Major NVIDIA announcement monday @ 9am PST

In other breaking news, it is rumored Nvidia will announce on March 26th that every Fermi-based GPU will be bundled a copy of Duke Nukem Forever.
Sounds like TSMC (the company making Nvidia's GPUs) still hasn't got the kinks worked out with 40nm. Remember that machine they were running miscalibrated (spitting out bad wafers) for months without anyone noticing? Yeah...

Part of the problem is Nvidia for making such a massive die, but TSMC is as much to blame for the delay as anyone.
Geez guys, don't get your panties in a bunch, its just a graphics card...not like your GF gave you the clap or something.

Bet if you searched the forums you'd find the exact same pissiness directed towards ATi after the release of the 8800 chips by NV in '06 and into '07...and all the crap dumped on ATI for not having a suitable competitor ready as quickly as we wanted...and how ATI was going right down the poop chute!! NV has them buried! THEY'LL NEVER RECOVER.


WTF! I was seriously looking forward to this announcement. They're going about this thing the wrong way.
So, an announcement that there will be an announcement. LMFAO

This also means Fermi will only be announced and demo'ed on March 26th, but actual retail availability will be later, probably mid-late April.

That Special Dedication is kind of cool actually, nice to see a company would do that for a fan/moderator. I wonder if he died from waiting for Fermi... Sorry, too soon? :eek:
So, an announcement that there will be an announcement. LMFAO

This also means Fermi will only be announced and demo'ed on March 26th, but actual retail availability will be later, probably mid-late April.

That Special Dedication is kind of cool actually, nice to see a company would do that for a fan/moderator. I wonder if he died from waiting for Fermi... Sorry, too soon? :eek:
I am working on the case mods at this moment ;) Chris was only 27 when he died. Really sad.
I think they wanted to build excitment for having the Fermi debut at a Geforce LAN. PAX East just made sense at the venue since it is huge and has a nice LAN party with the main event.
I am working on the case mods at this moment ;) Chris was only 27 when he died. Really sad.

Yea, didn't mean to come of trite (although he probably would have lol'ed at that comment...) He actually helped me with a SLI-mobo issue a while back that had stumped me. Nice guy.
Yea, didn't mean to come of trite (although he probably would have lol'ed at that comment...) He actually helped me with a SLI-mobo issue a while back that had stumped me. Nice guy.

comment not taken that way. Chris had a great sense of humor, Heck is probably laughing at the great LAN party in the next life at how everyone is getting their panties in a twist over this launch.
I think that by the time we actually see Fermi, we're going to be so sick of hearing about it we won't care.
Sounds like TSMC (the company making Nvidia's GPUs) still hasn't got the kinks worked out with 40nm. Remember that machine they were running miscalibrated (spitting out bad wafers) for months without anyone noticing? Yeah...

Part of the problem is Nvidia for making such a massive die, but TSMC is as much to blame for the delay as anyone.

May not have helped on Fermi, but it probably kicked ATI's Cypress chip's already acceptable (reported) 60% yields (AMD had already designed in fixes to TSMC's variable channel length and via problems) into the 90th percentile.

The whole re-calibration cycle was probably undertaken by TSMC because it assured Nvidia it could make Fermi manufactuarable at good yields, essentially fixing the channel length/base layer problem that surfaced with the initial risk chip run (and thus keeping Nvidia from going with a base-layer respin, which it would avoid if at all possible, knowing Cypress would launch on time), and which, while it jammed AMD's card availability in the short run, assured it would make out like a bandit in the long run.
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I enjoy building systems, and enjoy getting new hardware, but the fact is that Fermi isn't even remotely "necessary" right now, so it doesn't even matter.

Sure, it would be "nice" to have a single GPU from Nvidia that matches the 5870, but even though I considered moving to the 5870, I have to be honest and say that I'm running a GTX 280 @ 1920x1200 res widescreen and there isn't a single game I cant max and still have smooth performance.

Sure, I could do with a few more FPS here-and-there at times, but the GTX 280 is still a beast of a GPU, so even though I'd like to move to the next-gen already with Nvidia, if they're going to mess around, the hell with 'em. I think we can all afford to just wait and see right now, what happens with all of this.

Only "downside" for me, is that I've been with Nvidia for some years now, and planned on moving up to a 30" display, so was hoping Fermi would be out and solid by the time that time came. So, guess I'll be waiting on the display upgrade for now.

I'd considered moving to a 5870, but due to issues that revolve both around some hardware compatibilities with ATi's latest and some driver issues, I'd be seriously pissed to drop $1k+ on a 30" monitor (they're friggin' expensive), plus $400 for a 5870, just to end up with GPU problems. So, I'll wait and see what happens.
I think that by the time we actually see Fermi, we're going to be so sick of hearing about it we won't care.

Until I see an official source with numbers showing the 480 being 20 to 30% faster then the 5870, I will not be as interested as I previously was.

