Mac convert needs help going back.


Apr 22, 2005
Awhile back I went thru a change and completely just gave up gaming and pretty much anything PC related. I went out got a Powerbook and was happy, at least I thought I was. But now I really miss gaming and other things. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy using my Mac but lately I'm really starting to miss the other side.

I've been reading thru the posts and searching I just would like some help or any advice on building a pretty decent gaming system. I set my budget at around 500-600 (not much but all I can swing right now, plus thats the keyword now I will be getting this in 1-2 weeks). I already have a case and psu, I just need alittle advice on the processor, motherboard, memory and graphics card. After being on the Mac side for awhile I'm kinda clueless on all these new cpu's and graphic cards, and really dont want to get something that's not going to perform for what I want it to. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Your current PSU is probably not good enough, but let us know what it is so we can tell you for sure.
Since no one else has thrown any suggestions up yet, I'll take a stab @ it. I'm guessing you want to stick with AMD, and the current socket 939 chips seem to be the most future proof if you dont want to upgrade anytime soon.

For starters, check out the 3000+ Venice core or the 3200+ Venice core cpus. These are the 2 hottest cpus out for the money at the moment. Overclocks from 400-1000mhz are not unheard of.

Ram, there are many choices out there, but I'll suggest the CORSAIR XMS 1GB (2 x 512MB) since I'm using it, and it OC's quite well.

Motherboards, if you're going for the max, hardcore OC, than the DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 SLI-DR is a great choice. I currently have an ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe that is working nicely for me. If you MUST keep your current agp video card , then consider NForce 3 / agp versions of those mobos.
Another thing to consider is, from what I understand, the DFI boards absolutely REQUIRE a 24 pin ATX power plug. The asus a8n board has a 24 pin plug, but I'm currently using only a 20 pin....i just got the adapter, but havent put it in yet.

Video card, the nforce 4 mobos listed above use the pci-e slot, so your 9700pro isn't going to work. But a Geforce 6600GT 128MB that is sli supported can be had for cheap.

Lastly, if your power supply is less than 350W, I would suggest getting a 450+ watt PS w/24pin plug.

If you don't need a new hard-drive, optical drive, mouse/kb, etc.....the above can all be had for just under $600 (minus PS) and you'll have a great system that will last you a long time, without spendind a ton of cash.

Also, check out the $500 hardocp upgrade that was posted back in April.
Yes I'm looking to stick with AMD, at the moment I'm not looking to overclock. The psu is a Antec TruePower 550w, I figure it should be good enough for today. Shouldn't it? No I'm not considering sticking with the agp card, I know the 9700pro isn't going to cut it anymore. I completely forgot to figure in the HD any recommendations (will have to go overbudget for that). The optical drive, mouse/kb I can figure out on my own.
Thanks again for the info and any more. I know you all must see these same topics everyday, so I apologize for vomiting up another one.
It's not good enough if it's a 20-pin (TruePower and not TruePower II) and you go for a 24-pin board.
dandragonrage said:
It's not good enough if it's a 20-pin (TruePower and not TruePower II) and you go for a 24-pin board.

That depends. Its not good enough for the dfi boards, but 20pin works just fine on the asus a8n.