
Apr 5, 2008
Hey guys... I just bought a pair of these to replace my old TN monitors. I lurk on this forum so I guess it's time to give back. Just picked this babies up from Fry's for 259.99 each.
  • The stand that the monitor comes with is garbage.
  • VESA mounts work fine. The monitors come with stuff to take care of the uneven surface.
  • The monitor is light!!! If you can't tell, I'm using a clamp mount on a glass table.
  • The clear plastic bezel thing is ugly IMO. I'm thinking about dismantling the monitor and removing it.

Front View:

Angled View:

Back View:

Thanks for posting about this one. Looks like you can actually order it from frys.com now too.
Bwahahah... GG on your timing OP, this went on sale at Fry's for $209 as of Yesterday (Sunday) and the price is good until Thursday.
Hi all,

Just got back from Best Buy where I purchased a single one of these. This is my first IPS Monitor (I have a large screen IPS TV)...

Here are my first 30 minute impressions;

1) Slight backlight bleed on lower left of screen, shouldn't be a huge issue since the task bar covers it up. But if watching a movie or playing a game, it would be noticed. That is the only place I see any problems.

2) No dead pixels.

3) If glancing at the lower left of the screen while my head is close to the monitor on the right side, things turn red. I understand this is part of the IPS limitations.

4) If transitioning from sitting in my chair to looking down on the monitor, there is a slight darkness band which goes through the screen. The viewing angle is not what I anticipating coming from a TN panel, I thought IPS is supposed to fix that, but it's still better than a TN, but not perfect.

5) AG is sort of annoying. It's not much different than a TN panel to be honest. I can see the "dirtyness" but not anymore or less than any other TN I've used.

6) Out of the box calibration is just horrible. At the user RGB levels of 50, the thing is WAY too red. I had to put it down closer to 32, and then it looked purple. I just used eye calibration with a TN panel next to it to atleast get the colors close...

7) It is 6 bit with AFC as you can see the dithering and the shifting when looking close.

8) Black levels and/or contrast ratio actually are pretty solid. Better than I expected.

9) On a black screen, I'm not sure if its uniformity or what, but colors change a bit when you move your head, it gains colors from black and makes things almost a slight bluish. But I assume this is just again IPS.

10) Things are different from a TN. It could be the colors, it could be contrast radio, but it's almost like I'm wearing glasses for the first time, where my eyes aren't "adjusted"... Maybe it's my brain so used to the crappy TN and viewing angles that it's expecting the screen to shift colors, etc, and it's not, so my brain isn't able to comprehend... Again, maybe this is part of the AG coating. Not sure what it is.

Overall, for $230 at BB, I'm happy with the monitor and I am not going to return it. Could it be better? Yes. Could it be worse? Absolutely. I think it's better than my previous TN's, but how does it compare to a $500 IPS? This thing may be junk. Not sure. :)
For $209, should I get this over Dell's U2311h?

Dell U2311h = 23"WS LG.Display e-IPS (LM230WF2) 8ms G2G
LG = 23"WS LG.Display e-IPS (LM230WF3) 6ms G2G

Everything I see says the LG is 6 bit, and the Dell is 8-bit

Watching dithering is just as bad as poor viewing angles....would not bother with a 6 bit IPS.
Yeah the only difference seems to be the backlighting. And I can't say I really notice dithering on my LG IPS226 (I do notice the harsh AG coating though), while I hated it on all TN panels I've seen before. Must be high quality dithering or something.
Hardly any dithering on this monitor. I've looked at smooth gradients from LCD test sites and I can't see any dithering. It is better than the Samsung PX2370. What I don't like is the AG coating; I use it at work, I don't want to see it at home. Thought I could live with it, but just can't. Its going back.

Its back to the old Acer 26in. Size trumps all with good image quality to boot.

Edit: after spending a bit more time with this monitor and adjusting it to my preference, I think I'll keep it. :)
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Yeah I have to admit the coating is pretty bad (it bothers me the most when watching blu rays, it's VERY noticeable when there's some fog/smoke/cloud). When reading I can see it but it doesn't make the text 'hard' to read for me. It's not pretty but it doesn't hurt me either. In games it's invisible for the most part.

