Legend of Grimrock 2 Announced


[H]F Junkie
Jul 26, 2005
Secondly, and this is a biggie (probably more to ourselves than you!), we are now officially working on… Legend of Grimrock 2! Creating a mere DLC or expansion to Grimrock simply would not have felt right. As today’s meeting proved, we still have a lot of ideas we’d like to explore, lots and lots of new content already done (originally made for a DLC/expansion) and a big engine update in the works. Simply put, a DLC would have limited too much what we can do. With a full blown sequel we can raise Grimrock to the next level.

Cool. Their toolset for the first has made some pretty interesting player made maps. A few of the outdoor tilesets look really nice.
Awesome. I actually haven't finished the first one yet, but it's still one of my favorites of the last two years. Which is strange since I'm young enough to never have played a dungeon crawler before, besides just watching my brothers play Stonekeep and crapping my pants whenever I heard those little goblins walking in the distance
Awesome. I actually haven't finished the first one yet, but it's still one of my favorites of the last two years. Which is strange since I'm young enough to never have played a dungeon crawler before, besides just watching my brothers play Stonekeep and crapping my pants whenever I heard those little goblins walking in the distance

Try Chaos Strikes Back. It's obviously old, but runs well in DOSBox and is abandonware.
I wish I could complete the first game on easy. I get 1/3rd of the way through & get killed by uber-shrooms...
I wish I could complete the first game on easy. I get 1/3rd of the way through & get killed by uber-shrooms...

Dodge specced rogues make for good tanks...

I noticed in this game you can mess up a character build easily if you try to "jack of all trades" at all. Some skills are more useful than others. My most survivable character ended up being a dodge rogue with good resists. Always the last to die.
Ooooooooh yeeeeeeah! :)

This game is (the now WAY too overused term) old school.

Old school games were a lot less forgiving than today. Mess up a character, you pay for it and try everything you can to work around the problem. I can appreciate that though.
Dodge specced rogues make for good tanks...

I noticed in this game you can mess up a character build easily if you try to "jack of all trades" at all. Some skills are more useful than others. My most survivable character ended up being a dodge rogue with good resists. Always the last to die.

I'll try that next time I play. Have you gone with all 4 as rogues? What's the best setup & what builds are best for each class?
I'll try that next time I play. Have you gone with all 4 as rogues? What's the best setup & what builds are best for each class?

I always have a mage with me, but 4 rogues would likely work very well. For build advice, you may want to hit up their forums. I've only dabbled a bit with a few parties.
I bought this game and it's sitting in my steam backlog. Worth it to fire it up? I love unforgiving RPGs, but I never got into the first-person dungeon crawlers as a kid.
jGN{F Ubpdko

played the shit out of the first one, wonder if combat will be exploitable as before, they could counter that shit with ya know, actually making it so you fight more than 1 monster
jGN{F Ubpdko

played the shit out of the first one, wonder if combat will be exploitable as before, they could counter that shit with ya know, actually making it so you fight more than 1 monster

Well, it is a DM clone. I'd like it if they put more variation into the combat techniques, but I spent most of the time in DM dancing around as well.
Well, it is a DM clone. I'd like it if they put more variation into the combat techniques, but I spent most of the time in DM dancing around as well.

maybe they should try putting monsters above you in mixed level designs where you can actually see between both levels, like archers on balcony's
maybe they should try putting monsters above you in mixed level designs where you can actually see between both levels, like archers on balcony's

Sure, xyz axis fights would be nice. Though, I honestly think a Wizardry TB clone would have had more staying power. Fewer first day sales, though.
This is excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed the first one and played through using an unarmed build; it was pretty awesome. I can't wait to see how they flesh the system out more.
Awesome. I actually haven't finished the first one yet, but it's still one of my favorites of the last two years. Which is strange since I'm young enough to never have played a dungeon crawler before, besides just watching my brothers play Stonekeep and crapping my pants whenever I heard those little goblins walking in the distance
The first Grimrock is close to perfect as far as being a DM/EotB clone.. I'm not sure I want them to re-imagine it too much.. I mean, it's hard to improve on something so good without retooling it to the point where it's ruined.
The first Grimrock is close to perfect as far as being a DM/EotB clone.. I'm not sure I want them to re-imagine it too much.. I mean, it's hard to improve on something so good without retooling it to the point where it's ruined.

More puzzle mechanics and more interaction with certain environmental variables would be nice.
I cannot remember but being able to attack from the back row would be nice or swap rows in combat.
I cannot remember but being able to attack from the back row would be nice or swap rows in combat.
You can attack from the back row with the polearm and with throwing daggers, neither of which did I find magical versions in the game. Switching rows would be helpful if someone is dying.
I never did finish. I got stuck somewhere and died often, so I shelved it for a while, then something else came out or I started something else and I never returned. Happens a lot to me.
They have a good price on GR I & II bundle if you haven't played the first. It's great!

Since these guys don't put the game on sale (maybe 1 time in 2 years), I will be pre-ordering today since the discount will actually mean something long-term.
Yeah! Got the invite, first game was great, looking forward to this! :)
The biggest problem I have with these games is that after an extended amount of play I start to walk around in the real world in a grid-fashion and get some stares from people.