Microsoft Reportedly Readies $16 Billion Bid to Acquire Valve / Steam

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[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
“Microsoft's interest in acquiring Valve is part of a larger plan to strengthen its foothold in the PC gaming industry and venture into the handheld gaming sector, areas where Valve has made significant strides with its Steam Deck product. If Microsoft were to acquire the Steam Store, it would gain a major source of revenue and solidify its position in digital distribution.

However, there are several complications that might hinder such an acquisition. Since Valve has always been privately owned, it lacks the public financial transparency that would provide a clear picture of its total market value, including the value of its intellectual properties like Counter-Strike, Dota, and Half-Life. Industry estimates suggest that Valve's value could be well over $16 billion, which may render Microsoft's rumored offer as undervalued. Insights from Dior, a prominent figure in the Counter-Strike community, reveal that Gabe Newell owns less than 25% of Valve. This suggests that a significant portion of Newell's wealth is tied to his equity in the company. The decision to sell Valve wouldn’t rest solely with Newell; numerous employees who likely hold stock options could also have a say through a voting process if an offer were made. For Microsoft, acquiring Valve would mean gaining control over a key distribution channel in the PC gaming market, enhancing its competitive position against other industry giants, and potentially making stronger inroads into the handheld gaming market. The strategic benefits for Microsoft are evident, but for Valve, the benefits are less clear.”

I usually dont care much when I hear about acquisitions... but this I am wholly against.
I could easily see Microsoft shuttering the Steam client and storefront quickly and thus shoehorning in everyone into the MS/XBL Marketplace ecosystem instead to pump their numbers. This would be nothing but bad for the health of the PC gaming ecosystem.
I am sure they would be very happy that the handheld is based on Linux...

I think such a takeover would put a dent into Wine development compared to how that is going now.
That would be one of the worst things to happen to Valve. The best thing about Valve is that it is private, and Newell is a pro-gamer guy. When he kicks the bucket I hope he hands it off to someone who shares the same values and vision. And they stay true to it. I suppose these can be worse companies than Microsoft, but it would be the end for Steam/Valve games. At least other companies will not force it to be tied to some crappy UI Windows store thing integrated with AI and Windows.
That would be one of the worst things to happen to Valve. The best thing about Valve is that it is private, and Newell is a pro-gamer guy. When he kicks the bucket I hope he hands it off to someone who shares the same values and vision. And they stay true to it.
I mean, that's never going to happen. For one according to the article he only controls 25% of it, meaning he doesn't get to make the decision, it is a group of people, but also because of for finances and taxes work it is pretty difficult to just "hand off" a company to someone. They have to buy it, and nobody can offer money like the big guys.

Sadly, the best we can hope for is that it gets bought by someone who sucks less. MS is actually one of the ones I would hate less to own it as they at least have an understanding of gaming and digital distribution. What I would really fear is it getting bought out by someone like Apple or Disney who would probably fuck it up hard.
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