It's a real shame too, seeing how the gradients are perfectly smooth and the colours actually decent by simply lowering the brightness to 40, blue to 41 and green to 42.
I wonder if Scoobydo wasn't noticing the AG rather than the dithering tbh.
I got this on the Fry's sale mentioned above. I needed a gaming monitor for the XBox and PC and my old Dell 2001fp only has one digital input. I've got 3 other IPS panels (the aforementioned Dell, a Doublesight 263n with polarizer, and a refurbished HP LP2065) and a HP ZR24w that I use at work, so I've got a little experience with IPS panels :)

The good:

-The LED backlight is nice in that when the monitor comes on, it comes on at full brightness. No real warm up period like you see with CFL backlights.

-Contrast is pretty good and it calibrates fairly well with a hardware calibration tool.

-Darks and whites aren't muddled or blown out once calibrated by eye. Was able to get a good range through the Lagom site.

-I haven't noticed any particular lag when gaming. Seems to work well with the XBox and PC.

The Bad:

-The stand sucks. No other way to put it :)

-The default gamma profiles are off. At 2.2 the range doesn't match up. You can see it on the Lagom site with the bright gamma sitting at 2.1 or so while the others are OK. It works out with calibration, but that will only apply to Windows and not to a game machine. It's not too bad, but it's there.

-Text took a bit getting used to. I can't put my finger on why. I don't think it's the anti-glare coating because it's far far milder than my HP and I don't have issues reading text there. It might be an IPS white glow issue or something. At any rate, now that I'm used to it, it doesn't bother me.

-Colors can sometimes seem a bit harsh. This may be related to the text issue above and if this is a 6-bit color panel, as indicated by the other posters, than that would explain it. I haven't noticed any flickering like I do on 6-bit TN panels, though.

-As noted by others, viewing angles aren't what you would expect from IPS. Colors stay good, but contrast and brightness suffer a little.

-The mounting seems to put some pressure on the corners. The lower right corner on mine has a bit of a change in brightness. If you tweak the case, you can minimize it a little, but I suspect I'd have to break it open to fix it.


For a cheap IPS gaming monitor, it's not bad. If you want to do professional work on it, I'd go with a more expensive monitor unless you've already got a hardware calibration device. Even then, I'm not sure if I'd use it for professional work.
Bwahahah... GG on your timing OP, this went on sale at Fry's for $209 as of Yesterday (Sunday) and the price is good until Thursday.

And in a rare moment of self ownage, I am about to spend the same amount of money the OP did because at the time it was on sale I couldn't afford it... so... :p

Even at street price it doesn't seem like you can do much better for the money. I mean I could get a 25" TN panel for a couple inches more screen size... but my god I hate TN panels...
Aren't these the former LG IPS Series 6 that were announced last year and demo'd at this year's CES? If so, I was torn between waiting for them to release and going with the U2311H, but that was back in February. There was no release date on these, so I went with the U2311H, and I'm quite happy with that decision. Nice to finally hear some consumer feedback. I will be keeping my eye on these.
what is the BEST

U2311H or IPS236V ?
i ask about image quality and text reading.
u2311h and ips236v use the same panel (it's an lg panel). The difference is backlight (CCFL vs. LED), ergonomics and settings menus.
just picked up one of these displays at best buy this evening. i was expecting to have to calibrate it, however, all i ended up doing was setting the mode to sRGB and everything looks pretty damn good to me.

i ran through the lagom test screens and every single test looked spot on. is this normal? or am i simply not enough of a videophile to warrant especially fine tweaking?

when using the sRGB mode a lot of settings are grayed out. for example, contrast is locked at 70. black level is locked at low. none of the color settings are accessible.

should i just leave it be? or am i missing out on the full potential of the display by not switching over to "User" mode (where all settings are customizable) and going to town?
just picked up one of these displays at best buy this evening. i was expecting to have to calibrate it, however, all i ended up doing was setting the mode to sRGB and everything looks pretty damn good to me.

i ran through the lagom test screens and every single test looked spot on. is this normal? or am i simply not enough of a videophile to warrant especially fine tweaking?

when using the sRGB mode a lot of settings are grayed out. for example, contrast is locked at 70. black level is locked at low. none of the color settings are accessible.

should i just leave it be? or am i missing out on the full potential of the display by not switching over to "User" mode (where all settings are customizable) and going to town?

Mine was ok out of the box. Reduced the blue and green to 41, the brightness to 40 and it looks perfect to me. User mode with default settings = sRGB so you can just tweak from there if you wish.

