Microsoft Surface Pro 5 Could Arrive Before March, May Have 4K Display


Aug 20, 2006
You are in luck if you are itching to upgrade your Surface Pro 4, as its successor is due out within months. One of its major selling points may be an Ultra HD display, although I’m not a fan of that decision, with it being a smallish device that should have just kept resolution the same for better performance.

Pegatron will be manufacturing the device. Pegatron is similar to the more infamous Foxconn and they've become the preferred manufacturer for a number of other products like the iPhone. The report also says that the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 will feature an ultra-HD (3840 × 2160p) display which is a vast improvement over the Surface Pro 4's 2736 x 1824p display. This change will see an increase in PPI from 267 to 358 representing a 34% improvement. We may also see a magnetic charging stylus on this generation of the Surface Pro. The rumor further indicates that the launch date for the Surface Pro 5 will be in the first quarter of 2017, which could be as late as March.
...and probably will have a $1700+ price tag.

Hope Win10 ARM-powered tablets come to fruition.
...and probably will have a $1700+ price tag.

Hope Win10 ARM-powered tablets come to fruition.

I still love my surface pro 2. It's still an amazing tablet / laptop. Plus I still can't afford to upgrade from it lol. The new ones don't offer anything the 2 can't do from what I have seen.
I may be interested if it had a 18 inch display. Although then it would not be a tablet like device..
Now that is a useless "advancement" - slower performance, more heat, less battery life all for the indistinguishable difference of more pixels - talk about perfect selling point. It would be much better if the old screen got better colors or maybe 100hz option for smooth scrolling of webpages...
Why on earth would we need 4K in a ~12" display? Here's a better idea, why don't we properly laminate the panel to eliminate the awful light bleed found in previous Surface Pro models. I would be much happier with a wider color gamut and improved contrast ratio at the existing resolution.
I hate all these 2 in 1 devices using stupid high resolution displays, our technically challenged people at work are always crying when their legacy applications are unreadable cause they don't scale correctly. Well you had to have that qhd 12" display, better get use to flipping resolutions.
...and probably will have a $1700+ price tag.

Hope Win10 ARM-powered tablets come to fruition.

They already did... And failed miserably. ARM isn't going to cut it for Windows, period. You will not get a better experience using an ARM based windows tablet than you will with an Intel based one. I'm not sure what you're expecting an ARM tablet to provide? Longer battery life? Better Performance? Cheaper? If you are using your device to actually get work done, ARM isn't going to do it faster, and ARM isn't going to be more power efficient with a workload either. You might see a slight cost savings for an ARM CPU vs Intel, but you wouldn't be getting a device of Surface Pro quality for half the price.

Android tablets are cheap because the entire tablet is cheap. Cheap materials, cheap displays, cheap storage, etc. Getting a cheap ARM based Windows tablet is going to be like getting a netbook. Yes it costs less, but it isn't going to be a good experience. We've already done netbooks and we've already done ARM based Windows tablets. If you want a good computing experience, you will need to fork over the cash for a good product.

I still love my surface pro 2. It's still an amazing tablet / laptop. Plus I still can't afford to upgrade from it lol. The new ones don't offer anything the 2 can't do from what I have seen.

I agree, Love my pro 2!
They already did... And failed miserably. ARM isn't going to cut it for Windows, period. You will not get a better experience using an ARM based windows tablet than you will with an Intel based one. I'm not sure what you're expecting an ARM tablet to provide? Longer battery life? Better Performance? Cheaper? If you are using your device to actually get work done, ARM isn't going to do it faster, and ARM isn't going to be more power efficient with a workload either. You might see a slight cost savings for an ARM CPU vs Intel, but you wouldn't be getting a device of Surface Pro quality for half the price.

Android tablets are cheap because the entire tablet is cheap. Cheap materials, cheap displays, cheap storage, etc. Getting a cheap ARM based Windows tablet is going to be like getting a netbook. Yes it costs less, but it isn't going to be a good experience. We've already done netbooks and we've already done ARM based Windows tablets. If you want a good computing experience, you will need to fork over the cash for a good product.

Show me a full-Win10 ARM tablet, and not some shitty crippled Win8 turd.

It's coming (hopefully)...and it should be perfect for a majority of consumers (those that simply use a tablet for email, social media, and casual gaming.
I have a Surface 2 (the ARM one). It's still great for what it is - something to listen to music and surf the web with. It came with Office 2013, which was an attempt to integrate touch into a Win32 app. Using Office is an awful experience.

In order to reasonably use a touch device, you need apps designed for touch. I'm willing to bet that if you're excited about the prospect of ARM emulating x86 for legacy apps on a tablet, you have not actually tried to use legacy apps in a mouse and keyboard-less environment. Small buttons that are impossible to accurately hit with your fingers, controls that won't work right because the device can't tell the difference between taps and scrolls, form elements that are all screwed up because of Win32s awful screen scaling… you need apps designed for the touch and high-dpi environment or you're just going to be in pain.

