Man Allowed To Mod Wheelchair With Gun

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
I guess those all those Wild Game in NJ is a big threat to the locals.
I like how people use the constitution alone to determine what's a "right" :rolleyes:

Are you saying that the people have been foolish to look to the Bill of Rights to determine their... rights?
I like how people use the constitution alone to determine what's a "right" :rolleyes:

Common sense, considering the times we live in NOW, should always take priority. Hunting is a useless "sport", and just an excuse to murder innocent lives for the sake of feeling better about yourself.

Owning guns for protection is fine though, statistically they have shown to save more lives then take.

Where do you think your food came from? walmart? No its crawled around in its own feces while being fattened up. These horrible hunters subsidize their food with animals that were allowed to roam free and live how they wanted, and then fell prey to a predator. They aren't being hunted to extinction, they are being predated upon. If it weren't for that they would multiply until the ecosystem could no longer sustain them then starve to death over many months.
Learn some biology please.
I like how people use the constitution alone to determine what's a "right" :rolleyes:

Common sense, considering the times we live in NOW, should always take priority. Hunting is a useless "sport", and just an excuse to murder innocent lives for the sake of feeling better about yourself.

Owning guns for protection is fine though, statistically they have shown to save more lives then take.

OK, we can spend taxpayer money to hire people mass euthanize deer in the North East, or we can watch large numbers of them starve to death every winter, or we can collect tax dollars via hunting and firearm permits and let people so inclined enjoy a traditional past time. The deer are still gonna be dead which ever way it goes.
I like how people use the constitution alone to determine what's a "right" :rolleyes:

Common sense, considering the times we live in NOW, should always take priority. Hunting is a useless "sport", and just an excuse to murder innocent lives for the sake of feeling better about yourself.

Owning guns for protection is fine though, statistically they have shown to save more lives then take.
Ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. If a bear ate me, would you give a shit? Fuck no. Why do you care if I go eat a bear?

I don't even hunt but the idea of "innocent life" is ridiculous. Compared to the eternity of nonexistance, I'm sure the hunted animals really don't give a shit about whatever life they had, anymore.

[/end off topic rant; I take no credit if other people run with this and fuckup the thread]
That makes it illegal for him to own them? what if he wanted to collect them? or to just own them for any other reason. Heck what if he wanted to get an FFL and be a dealer? Should his being crippled matter?

Non functional Firearms ( IE vintage wartime firearms) have never required a permit to
purchase or own. Also you do not need an operating permit to be a dealer. dealership
licenses, are a completely different animal, and completely unrelated to permit to carry /
operate a firearm.

I commend the man for standing up for his rights, that being said however, I do not believe
that anyone that can not safely handle or operate a firearm should be allowed a permit to
operate one.
Non functional Firearms ( IE vintage wartime firearms) have never required a permit to
purchase or own. Also you do not need an operating permit to be a dealer. dealership
licenses, are a completely different animal, and completely unrelated to permit to carry /
operate a firearm.

I commend the man for standing up for his rights, that being said however, I do not believe
that anyone that can not safely handle or operate a firearm should be allowed a permit to
operate one

And I believe the government shouldn't concern themselves with what firearms non felons do or do not own so long as they aren't endangering others.
They should have been questioning is right to a hunting license IMO.
Now all he needs is a Dalek voice box to scream out: EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE! :D
Now all he needs is a Dalek voice box to scream out: EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE! :D

I think that's also on Stephen Hawking's wish list for Christmas.

(Oh, no he di'int!) :eek:

This is starting to look like one weirded-out episode of "Pimp My Ride"... [H]-style.
Now all he needs is a Dalek voice box to scream out: EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE! :D

I lol'd....That would be a scary mofo....

I am not sure id want to be anywhere remotely close to a quadriplegic operating a firearm with a breathing tube....

PS: On a side note... This is a prime example of whats wrong with a culture such as ours. Why do people feel the need to hunt innocent creatures for sport? Id like to think we have evolved past the stone age and no longer need to "feel good" about ourselves by killing things for no reason...

I hope he gets mauled by a bear.........
I lol'd....That would be a scary mofo....

I am not sure id want to be anywhere remotely close to a quadriplegic operating a firearm with a breathing tube....

PS: On a side note... This is a prime example of whats wrong with a culture such as ours. Why do people feel the need to hunt innocent creatures for sport? Id like to think we have evolved past the stone age and no longer need to "feel good" about ourselves by killing things for no reason...

I hope he gets mauled by a bear.........

You people are ridiculous with your hunting innocent creatures for sport nonsense.

1). Hunting is a well regulated practice. Hunting licenses are distributed based on animal populations. It is a pretty scientific practice.