Alot of settings are grayed out when using DVI instead of HDMI btw, not sure why.
i guess since i'm happy with the overall picture, i'm just going to leave well enough alone.

i guess my only two cons about this monitor are:

1.) the stand SUCKS! as others have said, it's just a cheap hunk of junk. i need to get a VESA mount pronto.

2.) the lower bezel feels and looks cheap. the stupid silver plastic that sort of "swoops" around the power light is ugly and tacky.
This monitors have hard to read text, WHY ?
i have many difficoult for read ! RIDICOLOUS !

THere's another IPS monitor good for text reading ?
text looks absolutely fine on my monitor. could you please provide a screenshot so we can see what you're talking about?

my guess is it's a settings/calibration issue.
So I picked up one of these at Fry's this weekend and just got it setup.

1. Any worries about response time or lag should be put to rest, despite the stuff a certain someone is spouting about this panel and it's use in lower response time units (like the IPS231P). Whatever overdrive/rtc algorithm they are using in the electronics that are driving the panel in the IPS236V-PN are doing a stellar job. Gaming seems like an absolute treat sofar - zero ghosting that I can see. Input lag is also quite low (did my old school high shutter speed side-by-side text next to an old CRT)

2. Black levels on this thing are quite impressive as well as the overall contrast. It's an absolute treat ESPECIALLY when in game or when watching HD video content. WOW!

3. Calibration seems to be spot-on out of the box. There is room for a bit of tweaking but not much... I'd say this guy has the best 'Out of box experience' by far when it comes to color calibration.

Now for the bad stuff:

1. OMG it's so small! Granted I am coming from using a 42" 1080P HDTV for the last 3 years for my home rig. But my god text sure is small... this is going to take some getting used to.

2. There doesn't seem to be any direct way to adjust the backlight levels on this thing.

3. The screen itself heats up a fair bit more than I would have expected it to with it having the LED backlight.

4. The touch sensitive buttons are a real pain in the ass to use. In fact trying to use them in a dark room is damned near impossible. I wish LCD makers would get over this fad already. Give me tactile buttons I can feel around for and push!

5. THE STAND SUCKS ASS. Has been said many times already...
I purchased one from bestbuy on Friday,

PROS: wow, 1st IPS panel, always had TN, I have it next to an LG L227WTF-pf, the color difference is remarkable. Whites actually look white, and blacks are super deep.

CONS: My particular monitor has AWFUL backlight bleeding on the top right side, I have seen other people saying that the cabinet might be too tight so I gave the top right corner a squeeze, and sure enough, while squeezing it, the problem goes away, as soon as I let go, it returns, also found 1 red stuck pixel.

Bottom line, definitely going to bestbuy to exchange it for another IPS236V, the colors are too nice.

Also, the anti glare coating is noticeable, but only at close distance, I find when I lean back in my chair all is well :)
some further comments after having a few days to play with the panel.

1.) i totally agree with blue falcon about the touch controls. i absolutely hate having to get up to turn on a room light just to see what button i'm pushing. i love my illuminated keyboard. if LG had to use these touch buttons, the least they could have done is have the buttons light up based on the ambient surroundings. much easier solution: stick to tactile buttons!

2.) gaming is fantastic! i've been replaying the singleplayer campaign of bfbc2 and it feels like a brand new game. granted, i was coming from a ridiculously old 17" dell that was 4:3 and maxed out at 1280x1024.

3.) movies are also fantastic! 1080p blu-rays are gorgeous and even a lot of 720p/1080i tv rips look pretty slick. i have a 50" panasonic g20 plasma in the living room, and while this monitor can't touch that beast, it's still a damn good alternative when i just feel like watching a quick show and don't mind the smaller screen size.

4.) AG coating doesn't bother me at all. i'm in a dimly lit room a majority of the time, however, so my opinion is a bit skewed from the norm.

5.) the biggest thing that throws me off about this panel is that i'm not sure if there's a whole lot of customization available. it feels like you can't tweak a whole lot and get into heavy calibration. that isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. i love the fact that it looks sweet straight out of the box.
I relly dont now, what is the whole IPS(eco) hype.
Have seen IPS226V in use, and blacks are purple......
Good to know that those are quick enough for gaming. But what with luminocity ??
I've almost got w2220p, but after a reading that on 0 brigthness still does 140.......Canceled my order and went cheap way getting samsung B2230H and I'm more than happy.

Second thing, DONT understand CRYING over backlight bleeding !!!
For the love of god, its not we buy few thousands dollars screens.
Its normall for these technological proces. Acepted or get CRT screen.

