Microsoft Served With Xbox 360 Lawsuit

You can and always have been able to sue for anything. It's just that people are now starting to take advantage of that ability after hearing the crazy stories about people occasionally winning large amounts of money over stupid things.

Of course, such wins hardly ever actually happen. Remember the McDonald's lady who spilled coffee on herself? Few people know that McDonald's appealed and won, drastically reducing the amount of money awarded.

Wow, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. One, a reduced settlement is pretty standard for large cases. The fact that McDonalds was able to get the amount reduced has no bearing on the validity of the case. Even fewer people know how badly burned that old lady was and the number of skin graffs that were required. The reason McDonalds got in trouble on that one was because they had a company policy of purposely over heating their coffee to very high temperatures to keep the coffee warmer longer in the customers cup. If had not been for their purposeful negligence it is likely that old lady would not have been hospitalized and definitely it would not have become the case it did.

Most of those crazy lawsuits you hear about are not crazy lawsuits but the media taking a piece of the truth, playing it up for newsworthiness. Then radio shock jocks who generally are high functioning retards rift on that kernel of misinformation. The final product is some genius like yourself that makes references like yours.

Tort laws exist protect the public and keep corporations and other powerful entities honest.
I hate sue-happy people! Hey, I got a flat Dr. Pepper with my 12 pack, can I sue for $5 mil.?


If the 360 is whats causing the discs to scratch (and if its proven) then im sure he isnt the only one who has had this issue. If the discs were scratched by the 360, their is no reason why Microsoft shouldnt replace it for free. Send in the damaged CD and they should send you a new one. Instead they want to charge for the replcements. Was it $20 fee per CD? While people believe this may be frivolous, it certainly might be needed if Microsoft is denying the claim and not doing what needs to be done.

Remember the ring of death?

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This may be what the doctor ordered if indeed this issue is cause my the 360. It might not be as epidemic as the ring of death but a defect is a defect. Which should be fixed. Of course this all is speculation until someone can prove one way or another if the issue is indeed the consoles doing.
They offered to replace the games that were damaged, they probably offered to exchange his 360 for a new one as well, hope he gets humiliated for being a tard, should have taken the exchange option as he has already made his case look bad, if he took the replacement games and it did exactly the same thing again then maybe the court would entertain his case.

But the $5 million damages is BS; if he was paralyzed from an industrial accident, or lost his family in some terrible accident most probably, but for not being able to play a game for a week...please!