2). Hunting licenses (and fishing license) money goes directly into fish and wildlife management.

3). I know many people who like to eat the fish they catch or the deer they hunt. For some, they count on it as a regular part of their diet throughout the year.

4). By being against hunting, you are actually condemning any number of animals to starvation as there most certainly would not be enough food during winter months for wild animals to survive. What you would see is an increase in deer and bear population in urban areas as they branch out of their natural habitats looking for food.
That is what is great about the US. Walking the Talk.

If you are allowed to own guns you are allowed.

So what if he is a quad? Hey I am sure he know plenty about firearms safety seing as he was a hunter.

Also nothing wrong with hunting. If more people hunted, we would have more respect for animals. It is when it comes in a styrofoam plate that makes us forget that it is an living thing.

I'm in a wheelchair due to a car accident when I was 17, though I'm fully able to push myself around in my sport chair. I planned to join the Army and go for the Rangers after high school and have always regretted not having the opportunity to "be all I could be." This story gives me new hope. If I can get a couple of machine guns mounted on my chair, maybe the Rangers will form a new light armor battalion of blood thirsty, country loving, terrorist killing wheelchair warriors.
I'm in a wheelchair due to a car accident when I was 17, though I'm fully able to push myself around in my sport chair. I planned to join the Army and go for the Rangers after high school and have always regretted not having the opportunity to "be all I could be." This story gives me new hope. If I can get a couple of machine guns mounted on my chair, maybe the Rangers will form a new light armor battalion of blood thirsty, country loving, terrorist killing wheelchair warriors.

Barring that, couldn't you be a drone operator?
Barring that, couldn't you be a drone operator?
I suppose it's possible in today's Army, but we didn't have cool killing machines like Hellfire missile armed Predators back when I graduated high school.
I'll throw my opinion into this thread - why not.

Any human being has the inherent right to defend themselves. Many of us are lucky enough to live in the United States, where we have laws created to protect that inherent right. Although many of our fellow citizens and governmental entities try to infringe upon the legislation that protects that inherent right, those of us who understand its importance remain steadfast and resist the infringement and tyranny.

That being said,

Any human has the inherent right to defend themselves, and in this case, own and operate a firearm.

However, (and this is where my opinion comes in), I (and many other responsible gun owners) believe that the ownership and operation of a weapon should only be allow if the operator can do so safely and responsibly.

If this person can do so, so be it.

If this person cannot do so, then they should not. This is the case for all of us, not just a guy without arms and legs.
I like how people use the constitution alone to determine what's a "right" :rolleyes:

Common sense, considering the times we live in NOW, should always take priority. Hunting is a useless "sport", and just an excuse to murder innocent lives for the sake of feeling better about yourself.

Owning guns for protection is fine though, statistically they have shown to save more lives then take.


Please see my post, above. You are making a mistake with your argument that many people make.

The Constitution and Amendments spelled out in the Bill of Rights do not give us rights.

They protect the inherent rights we possess, as human beings. Legislation protects rights, it does not give rights.

If you are a citizen of the United States, it is very important that you understand this logic, especially at this point in our current history.
Careful, TOOL1075. In this Age of Obama, those words are grounds for treason!!
It's starting to appear that way, isn't it?

I'll leave it at that, under the risk that this might turn into a political thread.

But, as far as the topic at hand - in my opinion, if someone can defend themselves intelligently, responsibly, and safely, it's a really good thing.

The more responsible armed citizens this world has, the better. Defense is paramount. People who wish to do harm to others will heed the tides as they turn. Or to put it bluntly, nobody fucks with me, my family, or any other innocent person nearby (if they request my assistance, as in accordance with Texas State law)- unless they are ready to board the pain train. Shoot to stop the threat. Always.

Best to check the law of the land for the state in which you reside, readers. I'm not a lawyer, so make sure you know what is and isn't legal in your place of residence. Hopefully you reside in a relatively free state. If not, get to one while you still can :eek:
Might be setting a bad precedent. I'm afraid that blind people might start demanding firearms, too. =)

(Steve - no disrepect or malice to your immediate family intended.)

Too late, there is a blind man that owns guns and has concealed carry permits in two states (that are good for about 30).

He is a LONG LONG way from being the only blind person who has a firearm. One of the big differences is that in most states the only people that can't buy a gun anytime the wish is those under 18 or 21, felons, those with a domestic violence complaint, or those who have serious psychological problems. All others can purchase and own firearms at will, including blind people.
Careful, TOOL1075. In this Age of Obama, those words are grounds for treason!!

