Might be a hot deal for folks in Central Indiana

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IceWeasel, you any relation to TeaWeasel from Indianapolis??

I mean you do have the same last name. :p
I'm in Muncie, and i've got friends from the anderson area too. Not only should you guys be excited about the computer stuff they have there, but also the other essentials of life like home theater, car audio, and anything else that you can think of that has a computer chip in it!
I went by this fry's last week and it looked pretty darn open to me, about 20-30 cars out front. Can anyone confirm that this thing is open or not yet?
It's not open yet. I went there Tuesday (March 15) because I saw lots of cars in the parking lot, but it wasn't open yet.
It'll be another week or two, a definite date still hasn't been set. The store is set up, now they're concentrating on staffing. I'm going to leave in about a half hour to go talk to someone about a job. I've been interviewed by three supervisors, now they want me to talk to a fourth.
I say that when we do get a set date on an opening we organise an [H] gathering, name tags and all.......I'll be the one holding the sign "Smititty" above his head while walking around the store. Anyone else up for this?
is it really that hard to open a store on the north fork of long Island New york comeon!!!!
Talked to a store rep on the phone today... opening is "scheduled" for Friday April 8.
Great news to hear there's finally a Fry's in Indy! I grew up in Indy and lived there most of my life till I moved to Minnesota in 98. Are they in the old Elek-Tek building by chance? The address sounds familiar...
Yeah guys, that place is huge. For those of you that remember it is in the old "Incredible Universe" building. ROFL. I can't wait for it to open. Heck, maybe we SHOULD have a [H] gathering there on the 9th. That would rule.
I was just about to post that it used to be the Incredible Universe building, which was a car sales place after that.

Elek-Tek was on the other side of I-69. The Elek-Tek building is now a furnature or jewlery place or something like that, I'm not 100% certain, since I've not been in there since Elek-Tek closed.

If they are opening on the 8th, I might have to take a long lunch. Tech Outing! :D
I was driving down I-69 awhile ago and I saw the Frys sign and I was like SWEET! Incredible Univerise was a good store also while it lasted. I will be there to take pics sometime after they open if no one else does.
Well I for one am very excited about the new store... however, if living in Indiana wasn't enough of a curse for a geek like me already, you guys should have a look at the Indy Star message boards:


Here are some choice quotes from people who obviously missed the bus on this one, in case you don't care to read the entire Indy Star thread:

Few, if any, of us in those areas will be travelling the 40-60 minutes one-way to look at your new store.

or how about a perfect example of the type of person who makes this a brain drain state (meaning, I can't wait to move as far away from this jerk as possible)...

I hate to be a pessimist, but I don't see it working out long-term for Fry's. After looking at their website, it seems their focus is the high-tech professional. This is not a high-tech town, and there already seems to be good competition in electronics. And as southside johnny pointed out, that location is too far away. I think that was part of Incredible Universe's problem - the store was just too far from Indy and the rest of the Castleton stores. And once people realized the prices weren't any better there they had no real reason to drive the extra ten miles from Castleton.

or this person who must be blind...

I've been to Fry's out in California and they are really no different than Circuit City. Prices out there were comparable.

or somebody who didn't even bother staying on topic:

I don't know anything about Fry's electronics, but I wouldn't buy anything from Best Buy if they were the last electronic place on earth. Their service sucks. Their employees are rude, if you can even find somebody to help you.

At least someone got the point...

Fry's is god if you are the least bit technical. Let me tell you why:

1. They are a SUPERMARKET of electronics. They treat electronics like food, not like diamond rings. This means merchandise is priced inexpensively and is put there to move. Not sit and gather dust.

2. Geeks have a "homeland". You will see geeks come out of their shell and not be afraid to display their geekiness. So what? Well, Indiana is a brain drain state. The people who enjoy electronics also usually go to college. And then leave. Fry's gives them one big reason to stay.

3. Indiana pulled into the information age. Indiana wants to be this new bio-science leader yada yada. Fry's actually helps make that possible. Indiana isn't doing so well in this information-age economy. Fry's can help if it lasts.

WARNING: if you are not geeky, don't bother going to Fry's.
That's why I'm glad I'm in Minnesota. It's more of a tech hub then Indy. Not to the level of California or even Atlanta, but better nonetheless.
wtburnette said:
That's why I'm glad I'm in Minnesota. It's more of a tech hub then Indy. Not to the level of California or even Atlanta, but better nonetheless.

Yeah... I actually hate to complain so much but it's really frustrating around here (in Indiana) when people complain about things they don't even understand. The raised interstate speed limit is another good example (people just don't understand the statistics and will swear up and down that they are right when they are not), or the change to daylight savings time (people who want to keep us without DST... or the people who want to change, but want to change to CST so the sun comes up at 4:30 a.m.). I can't wait to get out of this state. And stop at Fry's on my way.
It's my understanding that Fry's also sells "adult DVDs". If you're not a tech geek, just go for the porn!!!
Yeah, there is quite the preponderance of morons at the IS boards. The Colts board over there is unreadable it has so many trolls on it. Then you get the idiots in the Let It Out section. There is a reason my friends and I call this place "Korndiana" after all the morons that live here.
pro-mpd said:
Yeah... I actually hate to complain so much but it's really frustrating around here (in Indiana) when people complain about things they don't even understand. The raised interstate speed limit is another good example (people just don't understand the statistics and will swear up and down that they are right when they are not), or the change to daylight savings time (people who want to keep us without DST... or the people who want to change, but want to change to CST so the sun comes up at 4:30 a.m.). I can't wait to get out of this state. And stop at Fry's on my way.

I'm interested in what you think about the raised speed limit. I don't want to go OT though, so PM me more if you would. Just curious. Here in MN a lot of the highways and interstates are 60 - 70MPH. I noticed my last time home (last week as chance would have it) that most hoosiers still drive like they're in the 500... :p
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