Minnesota Woman Fatally Shoots Boyfriend in Failed YouTube Video Stunt

I mean, if someone said $25M to hold two phonebooks and take a shotgun blast, I think a lot of people would take that risk, but a .50 is suicide, even if it didn't penetrate.
I don't know how big their channel is, but my guess is the payout from Youtube would be closer to $250 than 25 million.
She should be charged with manslaughter. She should also be sterilized.

She was charged with manslaughter. Faces up to 10 years in prison. Sadly I don't think she will be sterilized.
they should just let her off. seems she's already been punished enough. and no reason why the kids ought to pay for their parents bad decisions :/

just another example why they need guns off the street, cause people think their toys... their not ;_; want a gun? get a hunting rifle go hunting in the woods for deer :p

correction. has a kid, and another is on the day. thats even more tragic :/

i still have no idea what he was thinking. a desert eagle aim at book at your chest (probably watch too much movies...)..... was this guy on crack or something?

And there it is, the expected anti gun idiocy logic. Actually that took longer to crop up than I guessed it would. This is an example of why we need more gun education, not the removal of constitutional rights. Better education is always the right answer. Knee jerk laws are always the wrong answer.
While it is really sad that this happened, I can't also help but call them idiots. Desert Eagle is often called "hand cannon" for a reason. Did he really expect to walk away without injuries even if death was avoided? Or was he actually suicidial and just used his GF as instrument of his suicide because he could not pull the trigger himself?
Yeah, and end up like Britain were honest people can't defend themselves against psychotics. How's that workin out for Britain? People will find ways of killing each other regardless. Its the mental illness that nobody wants to talk about. The gun didn't kill this person, the person behind the trigger did.

That's a nice idea but the statistics don't really bear it out. Out of the tens of thousands of gun related deaths in the US every year, only about 300 are cases of self defense.

So what are guns actually used for? Suicide mostly. With spousal murder coming in a distant second. But it's a lot easier to sell guns based on Dirty Harry fantasies, rather than the reality which is that you'll probably use it blow your brains out or kill your wife.
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That's a nice idea but the statistics don't really bear it out. Out of the tens of thousands of gun related deaths in the US every year, only about 300 are cases of self defense.

So what are guns actually used for? Suicide mostly. With spousal murder coming in a distant second. But it's a lot easier to sell guns based on Dirty Harry fantasies, rather than the reality which is that you'll probably use it blow your brains out or kill your wife.

You're failing to account for all self defense cases. Most self defense cases with fire arms don't result in a shot fired, and those that do often don't result in any death. Just in my state recently a home owner used his firearm to make a an intruder surrender. This same suspect had a home owner hold him at gun point a few months prior for a similar break in. In neither case was he shot at. Of course, occasionally they do get shot at. Not too far from here a home owner was cornered by two would be thugs, who made him enter his garage. He then grabbed his weapon and shot and killed both of them. The actual number is in the thousands, but I am not sure if there are detailed records for non-lethal self defense.

On the other hand Japan has extremely high suicide rates yet some of the toughest laws out there. While the US is fairly low. I don't think there is much if any correlation between the two.

Australia has not had a mass shooting since they rounded up all the guns.
When did you attend your last Well Regulated Militia meeting.

False on all accounts. First of all, Australia has not "rounded up all the guns". Second, there has been a mass shooting since. Third, the rate of mass killers hasn't seemed to have dropped off. If anything, the average fatality has gone up.

The average lone killer tally was under 10 before the big firearm bans, aside from the abnormally high Port Aruthur. Since then (1996) there have been four mass killings over 10 fatalities which did not include firearms. Not to mention countless others, with kill counts essentially the same as before:


You could've put 5 minutes into research before you parroted the same half truth talking point over and over again. They got rid of a number of guns, great. Now people are being burned to death instead. Good job?
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That's a nice idea but the statistics don't really bear it out. Out of the tens of thousands of gun related deaths in the US every year, only about 300 are cases of self defense.

So what are guns actually used for? Suicide mostly. With spousal murder coming in a distant second. But it's a lot easier to sell guns based on Dirty Harry fantasies, rather than the reality which is that you'll probably use it blow your brains out or kill your wife.

It's also a statistic that 99.9% of liberal surveys are made up liberal bullshit.
(with a .1% margin of error)

Source: No source given, same as other statistic claims in this thread.


It's also a statistic that 99.9% of liberal surveys are made up liberal bullshit.
(with a .1% margin of error)

Source: No source given, same as other statistic claims in this thread.