Yeah! Damn him and those restrictions he put in place on the ability of US citizens to visit or send money to their family members in countries like Cuba . . . oh wait, that wasn't him. But that doesn't matter because Cuba is a bunch of freakin' communists, not like those people in China.

Then there was the direct violations of FISA laws and illegal wiretaps .. . oh wait, that wasn't him either.

Then there were those 232 presidential signing statements which said that the President could interpret the law any way he wanted, regardless of the letter and intent of the law . . . oh wait, that wasn't this President either.

Then there was that special session of Congress and a law signed regarding a single individual in a single state who was already braindead and the President flew back from his home in Ill . . oh wait, Texas, to sign a law to keep her "alive".

Yeah, that Obama sure is a threat to the rights of citizens.
Saw that coming from a mile away. Remember kids, you can't mention the current president without someone bringing up a comparison to another president. You couldn't do it during the election, and you still can't do it.

So, if its political you want.... stay on topic.

Go ahead and examine the voting, speech, and position record of the current POTUS with regard to firearms ownership and self defense of law abiding citizens.

Then, examine the same of the members of his cabinet.

This thread is about the inherent right to self defense that all human beings possess. This thread is not about your support for a politician defined by the missteps of another.

Don't always assume people fall into one camp just because they disagree with the other. Oh, wait.... that's exactly why we have our current president. Maybe you should assume that after all... so let me rephrase........ don't assume I fall into one camp just because I disagree with the other :p
First, a quadraplegic with a gun on his wheelchair to use for hunting isn't using it for self-defense, so that's a false argument, as this thread is about someone who has no use of his arms or legs mounting a firearm on his wheelchair in order to use it for hunting. I think it can also safely be assumed that the type of hunting done with such a device won't be your traditional "track your prey through the woods and hunt it down" but instead will be the typical "canned hunt" that has become so prevalent in the past 10-15 years, where someone has a fenced in piece of land and drives the "prey" to a pre-determined area so it can be "hunted".

Second, I'm not the one who said that attempted to bring a President into a discussion of state laws, nor am I the one who pointed out the flaws in logic in declaring that saying something is "treason" in this "age of Obama".

You can not provide me with one concrete example of anyone in this administration attempting to redefine the word "treason" as was done in the post I responded to.

Personally, I agree with neither camp, but I will say that the activity of the current administration is FAR less egregious in it's infringements on any Constitutionally guaranteed rights than was true of the prior administration.

That's a fact that anyone with a modicum of honesty and intelligence can see without looking too hard.
You people are ridiculous with your hunting innocent creatures for sport nonsense.

4). By being against hunting, you are actually condemning any number of animals to starvation as there most certainly would not be enough food during winter months for wild animals to survive. What you would see is an increase in deer and bear population in urban areas as they branch out of their natural habitats looking for food.

Donate now, for the price of a cup of coffee you can buy a single round of ammunition which will be used to mercifully kill a starving child in Africa.

Starvation is a world wide problem that affects all living things. Thining the population by hunting down the strongest and killing them isn't the answer. If you enjoy killing stuff, that's your business, but the idea you're doing some social service in the process is ridiculous.
Donate now, for the price of a cup of coffee you can buy a single round of ammunition which will be used to mercifully kill a starving child in Africa.

Starvation is a world wide problem that affects all living things. Thining the population by hunting down the strongest and killing them isn't the answer. If you enjoy killing stuff, that's your business, but the idea you're doing some social service in the process is ridiculous.

Are you planning on eating that African child and using it's hide and bone for other uses?

Sorry, but while I'm not a hunter, I'm not going to fault someone else for it. I would also rather eat an animal that was hunted than one that was factory farmed and abused in a disease ridden environment. (That said, since I'm not a hunter, I don't eat meat).
Donate now, for the price of a cup of coffee you can buy a single round of ammunition which will be used to mercifully kill a starving child in Africa.

Starvation is a world wide problem that affects all living things. Thining the population by hunting down the strongest and killing them isn't the answer. If you enjoy killing stuff, that's your business, but the idea you're doing some social service in the process is ridiculous.

That you compare an animal to a human child as though they were equals is quite telling.
I keep thinking how cool it would be to hook one of those "aim where you look" things for PC flight sims to a servo and control the aim of the gun. Then, when the gun does not fire, you get a phone call telling you to think in Russian!
Never heard of a firearms ID but it sounds like some BS that he had to go before a judge to get permission for this. Last I checked right to bear arms was a right and I didn't know becoming crippled took that away.
welcome to new jersey...home of some of the most restrictive, illegal gun policies in the country. you legally can not even shoot a hand gun here without a "firearms ID".
Never heard of a firearms ID but it sounds like some BS that he had to go before a judge to get permission for this. Last I checked right to bear arms was a right and I didn't know becoming crippled took that away.