ONLY plus for IPS is full color pallete -- 8 bit. But as I found out these are 6bit + AFR-C
I relly dont now, what is the whole IPS(eco) hype.
Have seen IPS226V in use, and blacks are purple......
Good to know that those are quick enough for gaming. But what with luminocity ??
I've almost got w2220p, but after a reading that on 0 brigthness still does 140.......Canceled my order and went cheap way getting samsung B2230H and I'm more than happy.

Second thing, DONT understand CRYING over backlight bleeding !!!
For the love of god, its not we buy few thousands dollars screens.
Its normall for these technological proces. Acepted or get CRT screen.

ONLY plus for IPS is full color pallete -- 8 bit. But as I found out these are 6bit + AFR-C

Blacks are purple if you're not in front of it or if it has severe blacklight bleed like I got in one corner. Otherwise they look rather black with the brightness set to 40% (only downside is that the whites aren't as white as with 100% brightness, rather yellowish, but meh)

I can't stand the difference in brightness between the top and the bottom of the monitor on TN panels and the IPS fixes that very well. Uniformity is great unless displaying a black screen where the bleed is really noticeable.
I'm rather dissapointed in the reviews here though... Been cycling desperately for about 2 weeks now and I realy REALY want to buy a big monitor but I can't find one that isn't crap and doesn't cost twice what it is worth.

It's like the flatscreen market is ruled by thieves and robbers :'(
Second thing, DONT understand CRYING over backlight bleeding !!!
For the love of god, its not we buy few thousands dollars screens.
Its normall for these technological proces. Acepted or get CRT screen.

Not all displays have backlight bleeding. My three NEC IPS displays have no backlight bleed. I owned a LG MVA display with no backlight bleed and two other NEC panels with no backlight bleed. It has alot to do with the build quality of the unit and the quality control processes at the manufacturing level.
Good to know that those are quick enough for gaming. But what with luminocity ??
I've almost got w2220p, but after a reading that on 0 brigthness still does 140.......Canceled my order and went cheap way getting samsung B2230H and I'm more than happy.

Not sure what you've read, but when I calibrated mine with an Eye-One, 20% was 100 cd/m2. Strangely enough, this is the first monitor I've had above 10%. Most are set to 0 and need to be calibrated lower.
are those ergotrons? if so, how are they? 1 LX or 2 mx? theyre rather expensive so im a bit reluctant on buying them
Hi people, I'm looking for a new monitor as well.

Had the Samsung PX2370 until yesterday. Brought it back cause I was not 100% happy.
First of all small text appeared to be blurry compared to my old Compaq 1706.
Second complaint, the screen was too bright for my sensitive eyes, even when set to 0% brightness.
Compared to my Compaq, which ist set to 30%, the Samsung set to 0% appeared still far brighter.

Looking at the LG IPS236V, I feel like getting this one.
Can anyone tell me about the text quality? Especially with very small text like on YouTube for example.
The other thing important to me ist the brightness. Can this be set down at all, to be really low?


Test is going to be worse on these because they use the aggressive anti glare coating. The PX2370 used the Medium AG coating while C-PVA panels use the lightest

Did you change the sharpness on the PX2370? Minimum luminance on the PX2370 I tested was about 75cdm/2, if you want something with really low brightness you should get something like the Samsung F2380, minimum luminance is 22cdm/2, screens really don't get any darker than this.

Once PRAD.de's LG review shows up I'll post the minimum luminance (or any other review) if you can wait.
Did you change the sharpness on the PX2370? [...]

  • Tried to re-calibrate ClearType, but it didn't help.
  • Checking with Lagom's website didn't help.
  • Changing settings for brightness, contrast, sharpness, gamma, MagicAngle und MagicColor didn't help.
  • Then I called Samsung's hotline and someone advised me to exchange the DVI cable and to see whether changing MagicBright settings would help. Both negative.
Just ordered the LG IPS236V today.
Will report back, as soon as I have received and tested it.

Apparently there is a 21.5 inch version existing as well ► the IPS226V.
Doesn't seem to be available at many stores in my area. Would have loved to get both.
Would expect the smaller size (dot pitch = 0.248 mm) to be a little sharper compared to the 23 inch one (dot pitch = 0.265 mm).
Text will be even blurrier/grainer on this, pixel pitch is the same (236V vs PX2370) and the minimum luminance will most likely be around 100cdm/2 (just like the U2311H) vs 75cdm/2 on the PX2370...
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