Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Well, if that's their reason, they don't have a reason. I was able to make ME1 and ME2 work with my 360 controller flawlessly, using their UI exactly as it's intended for the PC. If I could do that using a 3rd party emulator program, it wouldn't be much for them to build it in.

I suppose I could just do it again for ME3, but it takes hours upon hours to build a new profile from scratch and get it to work just right.

Or they could just make two UIs like some companies do. Though like I said it was a Bioware non-answer so who knows what their real reason is. Bioware is rarely forth-coming with full answers.
I suppose I could just do it again for ME3, but it takes hours upon hours to build a new profile from scratch and get it to work just right.

That's likely your only option. On their forums they've been locking down threads that are asking/bitching/etc about controller support, like this one.....

Sorry, folks, but this is working as intended. it is not a technical issue.

End of line.

I added the underline, but that part of the statement shows they have no plan to have controller support built in it would seem.
I played the demo last night...OMG, native Eyefinity support with properly scaled HUD!!! The game appears to be locked at 60fps as it never deviated from this even at 5760x1080. We'll see if this changes during the larger encounters, but I'm fairly happy for now. Now, all we need is a hi-res texture pack, heh.
I played the demo last night...OMG, native Eyefinity support with properly scaled HUD!!! The game appears to be locked at 60fps as it never deviated from this even at 5760x1080. We'll see if this changes during the larger encounters, but I'm fairly happy for now. Now, all we need is a hi-res texture pack, heh.

Mod the ini file and you can cap/uncap the fps.

C:\Users\<<USERNAME>>\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 3 Demo\BIOGame\Config

Open up GamerSettings.ini and set things how you want.

Can look here too....

Listed for those who might not have seen it and want to see just how many fps's they are getting. ;)
I have turned an eye to this game, but if I get it, I will have to beat Mass Effect 2 first. Mass Effect 1 was a little boring for me but I heard ME2 is a definite improvement over the first.

I watched a TotalBiscuit's multiplayer video and it looked pretty fun too.
Stanley Woo is such a POS. Not that I wanted to play with a controller, he is just a shit forum mod.
I have turned an eye to this game, but if I get it, I will have to beat Mass Effect 2 first. Mass Effect 1 was a little boring for me but I heard ME2 is a definite improvement over the first.

I watched a TotalBiscuit's multiplayer video and it looked pretty fun too.

From an action perspective ME2 is much better. I think ME1 has a better plot, and you'd consider the combat more RPG oriented but slower paced.
Stanley Woo is such a POS. Not that I wanted to play with a controller, he is just a shit forum mod.

Yes thank you that is the guy who commented on it and yes I agree. You might as well ask a brick wall for answers than him.
Mod the ini file and you can cap/uncap the fps.

C:\Users\<<USERNAME>>\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 3 Demo\BIOGame\Config

Open up GamerSettings.ini and set things how you want.

Can look here too....

Listed for those who might not have seen it and want to see just how many fps's they are getting. ;)

Thanks! I'll give this a try and see what my setup can do.
So they said their budget and time schedule was too tight to add gamepad support? That kinda has me worried for the rest of the game.
So they said their budget and time schedule was too tight to add gamepad support? That kinda has me worried for the rest of the game.

Well they are trying to do three versions at once with both single player and multiplayer. Does make sense that they wouldn't have time for everything, plus it's Bioware so even though it's an easy answer I doubt it's the full truth.
It seems like a lot of PC ports these days either screw up the KB+M support horribly or screw up the pad support. No offense to the PC pad users, but I'm glad it seems they've spent their time getting KB+M right. That is the intended way to play on this platform.
looking for people to play co-op with add me on your Origin friends list elios000
wow, if someone is getting the shaft usually it's the other way around. Lack of keyboard support beyond basics like wasd and space. And heavens forbid extra keys that a controller doesn't have.
I can't imagine it would've used up much time or resources to build controller support into a game that they've already build it into for the consoles. It's not as though they built this uber PC-centric UI system into the PC version, it's almost identical to the console. As I mentioned, I built a controller profile using 3rd party software for ME1 and ME2 and it played basically identical to the console version.

Anyway, at least they gave an honest reason. I figure they decided that they wouldn't lose much in the way of sales by not providing controller support, and I can live with that. Maybe I can carry over my ME2 profile to ME3 and save myself some time. The only new command I can think of is the melee attack. No biggie.
I can't imagine it would've used up much time or resources to build controller support into a game that they've already build it into for the consoles.
It is a shame that they couldn't make both work properly. I don't disagree with you there. But if they had to prioritize one I'm glad it was KB+M on the PC.
Sure, it's a PC game, they should cater to PC gamers.

