6200 workstation that I'm considering doing a mobo/CPU/RAM upgrade to. It's currently running a pair S604 of Xeon 2.8ghz/800 FSB processors. I'm having trouble finding out what form factor the mobo is. HP calls it a "rackable minitower", whatever that means. The case is sweet and would really like to keep it and the PSU if possible. Anybody know what options I have for a new board? I don't need a dual socket server board, single will be just fine. Looking at Phenom 2 or C2 Quad options.

Here's a link to the system specs:

Thanks for any help.

All the "rackable minitower" means is that you can rackmount it, or use it as a tower. Find out if the case is ATX compliant, and if so, you're good to go. One way you can find out is calling them and asking, or just lookup the ATX specs layout, and measure for yourself. ;)

For more help with the build, please answer the questions in the sticky.
Thanks, but after reading the sticky I still have not bee able to find out the mobo specs. I've googled lots of things trying to find the specs but not had luck. Any other system or mobo is easy, but this one seems to be hard to find at least with my limited resources. I'll keep digging...
The sticky questions are for us, to help you choose parts.

Your Google-Fu needs work. I Googled for "ATX Spec" and the first link that came up was the PDF. DL it and find the measurements for the mounting holes. Then measure the holes in your case to see if they comply with the specs. If so, then you have an ATX case, and can use any standard ATX mobo.
LOL, I don't mean finding ATX specs, I mean finding what the darn mobo is in my computer! As of yet I have not found any info telling me specifically what form factor mobo an HP xw6200 workstation uses. The case is crammed with video, sound and networking cards, plus the monster heatsinks on each CPU, I really don't fell like pulling any of that to take a few measurements!

So all I'm asking is: Can somebody please tell me what form factor mobo this workstation uses so don't have to disassemble it to find out?
Yes that is the case, got the same FC / QCA logo on the bottom too. If you or anybody can confirm this is ATX then problem solved! Thanks much.
LOL, I didn't mean reading the sticky to find mobo specs. I mean, one way you can find out if its ATX compliant is by calling them and asking. If you're not creative enough to measure your layout with parts installed, then just assume its ATX compliant (it sure looks ATX compliant).