I was quoting the FBI who keeps statistics on gun related deaths. There around 33k every year in the US, and 19k are typically suicides. Around 300 cases are self defense. That's less than 1% of cases.

I'm not even a liberal or particularly anti-gun. Just pointing out that the stats don't support owning a gun for self defense. It's an extremely rare use case.

The main use for guns by far is suicide. Not self defense. Not murder or mass killing. Suicide.

Own a gun if you want. But know that you are about 60 times more likely to use it to kill yourself than to kill bad guys. Or you can rent. Lots of people walk into gun ranges, rent guns, then use them to blow their own heads off. Don't believe me, look it up. Or just talk to some guys who work at gun ranges.

The ranges make a lot of their money from renting guns to people—those are the people you really have to watch out for. Like the time we rented a Ruger handgun to this woman. After I turned my back to her, she put the gun behind her ear and blew a nice, clean, round hole through the center of her head. I didn’t really feel anything at the time. At first it was disbelief, and then I thought, “Oh, I’ve got to take care of stuff.” Different guys handle it differently. I know a guy who quit right after something like this happened.

Our standard operating procedure when this happens is to call a cease-fire. Then we clear the range so that nobody is in any danger. Then sometimes you’d go up and, if it’s safe to do so, you’d kick the gun out. I still remember this: The manager at the time wound up putting gloves on and plugging the side of her head with his fingers. I’m thinking, “This isn’t going to do a whole lot. She’s toast, dude.” Not to be callous about it, but she was dead. Her eyes were flapping, there was nothing there.

Gun ranges often have policies that require anyone who rents a gun to be accompanied by a friend. It’s supposed to be a way to prevent suicides, but it doesn’t always work very well. Eventually the range started paying a service to come pick up the bodies and scrub everything. But before that happened, Christ, what was it? Bleach and kitty litter. I remember one time I had come in for a shift change and there was a pool of blood. We didn’t have any bleach but we did have some kitty litter. I remember using that to soak up the blood. And because we didn’t have the bleach, some of my members were kind enough to go across the street to the grocery store and buy some. In hindsight, we had no protocols, we had no protective suits. I could have exposed myself to blood-borne pathogens.

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The problem with this is that the gun is is designed to kill people and if you use it correctly, you will kill people. The other uses are not as intended by the designer/manufacture.

And for crying out loud, if you want a gun for self defense, get a shotgun with a large shot size. You don't have to worry about aiming, just point and fire. Plus if you are out of ammo, you can always use it to beat the bad guy to death with it. Also if you carry it around in public, bad guys are less likely to fuck with you, seeing as they know you have a gun (as apposed to concealing one).
so lemme get this straight, she shot her load into him?

talk about taking one for the team.
I was quoting the FBI who keeps statistics on gun related deaths. There around 33k every year in the US, and 19k are typically suicides. Around 300 cases are self defense. That's less than 1% of cases.

I'm not even a liberal or particularly anti-gun. Just pointing out that the stats don't support owning a gun for self defense. It's an extremely rare use case.

The main use for guns by far is suicide.

Own a gun if you want. But know that you are about 60 times more likely to use it to kill yourself than to kill bad guys. Or you can rent. Lots of people walk into gun ranges, rent guns, then use them to blow their own heads off. Don't believe me, look it up. Or just talk to some guys who work at gun ranges.

So with the assertion that "The main use for guns by far is suicide", the inference is that suicide rates would plummet without the guns.
As has been noted in this thread, Japan has very tight gun control, yet they have a very high suicide rate.

Suicide by bladed weapons, car exhaust, jumping off buildings, etc. will all still happen with no guns.
Suicide is not a gun problem.

Mexico has tight gun control, how's that going for them?

>>Just pointing out that the stats don't support owning a gun for self defense.

I can refute that based on the facts in my own life experience. I've had break-in attempts with my family home at night even with a barking
aggressive Rottweiler alerting us. It takes the county 30 minutes to show up if they even bother to show up at all for a 911 call.

Believe me, it was very important to have a gun in my hand in that situation.
I don't care what any statistics say.

The NRA publishes real life self defense stories every month. That also seems to defy the FBI statistics, doesn't it?


Also of note: It's now been proven that the ATF, DOJ, FBI, IRS etc. have, and will probably continue to use their power
for political purposes. Why would I give their statistics any credence at all?

The problem with this is that the gun is is designed to kill people and if you use it correctly, you will kill people. The other uses are not as intended by the designer/manufacture.