Here, just so you guys can see what a pain in the ass it is to make a profile for one of these games:

That's the profile I made for ME2. I don't know what drug I was on to go to that length when I could've just as easily rented the game for my ps3. It's been a couple years now, and because most major games now come with native support on the PC I haven't been using the program so I'm way out of practice. Absolutely dreading the thought of having to do another one of those...
ME3 is the only thing capable of getting me to install Origin. Loved the demo, will be buying.
It is a shame that they couldn't make both work properly. I don't disagree with you there. But if they had to prioritize one I'm glad it was KB+M on the PC.


I will say that it seems pretty strange these days that you can't just plug at least a MS Xbox 360 controller in to pretty much any game and be set to go.
We're getting there. Crysis I was among the first PC-only games I can think of that was designed for automatic plug and play support with the 360 controller. In the 5 years since then, we're at the point where I'd say 75% of major titles have full native support. It's probably closer to 90% if you're looking at multi-platform titles, the big Bioware games (ME and Dragon Age) being among the few exceptions.

It won't get to 100% until developers start to believe it will adversely affect their pocket book not to add native support. Since the vast majority of PC gamers still use kb/m, it may be severall more years yet. More and more PC gamers are buying 360 controllers now though. Even the guys who use to consider it blasphemy to use controllers on PC are starting to use them when it's convenient. Attitudes are shifting, you don't see "controller vs. kb+m" debates anymore so I've no doubt we'll be there soon.
Even the guys who use to consider it blasphemy to use controllers on PC are starting to use them when it's convenient. Attitudes are shifting, you don't see "controller vs. kb+m" debates anymore so I've no doubt we'll be there soon.

Clearly then we've been too lenient with these blasphemers. We need a crusade to purify the ranks of PC Gamers of these perverted controller users.
Depends on the game. Batman AC, racing games and platformers I like better with a controller. Just about everything else I play with kbm. I see no reason to deal with poor aiming ananlog sticks in a game like this.
Doesn't really matter in a game like this. Maybe for the multiplayer portion you might get some advantage with kb/m. It's all preference anyway. I do all my gaming lying in bed, a controller is my only option. Can't even imagine gaming sitting in a chair anymore.

I was doing some thinking this morning. If you add up all of the toys, artbooks, deluxe/pre-order editions, and everything else that nets you Mass Effect 3 in-game content, how much would the full price of entry be? Well, if you buy everything there is to buy (including pre-paying for unlocks), you will spend around the neighborhood of $870. Keep in mind that a lot of this is based on Razor accessories, which power up your "Collector Assault Rifle" to maximum power in multiplayer.

Regardless, if you look at the list I've provided below, the game still might be the running for "most expensive DLC ever" -- except of course for Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012, which has $1679 worth of DLC. If anything else, I have to commend EA/Bioware's ability to tie-in so many different business deals with so many different companies. Ladies and gentlemen -- VIDEO GAMES.

Collector's Edition (needed to obtain all content):

$80 - N7 Collector's Edition

Pre-order bonuses:

AT-12 Raider - Origin pre-order bonus
Chakram Launcher - Play the Kingdoms of Alamur demo
M-55 Argus - Pre-order bonus for select retailers
N7 Weapons pack - N7 Edition bonus
N7 Hoodie - N7 Edition bonus
N7 Warfare Gear - Pre-order bonus for select retailers
Reckoner Knight Armor - Play the Kingdoms of Alamur demo
Robotic Dog - N7 Edition bonus
Squad Outfit pack - N7 Edition bonus

Auxiliary purchases:

Unannounced price for the iOS game Mass Effect Infiltrator, which can affect the main game.

$10 day one "From Dust" DLC

$44.99 for the Liara figurine - which oddly enough now comes with unconfirmed DLC

$24.99 for The Art of Mass Effect Universe - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$80 for four Mass Effect 3 toys - "Slightly randomized" multiplayer unlock DLC

$59.99 for the Mass Effect 3 controller - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$209.99 for the Chimera 5.1 Headset - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$34.99 for the Mousepad - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$79.99 for the Messenger Bag - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$24.99 for the iPhone case - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$79.99 for the Mouse - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$139.99 for the Keyboard - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup
It's more like $270, a lot of that stuff is the same DLC. But an iOS game that can effect the full game? REALLY? That's just bullshit! I dont want anything to do with it. Wonder if they will have an android version.

Does everyone else kill Ashley off? I always regret saving her.

Amazon's all out of the CE. I wish I would have pre-ordered it when I had the chance. However, LOL at them:

Amazon said:
Due to high demand (and possibly the imminent Reaper invasion), we have unfortunately run out of our pre-order allocation for Mass Effect 3 - Collector's Edition. We are looking to secure additional allocation from the publisher and will update this page if that occurs. Please note -- if you have already pre-ordered this edition -- do not cancel as you may not be able to re-order.
In hindsight, I wish I'd killed Ashley off myself. Glad I locked that CE preorder down early.
Like the story, hate the feel.

The FOV makes my head spin, mouse felt shitty and imprecise in this game.