Microsoft really did the right thing with the ARM Surface devices - force them to run Windows Store apps that had interfaces that were designed to work with those devices. It's a shame that nobody bought them.
if they want to charge an arm and leg for this version like they did for the SP4, they can E.A.D and i'll keep my SP3 which was already pushing the ridiculous price level as it was. and i agree.. fuck the "uber resolution for no reason" rubbish. Give me a larger display option if anything and fix your unreasonable prices, we arent dumb apple sheep that will just keep shelling out no matter how high you push the prices.
I'll be upgrading to this when they release. Hopefully they upped the standard memory, would be nice to only have 8gb and 16gb options.
Show me a full-Win10 ARM tablet, and not some shitty crippled Win8 turd.

It's coming (hopefully)...and it should be perfect for a majority of consumers (those that simply use a tablet for email, social media, and casual gaming.

Yeah, lets blame Windows 8, it is the popular thing to do. In fact, the Surface 2 was a really good device, fast, thin, light weight and had a really good battery life. The OS itself was very well suited for it and enjoyable. However, apps were not really being released fast enough and having the desktop locked out on it except for the Microsoft specific programs was a really bad choice.
I have a Surface 2 (the ARM one). It's still great for what it is - something to listen to music and surf the web with. It came with Office 2013, which was an attempt to integrate touch into a Win32 app. Using Office is an awful experience.

In order to reasonably use a touch device, you need apps designed for touch. I'm willing to bet that if you're excited about the prospect of ARM emulating x86 for legacy apps on a tablet, you have not actually tried to use legacy apps in a mouse and keyboard-less environment. Small buttons that are impossible to accurately hit with your fingers, controls that won't work right because the device can't tell the difference between taps and scrolls, form elements that are all screwed up because of Win32s awful screen scaling… you need apps designed for the touch and high-dpi environment or you're just going to be in pain.

Microsoft really did the right thing with the ARM Surface devices - force them to run Windows Store apps that had interfaces that were designed to work with those devices. It's a shame that nobody bought them.

The are not mouse and keyboardless devices. Yes, you can use them without them but they are not exclusive in that manner. I had a Surface 2 as well and it worked quite good even for work related stuff, as long as you did not need anything extra. I use a Surface Pro 3 now.
Yeah, lets blame Windows 8, it is the popular thing to do. In fact, the Surface 2 was a really good device, fast, thin, light weight and had a really good battery life. The OS itself was very well suited for it and enjoyable. However, apps were not really being released fast enough and having the desktop locked out on it except for the Microsoft specific programs was a really bad choice.

I'm not blaming Win8 or earlier Surface editions. I'm blaming Windows know, the one Microsoft canned rather quickly.
Not a fan of 4k either, it's hard enough if you truly want to RPD into something on the current one. I just want more USB PORTS. And 4G WAN! Seriously, no WAN can be a deal breaker, it was for us in one case.
I'm hoping for March. Need to upgrade a very old laptop, but will wait to see how these really look. Unfortunately I passed up real good Christmas deals for this.
I'm not blaming Win8 or earlier Surface editions. I'm blaming Windows know, the one Microsoft canned rather quickly.

Windows 8 RT was actually very good. However, the fact that they locked down the desktop side of it made it far less useful than it otherwise could have been. ARM based conversions of popular programs were being made but, you could not run them by default.
Windows 8 RT was actually very good. However, the fact that they locked down the desktop side of it made it far less useful than it otherwise could have been. ARM based conversions of popular programs were being made but, you could not run them by default.

That is precisely what I mean: it was far less useful than what the Windows ecosystem user base demanded. Android and iOS kicked its ass.
They're going back to 16:9? Not sure if I believe that report.
I just realise this myself and noticed your post mentioning it!

I hope not... there is only one thing worse then 16:9... and thats 9:16!! all hail 8:5! (or there-abouts!) :p

It's almost certainly going to be a 3:2 resolution whatever it ends up being.
I hope so. 3:2 is a far better ratio for a device such as this (the only other i'd accept would be 8:5 :p).

So I guess 4K is the Surface's new year's resolution.
lol top effort! :p
I hope so. 3:2 is a far better ratio for a device such as this (the only other i'd accept would be 8:5 :p).

3:2 seems to be working for Microsoft with the Surface so I can't imagine why they'd change it. People love to say Microsoft doesn't listen. They have been listening with Surface devices very well. They're not perfect but they get the 2 in 1 market very well because Windows has been in this market for 15 years.

My next planed major hardware purchase in the Surface Book 2. The SB is an incredible piece of hardware that was mired by stability problems with Skylake at launch and it took about 6 months to get them well sorted out. But such a cool device, mainly around the dual GPUs and screen separation.