And for crying out loud, if you want a gun for self defense, get a shotgun with a large shot size. You don't have to worry about aiming, just point and fire. Plus if you are out of ammo, you can always use it to beat the bad guy to death with it. Also if you carry it around in public, bad guys are less likely to fuck with you, seeing as they know you have a gun (as apposed to concealing one).

A gun is a weapon, and if it wasn't capable of killing, it wouldn't be a very good weapon now would it?
Do they make hunting knives with blades made out of rubber?

With a statement like "the gun is is designed to kill people", you totally ignore that there are evil people in the world who will kill you for
little or no reason. It's perfectly appropriate to have a weapon of lethal force to defend yourself with..... a gun.

What happens when you are being attacked? You call on men with guns to protect you correct?
Do those men follow you around and protect you constantly?

>>You don't have to worry about aiming, just point and fire.

The shotgun is a good defense weapon, but that's a common misconception about them. You do still certainly have to aim them.
The spread pattern at "across the room" distances is not very large. The pattern opens up (and loses power) as distance increases.

I wonder if it did what they wanted and her channel is getting more views. If so then they were right and making this video would help their channel and was a good choice.
Wait wait wait... he thought a stack of paper known as a book would stop a 50-cal round, from a fucking Desert Eagle, from ONE fucking foot away?!?!!!
This... this is a fake article right? Cuz uh, these people already breeded, and we can't have that kind of stupid passed on to new generations. Idiocracy was supposed to be a movie damnit, not our future.
Well, this clearly demonstrates the need to disarm law abiding citizens, obviously. Someone call on Bloomberg and the Democrats to introduce the Ruiz Memorial Law for Gun Safety bill, I mean, it's only common sense.

Sounds good. The less idiots with guns the better.
It took both of them to be that stupid. Should she really be punished for his part in this really stupid stunt?

Mind boggling how it didn't occur to either of them to try it out on just the book first.

Either way, I guess we have two less morons in society now. I may sound cold here but I have no sympathy for this level of shortsightedness.
Lets not forget they will place this on the list of reason to "ban all guns". You can't fix stupid. Even with warnings.......
The problem with this is that the gun is is designed to kill people and if you use it correctly, you will kill people. The other uses are not as intended by the designer/manufacture.

And for crying out loud, if you want a gun for self defense, get a shotgun with a large shot size. You don't have to worry about aiming, just point and fire. Plus if you are out of ammo, you can always use it to beat the bad guy to death with it. Also if you carry it around in public, bad guys are less likely to fuck with you, seeing as they know you have a gun (as apposed to concealing one).
The intended use of a pressure cooker is to cook food under pressure so the cook time is faster......if you buy a pressure cooker now you come up flagged because of the use in IED's. Does that justify the fear of pressure cookers?
A gun shot is not always going to kill you, its where it's aim that shot lands that determines if you will die or not. Just like getting cut by a knife. I can stab your hand and it won't kill you or stab you in the neck and most likely you will die. Same exact results from a gun. Shoot you in the hand and you will most likely survive....in the neck and you will most likely die.
The problem with this is that the gun is is designed to kill people and if you use it correctly, you will kill people. The other uses are not as intended by the designer/manufacture.

False a gun is designed to discharge a projectile of some sort (not always lethal ones even) at a specific velocity. Said projectiles have various intended effects. Most are intended to impart kinetic energy upon a target, some electrical, and others to deliver a payload. Often times that target is an animal or person though sometimes there is little distinction between the two. And sometimes that projectile is delivered with lethal intent though it doesn't always succeed.

If someone hits you with a car as you cross the road do you blame the car? No you blame the driver. Stop blaming the tool.
Shotgun patterns, especially for "wide spread" defensive shotguns (modified cylinder choke) is approximately 1" per yard. So, typical house distances of 5-8 yards (you're shooting at someone in the same room as you're in) creates a pattern 5"-8" across.

I'd suggest not using Hollywood visuals for references upon which you bet your, and your loved ones', lives.
I am betting he watched the Mythbusters episode that phonebooks stop bullets... Sue Jaime and Adam!


At the core of it, in today's society a lot of people want to be famous and have a viral video. Youtube or Facebook live is a method of doing that. People can, will, and have done some stupid things for fame. I remember years ago, a radio station had a contest called "Hold your wee for a Wii" and they actually had a contestant die from it. Or you can look at the stunt a young kid pulled off and actually wound up hanging himself instead...

