

Oct 21, 2004
EDIT: Some (most) of the information and the videos in this OP is quite dated now.

Has anyone else checked out this fun little Java game?

Indie game being developed by one guy, based on older, similar games like "Infiniminer", but with his own twists. Currently in Alpha stages. Very simplistic but I find it very entertaining.

You can check out the single player modes for free. You have to register (still free) to play multiplayer. And if you "pre-order" (about $13) you can check out the in-development version with all the newest features.

Look around YouTube and you'll see all the whacky stuff you can do in the game as well.

I've recoded some gameplay in the single-player in-development version:
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I picked this game up after some guys at quakecon were talking about it, and am really glad I did! its def in alpha stage, but, it kinda reminds me of playing the beta of Mount and Blade. really really fun, but you can tell it needs some polish. I def recommend checking this game out, and if you buy it now its only about $13 USD. I can't wait until they get survival multilayer...
Free bump for an awesome game, but you got the title wrong.

It's called MineCRACK ;)
I've been hearing about it for weeks, but I never checked it out until I went to my buddies house this past weekend. I can see why it is so popular and addicting. The guy has already sold over 100,000 copies.
Jesus I could kill you for showing me this link! I just spent the last 2 1/2 hours on it.
hideously addictive... will be even worse once multiplayer is entirely implemented.
DONT PLAY THIS GAME! My friends sisters good friends cousin played it and got divorced, dropped out of school, died, was revived at the hospital WITH NO INSURANCE!!, crashed his car on the way home, started doing drugs, prostitution, ignored his kids and let them die of starvation, and dropped his toothbrush in the toilet.

All because he played this game.
Super fun little game.. I love how you can spend 2 minutes or 2 hours in it if you want, and the randomly generated maps are really cool and there's always something cool to see in each map.

Here's my new setup I'm working on. It was going great until I lost 2 diamond pickaxes venturing into a dungeon and lost them :(

I've been thinking about this game since you posted this thread. Does the game have lasting power or is it fun for a month then that's it?
I've been thinking about this game since you posted this thread. Does the game have lasting power or is it fun for a month then that's it?

I've only been playing it for a couple of days, but from what I've seen so far, there's some lasting power to it (if you're the type that loves to create things just for the sake of creating them even if they have no specific function.. you'll get more out of it) but it's definitely not the deepest game ever.

The good thing is that the developer (Notch) works constantly on it so it's only going to get better. This Friday for example there will be an update with gameplay enhancements and such. Then there's the multiplayer survival which will be out eventually, and that'll definitely be a lot of fun.

Put it this way, for my $13.50 I've already got a solid 12 hours of fun out of it and that makes it a deal as-is in my book. I foresee many more hours too, so that $13.50 is going to go a looooong way. A far cry from a game like Mafia for example where you get ~12hours of play for $50-60.
There was a post on another forum about the guy that is making this is in talk with valve to release it on steam. I am waiting for this then will probably get it.
Man... I remember playing this way back when it just launched. I think I found out about it through PC Gamer magazine or it may have been 1UP's Games for Windows section.

I GRIEFED SO MUCH. So fun. Especially with an auto-clicker for stupid fast block destroying. But back then it was just all disorganized chaos anyway. Now the game is all fancy and grown-up with building protection and stuff. :p

I'll probably buy it when it's on Steam.
The indoors part with the water and lava reminds me of ultima underworld.
How does it compare to dwarf fortress?
Talk about addicting, and frustrating.
bought this a while ago
Still play it every day... crazy addicting.

I still get the creeps when I'm exploring a new "mine" and you hear the SSSSSSSS or a stupid spider jump you, etc...

No "newer" game gives me the chill like this one and let's be honest, it look like crap ! :)

gameplay > gfx anyone?!?
This game is great! :D

Is there a quick-move for moving items from chests <-> inventory and stuff like that?
There was an issue with the servers so there its free until everything is straightened out. Don't know if the MP is working but SP should give you a good idea of the game. If you don't want the monsters set the difficulty to peaceful.

What is the gameplay like though? Can't check it out from work unfortunately.
What is the gameplay like though? Can't check it out from work unfortunately.

To put it simply: mining and building. You explore deep cave systems and mine for resources which are used to build stuff (whatever you want, literally).The cave systems are huge, though; they can take many hours to explore and monsters guard some of the more valuable resources.

It might sound boring in concept, but it's actually some of the most fun you can have with a videogame.
Why wait and buy it when/if it hits Steam?

Everyone that gets it during the alpha is entitled to lifetime upgrades for the game, it has tons of play value for its current price point.
I have spent way more money on "main stream titles" than I have on this game, only to play them for a short while and never touch them again.
Its silly to wait for steam imo. Who knows if that will ever happen. From what I can tell the client self-updates and already connects to his servers. He also has had a tone of good PR so I am doubtful this will hit steam.
The only reason it would is to help with his load balancing so his site does not go down all the time when an update does come out, though now that he is getting a large quantity of cash flow he will probably be able to resolve this soon himself.
Stupid addictive. Best of all, it's for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Question though, am I the only one who's not getting any sound? :(
im getting it as soon as i can... wich will be tommorow i guess.
Stupid addictive. Best of all, it's for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Question though, am I the only one who's not getting any sound? :(

You'll have sound once the servers are working properly again.