We better get some [H]ard numbers on the 480 soon. Cause if the statements of guru 3d are correct, I may be best served adding a second 5870 then switching back to Nvidia.
Does anyone have a link to some benchmarks with the engeneering samples of this card? I was just wondering because in this article on the guru ( it sounds like someone out there has a sample they are testing with.

No, nobody has any samples to review with yet. That's one of the things that frustrating both customers and reviewers. We'd like to be able to do benchmarks and determine how powerful Fermi will or will not be. Sadly, were given little if any information from nVidia and the only information we have comes from people like xman claiming to have an 'inside source' or journalists who are known for being rumor mongers but known for having some inside sources aka Charlie.

If Kyle for example got his hand on some cards and did got us some firm numbers, we could ignore the information provided by Charlie/xman/etc as we'd have some solid facts go on. Sadly, people like Kyle don't have cards yet. Many people were kind of hoping today's annoucement might be the unrevealing of benchmarks or a date that reviewers will get cards + nda lifted or pricing information or something. In reality, we don't know the price, we don't how many shaders, we don't know the final clock speeds and we don't know the final price points, we don't know the speed of the card when tessolating when shaders are in use for other tasks, etc. So basically, we know nothing and nVidia isn't helping improve that situation one bit.
Does anyone have a link to some benchmarks with the engeneering samples of this card? I was just wondering because in this article on the guru ( it sounds like someone out there has a sample they are testing with.

The author of that article represents a perfect portrayal of hypocrisy and bad writing. First, he bashes Charlie, saying that he is basically an inaccurate dumabass. Then he goes on to use information and ideas in his article that were either originally from Charlie, or elaborated by Charlie. Sorry, but Guru3D just failed at trying to take away some spotlight from SemiAccurate.
I like the irony of the "hypemachine fail" comments.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
benchmarks with the engeneering samples of this card?

Well I understood that the carboard fan on the card flexed to much so they had to scrap any testing.

They don't really call this anything other than a waste of time....Announcement ??????
Keep watching the skies

keeps saying we don't have @#$%^ but don't run out and buy a card. Wait for another 6 months we might have something...honest....wait we will announce an announcement it that time about what we might announce then. If not just keep waiting and telling yourself its going to be great. ROFL
I so wins the internet ;P

Your cookie is in the mail. ;)

I'm on a 920/5870 right now w/3 screens in eyefinity, playing my games at max settings. If Nvidia can top that, I'll will fork over whatever they're asking.
really I don't think they have anything. Just blowing smoke until they do so the fan boys can keep them up and keep those prices going and going.
AND DONT BUY ATI we have something better.

Honest we used thicker cardboard in the new improved model.
The author of that article represents a perfect portrayal of hypocrisy and bad writing. First, he bashes Charlie, saying that he is basically an inaccurate dumabass. Then he goes on to use information and ideas in his article that were either originally from Charlie, or elaborated by Charlie. Sorry, but Guru3D just failed at trying to take away some spotlight from SemiAccurate.

It's pretty funny that you think that when it is well known that one of Charlie's "sources" is the Beyond3d forum. Charlie just saves us the time of following the rumors over there.
Fermi is going to have and integrated 56k modem and water bong cooling?
I hope no one is "sitting" on nVidia stocks right now hoping they will recover.

I just wanted to announce to everyone here that I'll be making a really big announcement on the 30th of this month.
Nvidia - We don't have to get ready, as consumers, we are always ready *for a product*. We will never be ready for news about news about a product that may or may not be any good.
This is reminiscent of the announcement in January that amounted to... not a damn thing. It's a shame they didn't issue a flyer for everyone to post on their website about this event. Perhaps I've jumped ahead and shouldn't expect that until next week. So far it is shown that Kyle has been the optimistic one with an April date.

<cues a swipe at TWIMTBP>
So they are gonna make the official announcement to when the fermi is gonna launch ? @ pex :confused:
This news reminded me of...


Damn image tags not working. :rolleyes:
I get shades of pre-PS3 hype and PR from them, with JHH in the role of Ken Kutaragi :(

Please be more than just a big PR event with demo-stations running shelf-ready consumer Fermi, please oh please..

e: Sadly it is logical and linguistically (hard to find the right word) reasonable to say you're launching something on the Nth and it's a complete presentation of it complete with store-dates, but let's hope for the best
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More bullshit PR of "Something great is on the horizon!"

...only the horizon gets pushed back further and further.

Maybe nVidia will actually have a full honest demonstration of Fermi's capabilities against the competition. One could hope...
I don't give a crap if its good, just give me ATI some competition so they aren't charging more than MSRP.
So they are gonna make the official announcement to when the fermi is gonna launch ? @ pex :confused:

Nope. Just unveiling the card, no launch date.

They still are trying to increase yield and performance. I'm sure the info Charlie received on Fermi, Nvidia is still working to improve upon. There's no way Nvidia could release the version Charlie talked about. Late April to May at best to see this on store shelves and then in very limited quantities.