Welcome to America, where "rights" mean "so long as we like them"......seriously, screw everything, next election we need to get some serious constitutionalists into the govt to rile things up for the better.

NJ is one of the most firearm hostile states in the US...they make California gun laws almost seem reasonable in comparison.
Donate now, for the price of a cup of coffee you can buy a single round of ammunition which will be used to mercifully kill a starving child in Africa.

Starvation is a world wide problem that affects all living things. Thining the population by hunting down the strongest and killing them isn't the answer. If you enjoy killing stuff, that's your business, but the idea you're doing some social service in the process is ridiculous.

Are you planning on eating that African child and using it's hide and bone for other uses?

That you compare an animal to a human child as though they were equals is quite telling.

Animals are not people. To equate a deer to a child is offensive to me.
So you wouldn't deny a blind person a gun? Just askin'.
I agree with people getting their rights and all, but you have to think about each scenario when it comes up.

No you don't. Rights are just that. Rights. They are not contingent on ones physical abilities.
If you advocate denying a person a gun based on disability then would you deny them the right to a fair trail? Or the right to free speech?
I like how people use the constitution alone to determine what's a "right" :rolleyes:

Common sense, considering the times we live in NOW, should always take priority. Hunting is a useless "sport", and just an excuse to murder innocent lives for the sake of feeling better about yourself.

Owning guns for protection is fine though, statistically they have shown to save more lives then take.

You must live in the city. Hunting is NOT a useless sport. Come out to the southern US. Wild hogs are every where and they destroy everything, crops, yards, cause excesive erosion do to their destruction of land. They are a pest. They are not native to the area and screw up the ecosystem.

Please define common sense. As your common sense doesn't match what millions of Americans consider Common in hunting.
Yeah! Damn him and those restrictions he put in place on the ability of US citizens to visit or send money to their family members in countries like Cuba . . . oh wait, that wasn't him. But that doesn't matter because Cuba is a bunch of freakin' communists, not like those people in China.

Then there was the direct violations of FISA laws and illegal wiretaps .. . oh wait, that wasn't him either.

Then there were those 232 presidential signing statements which said that the President could interpret the law any way he wanted, regardless of the letter and intent of the law . . . oh wait, that wasn't this President either.

Then there was that special session of Congress and a law signed regarding a single individual in a single state who was already braindead and the President flew back from his home in Ill . . oh wait, Texas, to sign a law to keep her "alive".

Yeah, that Obama sure is a threat to the rights of citizens.
Wow it only took 62 posts to blame Bush. Take your partisan hackery back to the soap box.
Saw that coming from a mile away. Remember kids, you can't mention the current president without someone bringing up a comparison to another president. You couldn't do it during the election, and you still can't do it.
It doesn't take much to send the hyper-partisans running to their mommies, does it? :p

Don't always assume people fall into one camp just because they disagree with the other. Oh, wait.... that's exactly why we have our current president. Maybe you should assume that after all... so let me rephrase........ don't assume I fall into one camp just because I disagree with the other :p
You're asking too much from the political "can't walk and chew gum at the same time" crowd who inhale their news from the right/left blogosphere.
Donate now, for the price of a cup of coffee you can buy a single round of ammunition which will be used to mercifully kill a starving child in Africa.

Starvation is a world wide problem that affects all living things. Thining the population by hunting down the strongest and killing them isn't the answer. If you enjoy killing stuff, that's your business, but the idea you're doing some social service in the process is ridiculous.

It's not a social service to hunt an animal. Hunting them keeps the population in check so there are less of them so they don't have a starvation problem. It also helps in areas to protect people, as people are killed every year in automobile accidents with deer.

The fear of guns is a fear of ones own lack of maturity with guns. You don't truely fear what others will do with them, you fear what YOU would do with them.
It's not a social service to hunt an animal. Hunting them keeps the population in check so there are less of them so they don't have a starvation problem. It also helps in areas to protect people, as people are killed every year in automobile accidents with deer.

The fear of guns is a fear of ones own lack of maturity with guns. You don't truely fear what others will do with them, you fear what YOU would do with them.

I'ts irrational anyway. There are two ways to operate a gun. Safely, and endangering others. If you assume another person is stupid enough or irresponsible enough to operate a gun in a way that endangers others, then that person is just as much of a threat when they drive a card, pickup a steak knife, operate machinery, etc... If you want to go somewhere that you sacrifice your freedom to be safe from potential idiots having dangerous things, move to Britain and stay indoors.
I wonder what kind of permit he would need in order to mount a mini gun on his wheel chair....