In short, people will do dumb s**t to try to be famous.
I can't imagine that they didn't try this without him behind it first? Who would not test the idea before actually attempting the "stunt." I would also wear body armor behind the book as a safety measure even if it was a money making stunt.
I can't imagine that they didn't try this without him behind it first? Who would not test the idea before actually attempting the "stunt." I would also wear body armor behind the book as a safety measure even if it was a money making stunt.

I just googled "desert eagle through phonebook" and found a youtube video from 2010 of it showing it getting stuck in the 3rd phone book.

The comments are full of "if only Pedro saw this video..."

I know vid was encyclopedia, but it really is a negligible difference
Well I think I have Scooby Doo figured this out, looking at her she's kind of small looking, so her firing a Desert Eagle would cause considerable kickback meaning she probably didn't hit the book. So someone else should totally try to get this stunt done proper style!
Probably should have tried it with the .22 first...
.22 bullets are small diameter and fast velocity. Might be surprised what they can penetrate. A 9mm or .45 caliber would have been better for that idiot stunt actually. Especially if hollow point. At least the book would have captured it.

Yes ... back in the old days we shot any round we could get at phone books & boxes of sand to test these things. Cutting a X in the end of .44-mag hollow points, or wedging a steel BB in there, had interesting effects. Back then we did not have .50 AE or desert eagles to play with.

cartridges ... because we all like pictures

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If someone hits you with a car as you cross the road do you blame the car? No you blame the driver. Stop blaming the tool.
Actually I would put partial blame on the car. If the tool is a contributing factor to the death then it has some blame, the only question is how much blame. Tools are enablers. Sometimes if you don't have the tool, you can't preform the action.
Actually I would put partial blame on the car. If the tool is a contributing factor to the death then it has some blame, the only question is how much blame. Tools are enablers. Sometimes if you don't have the tool, you can't preform the action.
How can you take that seriously?!!? How is an inanimate object at blame? Its not able to think, move, or even start without human interaction. Its pointed and manipulated only under control of an animate being. Sole responsibility is placed on that being for the control over it.........WTF man? If i smahed someone head on concrete is the sidewalk at blame for me smashing someones head on it?!
If someone hits you with a car as you cross the road do you blame the car? No you blame the driver. Stop blaming the tool.
While I hate to play Devil's advocate... oh hell who am I kidding I LOVE to do it.

If a 3 year old child hits you with a car because there are no laws that prohibit children from driving a car, do we blame the driver? or the lack of rules that prohibit this action in the first place because obviously people aren't always going to make smart decisions.
How can you take that seriously?!!? How is an inanimate object at blame? Its not able to think, move, or even start without human interaction. Its pointed and manipulated only under control of an animate being. Sole responsibility is placed on that being for the control over it.........WTF man?
And if the brakes failed because said manufacturer felt that dealing with the lawsuits is cheaper than a recall of a faulty part?

ok ok... I should be working here not having fun :D
While I hate to play Devil's advocate... oh hell who am I kidding I LOVE to do it.

If a 3 year old child hits you with a car because there are no laws that prohibit children from driving a car, do we blame the driver? or the lack of rules that prohibit this action in the first place because obviously people aren't always going to make smart decisions.
Um what country are you from an unlicened driver is not allowed to drive a vehicle.....and in this case the parents are to blame because they let a 3 yr old in the vicinity for a running car without supervision.....
And if the brakes failed because said manufacturer felt that dealing with the lawsuits is cheaper than a recall of a faulty part?

ok ok... I should be working here not having fun :D
We are talking malicious intent not accidents.
Well, this clearly demonstrates the need to disarm law abiding citizens, obviously. Someone call on Bloomberg and the Democrats to introduce the Ruiz Memorial Law for Gun Safety bill, I mean, it's only common sense.
the arguments typically proposed against firearm ownership are not to completely disarm people. Just to remove weapons of mass destruction (i.e. firearms that can kill 100 people in 2 minutes).
Did he really expect to walk away without injuries even if death was avoided? Or was he actually suicidial and just used his GF as instrument of his suicide because he could not pull the trigger himself?
This is what gets me, if they owned a DE I'm sure they've probably fired it at a range or outside at some point. Surely they've shot a watermelon or two and should have easily recognized the incredibly power this gun has. To think a mere phonebook would stop a round like that is ludicrous. That phone book probably disintegrated and has a grapefruit sized hole in his chest. There was no question whether a book could stop that bullet. You'd literally have to have no concept of firearms at all, never shot one, and just bought a DE from a gun store and fired it for the first time.
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